Workshop Exploring the Sources of the
Etz Chaim: Sha'ar LEAH V'RACHEL
Unlocking the Portals to Geula Consciousness by Rectifying the Masculine / Feminine relationship from their Pristine Source
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or contact nsgaula@gmail.com for payment info.
A deep feminine shift Is taking place
both globally
and in our internal world
How do we stay present / in Daas in this shift?
How are you internalizing the shift?
How are you applying it to your own life?
How are you reflecting the shift
Physically / Emotionally / Spiritually
In your relationships with others?
Thank you so much for confidently embracing your gift of being a deeply compassionate facilitator in bringing high abstract concepts into personal vessels.
– Adina
The class with Nechama Sarah and Rachel Leah opened up new worlds of perception to my tikkune, through the guided group mediation I was able to ask questions to myself on a soul level and receive deep insights & clarity into challenges I have been working on overcoming. The experience was filled with blessings that continue to unfold after the workshop was over.
– Avigail