Light Unto the Nations Prayer

Sarah Yehudit Schneider

Nishmat Womens Group 7-14-21

Picking Up the Rear - A Holy and Necessary Avoda



Weigh the scale toward achishena
Another way of understanding the mass of zechuyos
Why has all this not managed to actuate redemption?
Leshem Elyashiv
Enmeshment every level
Students / clients; Peer / friends
Being a mashpia
Israel is enmeshed
Draw down more light
Geula now!
Exert ourselves to earn the light

If we notice that things are going slow
It’s likely we haven’t prepared our spiritual dependence
Continuous hishtalshalus
Breech everything would cease to exist
If your spiritual dependence was in constriction
Go down and fall down
This androgynous Adam
Gan Eden
The hidden truth for all time
There was then
Only one Adam

Every human being is one cell
We can’t see the forest for the trees
Creation is a higher Adam
Called the Shechinah
The core is the mystical body of Israel
Knesset Yisroel
An entangled network of soul threads
And weeds them to a hole
15 trillion cells in a human body
Every other nation is the body of Adam
Mutually dependent
Although Israel received the Torah's revelation
The rest of the world was not
When the curtains’ part
We know beyond knowing
Hashem Echad
Ayn od milvado
That experience
If integrated
Turn us into a Tzadik
So why doesn’t it happen
Out body was not there
Stuck in pleasure and katnut
Body stuck
The moment passes with a memory
This was the problem of Sinai
Israel collective Adam received the Torah
Since enmeshed in the world
It can only rise if the world rises too
Sinai till Moshiach
Israel simulates Torah into its being
The ethical monotheism
Enlighten the world
Soul Israel
Body nations
Threatens to do the same
We can’t just
Walk into the nation
Not through altruism
Jewish nation and non-Jewish nations:
We are enmeshed with theirs
We cannot make our aliya
Until they are behind us
How do we become memlechet kohanim?
Whether we or they like it or not
It’s between Jews and non-Jews
Torah light spreads from us to our non-Jewish neighbors
If this is not be relevant to us individually
Another way... Through prayer
*We and the nations are on the same team!!!*
*Their success is important*
Instill your awe on ALL your creations
Let them all unify into a single unit
With a whole heart
Not coerced
BAAL SHEM TOV: You are what you Hate: a spiritual approach of enemies
Enemies anyone that disturbs your peace
Beloved enemies
And mortal enemies
The work is to pray for both
Praying for the nations is praying for our enemies
Pray for their teshuva and spiritual awakening the 5th bracha
Do teshuva
Include our enemy
Komarna Rebbi says
If the enemy has redeemable parts
This prayer will empower that good
If it’s in the category of Amalek
and they have no capacity for teshuva
This prayer will accelerate their demise
Practice with a personal and national prayer
If we want to take the next step up
The lower level must fill it up
The nations have to fill the space we are vacating
Then the gates are closed above us
We need to pull them up
Nomi: The sheker is greater than ever before!
Rabbi Ginsburg very active is teaching non-Jews 7 mitzvos bnei Noah
There are parameters of when can be taught
Makif first
A collective Adam
The last image is the heels of Moshiach
Face to face
Eikvi Moshiach
All the tikkunim that weren’t completed
Contained impulses
Didn’t convert to good
These are the dregs in the heels
The farthest something from the crown
The last frontier
Enlighten the heels
The dregs
That didn’t get transmuted in the generations before
We are stuck in part of our cheilik
Eschafia is containment or impression
Pushing the impulse out and not allowing it to manifest
Losing a certain resource
Had we been more evolved
We could have used it for more growth 






Tehillim 27 Elul Meditation


Tisha B’Av: Greatness Brings Geula