Rabbi Yehuda Lev Ashlag writes in his Intro to the Zohar:
“We are actually extremely good and supremely high beings, to the extent that there is no limit to our importance. We are entirely fitting creations for the Craftsman who made us.”
Artist Avraham Lowenthal
Av 23 5783 / Aug 10, 2023
Based on “A Tapestry to the Soul”
& suggestions of inner work
by Yedidah Cohen
This statement is of heart stopping wonder
It may feel so different with our upbringing
And Our experience
And our feelings of shame and guilt
And self worth
That so often come upon us
Lets take some time now to give this attention to this
And to focus
In order to connect to
Our shechina within
And create a transformation
Borei haolam
Master of the universe
Ata bratani
You created me
Ata michayech oti
You are constantly giving me life
Ata somach rak elecha lvadcha
I connect only to you
Who have created me perfectly
My body is a perfect kli (vessel)
created with everything I need
To fulfill my shelichus (mission) in this lifetime
All the nisayanot (tests) I am facing
Give me the opportunity to deepen my emuna
And Your Presence will be revealed
You are behind everything that is happening
And your light was there in everything that happened.
And breath it into your being…
Breath…. In for 4 hold for 4 out for 4 hold for 4
Climb the ladder up the worlds
From asiya lower hey lower feminine,
yetzira vav,
bria upper hey higher feminine,
atzilus yud, to the tip of the yud
Feel the bright white light
Emanating from the points of your crown
Emunah, oneg, ratzon
Emanating from the Creator
Connect to His ratzon
Feel the Dveikus with Him
Netivot shalom says on parashat Re-eh:
The bracha is dveikus with hashem
The klala is when we are disconnected
Feel the bracha
Be in the bracha
Shining and entering
into the crown of your head
your keter
put your awareness on your face
it was created perfectly
I am a perfect vessel
Created for the purpose of my tikkun
To be a shaliach to give nachas ruach to hashem in the world
I release my love for myself
And transform it to the love for the Creator who created me
in His image
feel it melt the lines in your forehead / Metzach,
feel it smooth and relax and straighten
bring your awareness to your eyes
re’eh, may I see the inner workings of your creation
may I see the messages shlichut You are constantly sending me
my eyes are created perfectly
I am a bracha
there is no limit to my importance.
I am an entirely fitting creation for the Craftsman who made me.”
Bring your attention to your ears
my ears are created perfectly
I am a bracha
Bring your attention to your Nose nostrils, arich anpin, patience
You were there in my shortness of breath
Kotzer ruach
Through every breath you are constantly creating me
feel the light and calmness move down
into chochma bina daat
release the tension in your shoulders the upper hey
chesed right arm
feel the light tingling with energy at the tips of your fingers
gevura left arm
all created perfectly
as a perfect vessel to receive your light
cach v cach step by step as you reveal it to me
focus your attention to your upper torso
my breasts
were created
and constantly are being created
perfectly as a vessel to give and receive
place your hand on your heart
my heart was created perfectly
there is no deformity
just clippos
which need to be removed
sometimes surgically
sometime virtually
you created my heart perfectly
and all the other hearts of neshamas perfectly
because You are the master Craftsperson
I am a piece of cloth in the hand of the tailor
In the process of creation
I have not yet reached my completion
I know the Creator has an ultimate purpose.
He created and planned my body with all its positive and negative tendencies.
From a perfect worker
An imperfect or defective work can never issue
I testify to the quality of my Maker
The melech hamelachim HKB”H
Stamped me the the imprint Adam Harishon
Half female and half male
The other neshamas in my life
Who work to fulfull their own inner consciousness and potential
hiskashrus & hiskallulus: I am connecting with others in my life in this light
Bring awareness to this Torah learning
And the mitzvot with full consciousness
Hashem created Adam with the full Name of Hashem,
Adam implies the perfection of everything
And the inclusivity of everything.
It is for my sake that the world was created.
I am individually unique
Every person I meet
Every situation I come into
Or up against
Has been created specifically for me.
Remember an uncomfortable encounter
Shine light one it
From the perspective that it was created
Uniquely specifically for me.
Feel the preciousness of your life
Feel the incredible vastness of your physical and spiritual existence.
My life stems from the Creator who made me
My life
As a creation of the Perfect Craftsman
Testifies to my self worth
The Borei haOlam is a perfect Creator
He knows all my middos
All my tendencies
All my inclinations
All my urges,
Yearnings, taiva and gaiva…
He planted them all within me
And all their consequenses
I am extremely good
I am a supremely high being
To the extent that
There is no limit
To my importance
I am an entirely fitting creation
For the Borei Haolam / the Craftsman who made me
we are perfect creations
please hashem fill us with this heart-stopping wonder
thank you for creating my heart perfectly
knowing that you are the perfect creator who made me perfectly
fill me with a sense of gratitude
self acceptance
self worth
self awareness
allow this awareness to bring us to humble service
to the King of Kings
this deep trust knowing that you are the master Craftsman
the Borei haOlam
we have been woven
from the inside of the womb
and being now woven
day by day
the tapestry of our neshama
our journey
that can be so painful
like the weaver
who is seen a mis woven fabric
no it couldn’t mean that you wove it that way
help us look from a broader expansive perspective
you are the master craftsman
you know the result
may we see your finger
forgive us for not seeing You in the situation
you created every detail of our actions, speech and thought perfectly
you created the consequences
you know the result yet we don’t see it
Scan your body
From the top of your head
Your face is perfect
Your torso is perfectly designed
My lower torso
My productive organs my yesod is perfect
Feet are perfectly created
My mouth, the words are perfect
My breath is from you
You chose my neshamas to guide nurture and reveal You
Thank you for the zechus to reveal You
To the neshamas in our lives
Thank you for the zechus
To guide us
Your Torah HaKedusha to guide us
The Tzadikim
Thank you for the otzar matnas chinam
May you fill our hearts with happiness
Baruch sheamar
Blessed are you
Baruch gozer umekayem
You sustain and hold us in whatever you decree
I feel your love and embrace
Baruch gozer umekayem.