Rosh Chodesh Kislev

It was a beautiful sooting healing event. The world needs more of this!! Thank you to Rochel Leah Weiman from Israel for putting this together with the other leaders: Shelly Michal Dembe from Colombus, OH, Rachel Leah Ismaili from Passaic and Rachy Friedlander from Lakewood. Thank you for coming together to create this space of Kedusha, holiness, understanding, healing, expansion and connection.
The Kislev event was absolutely amazing! It was uplifting, inspiring , spiritual fun, relaxed,enjoyable and truly Heartwarming! During the Soulstir with Michal, I have never been able to walk in to the middle of a circle and Just dance freely ..But this dance class did it for me ! Thank you for coming to Jackson NJ ! Please come back!
Thank you Rochel leah for a most meaningful day. It was truly what my soul was craving for. I felt rejuvenated spiritually and enjoyed being with wonderful soul sisters. This day checked off ALL boxes for me: self care, spiritual uplift soul sister connection and emotional recharge
The Rosh Chodesh Kislev Event that took place in Lakewood this year was a sparkling event! It illuminated the neshamas of all the women that attended. We were invited to go deep into our soul with a soothing eclectic, elevating, touching, personal revealing mediation by Rochel Leah Weiman… into our heart, gathering all the different fragments and pieces of our soul, and recombining them for an expession and experience of our selves anew… deepened expanded, alive, and feeling. The invitation felt soft and gentle and soothing.
We had embodiment with Michal Dembe’s Soulstir and with Rachel Leah Ismaeli’s exhuberant dynamic dancing. We brought it all together with movement. We did somatic exercises elevating our soul and consciousness. by moving through the process of letting go what isnt us anymore… and understanding introspecting and learning about all the levels of our soul. We deepened our understanding of Kislev, when we stare at the neros of Chanuka, how the ner corresponds to the layers of our soul and we became aware. At the climax when we were at the space of simcha, there was a burst of pure joy, love, connection, hope, love, dveikus… of saying YES to my ruchnius. Yes to my soul. Yes to elevation and yechida.
From that place of elevated space and awareness we davened together, we put our hearts and minds together for Knesset Yisrael and for the individual, the prat and the klal. We spoke it out. and we said Let it be So! and we capitalized on this growth and pinnacle in the heart of our event.
Rachy Friedlander spoke about our nervous system and how to speak to ourselves in places of wounding. How to be gentle with ourselves and how to recalibrate, no matter what we are experiencing.
–Rachel Leah
Right away I felt the caress of Hashem. Sometime if feels rough in life, but at the same time Hashem is still caressing you.
– Chaya
It felt so right. It felt so natural. This is the first time I did anything like this, but this is what we should be doing for each other.
– Sarala
This is what I’ve been waiting for… the sisterhood, the healing hands, and joining together. It was such a real and beautiful experience
– Sarah
When I was looking into her eyes and connecting to her heart… I was able to see her full light!
– Bracha