Talk To Hashem Hitbodidut Experience:
A Post-YomTov Day of Connection & Rejuvenation!
TAKING HISBODEDUS TO THE NEXT LEVEL: Live Hisbodedus Experiential Workshop & Meditation
with Rochel Leah Weiman
27 Tishrei 5785 / Oct. 29, 2024
L’ilui nishmat Nachman Doniel ben Aryeh Tzvi z”l, Rena Hagbi’s nephew, who was one of the 45 Kedoshim of Meron
May it be Hashem's will that he brings home safely all the hostages, protect our chayalim / soldiers currently on the battlefield fighting for us at this moment and to bring home all those displaced people in the North of Israel. May H’ protect all of Am Yisrael!
What you will experience in this workshop:
• Explore the sources of Hisbodedus from the Torah, Rabbi Nachman, Rav Chaim Vital, the Piaseczner Rebbe, etc.
• How to calm your mind & neshama as preparation for Hisbodedus.
• Learn essential skills to achieve DEVEIKUS (connection) & HISHTAVUS (equanimity) for your Hisbodedus practice.
• How to develop a unstructured 2- way dialogue in our Hisbodedus and to open yourself up to hitchadshut, התחדשות (newness)… for powerful and profound breakthroughs ... and much more!
Join us at the
שער לנשמה / SHAAR L’NESHAMA
School of Inner Torah & Jewish Meditation for Women
will begin NOV 2024/ TISHREI 5785 Be”H
Some samples from the Hisbodedus Presentation: