9 AM - 10:30 PM

Musical Hallel with Tzfat women
the Sephardic Arizal Shul  
HaAri St 100, Safed

Rabbanit Devorah Benyaimin
10:00 am The Secret Yichud of the NER: Meditation / Hitbonenut with Rabbanit Devorah Benyamin

11.00 Preparing the Heart for the Hallel of Rosh Chodesh Tevet '׳הטוב כי לא כלו with Rabbanit Devorah Benyamin

Rabbanit Elisheva Mirvis & Tzfat Women
11:15 Musical Tefillat HALLEL in honor of Chanukah & Rosh Chodesh Tevet with

 Sheva Chaya
Learn, Contemplate, Experience, Create; Reveal your Inner Light & Shine it out 

 Rochel Leah Weiman
Ohr HaGanuz Flame Meditation  

 Yonit Batya Niemotko
Eating Meditation & Breath-Embodiment in Divine Flow

 Aviva Spiegel
The Human Menora: Igniting our Joyful Soul Lights with Movement, Voice & Rhythm Circle 


Foundational Healing (Yonit Batya) Whatsapp: +972 0556899448
Email: Rachel Leah Weiman: kavconnect@gmail.com
Sheva Chaya Whatsapp 0587301074


FULL RETREAT 600 ILS - Full day 9am - 10:30pm
Includes Hallel, all Workshops, Dinner, snacks & drinks (bring your own lunch or see registration form to order lunch)

#RevivalTzfat✨Integrate & shine out to the world the light, healing and wisdom of Tzfat.

Whatsapp +1917-376-5029



    Renowned glass blower and painter Sheva Chaya enlivens her beautiful and popular gallery in Tzfat’s Artist Quarter, where she shares her story, artistic process, and unique insights with thousands of visitors from around the world each year.

    After receiving her degree in Visual arts and Art History from Princeton University in 1997, Sheva Chaya made Aliyah to Tzfat, Israel, where the land, the people, and the rich tradition of spiritual teachings infused  a greater depth to her work. Sheva Chaya works in the medium of borosilicate glass and watercolor paint. Her art touches the themes of the Land of Israel, Jewish women, Torah and Kaballah, great mystics, and inner light. She leads various workshops and retreats, and teaches both painting and glassblowing.

  • YONIT BATYA NIEMOTKO (Dr. Joanne Wolf)

    Is a Doctor of Physical Therapy with a background in kinesiology, combining over 350 hours of advanced education and diverse manual therapy techniques to offer a holistic approach to wellness. Yonit Batya bridges western medicine with more alternative treatments such as energy work, Myofasical Release, Craniosacral Therapy, meditations and mindful nutrition/eating practices. She treats a wide range of conditions while collaborating with various wellness professionals to enhance patient care and encourages a balanced, self-empowered preventative approach to spiritual and physical health. Yonit Batya also leads workshops for groups on how to release tension in the body, brining it spirituality and breath-work; she is also a Doula, specializes in pelvic health, loves dancing/movement and is always looking to collaborate with other healing practitioners to bring women in Tzfat and the world together towards a higher collective consciousness.


    Rachel Leah Weiman is the Director of KavConnect Events Intl., kavconnect.com, supporting women to discover their own unique gifts by learning Pnimius Torah combined with experiential practice, with a focus on the Torah from Eretz Yisrael since 2014. Through retreats, shabbatons, workshops and seminars, she facilitates group bonding and authentic connection. ie emunah mission, Purim High Council, Kislev Event., Women Torah & Art 

    She is the director of Director, Shaar L'Neshama School of Inner Torah & Jewish Meditation for Women www.kavconnect.com/shaarlneshamaschool. Rochel Leah is the Director of the Maim Haim Healing Center Retreats for Women in Tzfat. ww.kavconnect.com/maimhaim.
    She was the Director of the Elevation Project’s Teacher Training for Jewish Meditation from 2018-2023.

    She can be reached at kavconnect@gmail.com


    CEO - Tambourine Dream

    Producer of this festival and many other events and celebrations for women. She developed and coaches women and girls in the "Makom B'Maagal" method, which facilitates harmonious and joyful creative expression circles using movement, rhythm, and voice. Aviva is passionate about connecting women together so that we can help each other to move deeper into connection with ourselves, each other, and haKadosh Baruch Hu.​

#RevivalTzfat MISSION

Bringing together communities, specifically Hebrew-speaking and English-speaking communities in Tzfat, through meaningful and inspiring events and workshops. Workshops will be experiences of connection, creativity, healing, learning, singing, movement, dance, breathwork, celebration of the times, and more.  Find presence.  Find inspiration and expression.  Integrate and shine out to the world the light, healing and wisdom of Tzfat.  

*All of our efforts are for the zchut / merit of Am Yisrael, our soldiers, the return of our hostages, and the complete success of Am Yisrael to serve it’s purpose in the world, to bring H’s light.