נר ה נשמת אדם חופש כל חדרי בטן | משלי כ:כז
PIC: Rabbanit Devora Benyamin
Tap into the Abundance of the 13 Middos during the Time of Candlelighting
BY RABBI YITZCHOK PERLSTEIN (Transcribed from audio shiur)
Kedushas Levi says that during Chanuka that there’s an unbelievable shefa mitoch the 13 middos of rachamim which comes down into this world.
During the darkest times...there’s always light. H’ loves us even though we may not understand it or see it. We want to believe it. And rely on Him that He is going to give us light and take us out of our tzoros.
During the time we light is the shefa mitoch the 13 middos of rachamim..
The 2 first brachos have 13 words
It is m’ramez the 13 middos that are here during the time of lighting.
Mispalel lshefa ad bli dai. Whatever you need - ruchnios & gashmius - is a time to ask. The gates of rachamim are open bshaas hadlaka. We have to know how to ask…
Say Tehillim קיב Before the Brachos
Chabad.org tehillim
How do we tap into this? This is the segula.
The Kidushei HaRim says that in kapital קיב in tehillim it says everything that is dear that a person wants IS in this tefilla.
Posuk ז / 7
He will not fear bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord. ז-מִשְּׁמוּעָ֣ הרָ֖עָ הלֹ֣א יִירָ֑א נָ֘כ֥וֹן לִ֜בּ֗וֹ בָּטֻ֥חַ בַּֽיהֹוָֽה
Pasuk 8 / ח
His heart is steadfast, he will not fear until he sees in his adversaries. ח-סָמ֣וּךְ לִ֖בּוֹ לֹ֣א יִירָ֑א עַ֖ד אֲשֶׁר ־יִרְאֶ֣ה בְצָרָֽיו
The entire family or individually have this kavana during the time of lighting before you say the brachos:
-I want to be mekayaim the mitzvah of Chanuka.
-I want to tap in to the י״ג Middos shel Rachamim that are here right now.
- Say Kapital קיב -
“nachon libo” נָ֘כ֥וֹן לִ֜בּ֗וֹ: I am relying on H’.
“somech libo” סָמ֣וּךְ לִ֖בּוֹ: I am connecting to Him NOW
- Say the brachos (the first 2 brachos having 13 letters meramez the י״ג middos.
In the darkest times...
Now it’s “nachon libo” you are relying on H’. “Somech libo” you are connecting to Him NOW - to the shefa. The י״ג מידות הרכמים are open and you have the opportunity to ask. Connecting now to the shefa. To the Shaare י״גmiddos shel Rachamim. Saying קיב with kavana.
May we be zoche to shefa, bracha, hatzlacha, simchas ha chayim, yishuv Hadaas no matter what matzav you’re in. H’ loves us. We should be zoche to all the Bracha this Yom tov brings. We should be able to tap into all the 13 Middos of Rachamim.
Rav Avitan
After lighting Chanukah candles, the house is filled with holiness and angels (malachim).
Segula for protection from the Baal Shem Tov
[After lighting the Chanuka lights say
the last verse of tehillim 90:17 [Ramban]
”May the graciousness of H’ our G-d be upon us.” 7xfollowed by tehillim 91 - 7x
Chabad.org tehillim
Followed by the set of Tehillim suggested by many Tsaddikim and Mekoubalim, to be read in the given order. Reading these chapters of Tehillim promises to open gates to great things.
Tehillim chapters 30, 19, 67 (best to read in the shape of the menorah), 121, 100, 33 and 150 followed by Ana Bekoach (all 7 verses).
Once you’ve read the Tehillim and Ana Bekoach, start praying and asking for all your wishes and needs in your own language and words.
Rabbi Nachman of Breslov says that Chanukah candle lighting gives a person the merit to find his/her zivoug (match). Ner Hashem, Nishmat adam – Through the candle/light of Hashem, one can find the other half of their soul. Or, if one is already married, then one can acquire shalom bayit (peace in the couple).
Refua (healing)
The Rav Hakadosh of Lublin says that the root of all our holidays comes from Chanukah. In the shemonei esrei (Amida), the 8th prayer is the prayer of Refua/healing. Chanukah is 8 days long and so it is said to similarly be the holiday of healing. The Rav Hakadosh of Kuidanov says that in the 8th prayer in Amida we say Melech Rofe Ne’eman (The loyal king of healing) which has the same numerical value as LeHadlik ner Chanukah (to light the candle of Chanukah).
Chanukah is a time of abundance. On Chanukah we have the possibility of acquiring the blessing of parnassa with abundance.
For those who suffer from fear and anxiety
The Ohev Israel of Apta used to tell those who suffered from anxiety and fears to look at the Chanukiah while it is lit for 10 straight minutes without interruption and without speaking to anyone. He would tell people to sit in front of the candles and absorb the holiness of the candles. Before the 10 minutes begin, one should ask Hashem that in the merit of the holiness of the candles, he/she should be blessed that his/her soul should be lit up so he/she can rejoice and be blessed with a healthy and happy soul. It is a time to pray for good mental health.
To have children
The benei Yisaschar says that he most auspicious time for one to ask for children is at Rosh Hashana seeing as Rachel, Sarah and Chana were all blessed with children on Rosh Hashana. However, Chanukah is the continuation of Rosh Hashana. The numerical value of Matityahu (the name of the person who merited the miracle of Chanukah) is the same as Rosh Hashana.
The Maggid of Goznitch says that all the sins committed using one’s eyes are erased and replaced with a big light by looking at the Chanukah candles.
We are given the possibility of acquiring an abundance of blessings on Chanukah.
We are about to embark into 8 very holy days during which we can bring upon ourselves miracles and wonders.
This short summary is only scratching the surface. The Tsaddikim and Mekoubalim who brought down these segulot promise that we will merit to see miracles and wonders during these holy days of Chanukah. These segulot have the ability to light up our lives and bring down big miracles.