Parashat Eikev
Meditation & Dvar Torah


Seeing with the Eyes of our Mind בעיני הדעת

FEAR is the Same Letters as SEEING
יראה אתיות ראי״ה


Mediation based on Parsha Meditations by Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum


FEAR is the same letters as SEEING
יראה אתיות ראי״ה

What does Hashem ask from you… but only to FEAR Him.
 ליראש את הי
Based on the Netivot Shalom zt:l

What does Hashem ask from you… but only to FEAR Him.
Chazal says in Brachos 33: Is it such a small thing / milta zutra? This conversation is about Klal Yisrael. Regarding the satement that YIRA / FEAR is NOT a minor feat to achieve, Why are we now speaking about Moshe Rabbeinu?

Why regarding Moshe Rabbeinu, is it assumed that YIEA is a milta zutra / minor thing? In the sifrei kedusha, the holy books, YIRA / FEAR יראה IS THE SAME OTIOT / LETTERS AS REIYA/ SEEING ראי״ה.

The Mida of fear is dependent on the measure of the extent that a Jew sees IN THE EYES OF HIS DAAS / בעיני הדעת שלו.

Because when a Jewish person sees deeply (ie understands) the presence of Hashem, the more his / her YIRAT HASHEM grows.

As the Zohar states, the main idea of YIRA is fear of his master, becaus He is mighty and all powerful. The principle and the root שרש of all the worlds.

When someone sees with the EYES OF HIS MIND בעיני הדעת , that He is great and controls everything. and the root of the worlds, immediately he will achieve YIRA.

And now its going to be a simple thing for him דבר פשוטץ

Rav Abraham Malach זי״ע was a rav of a city. The people of the city turned to Rav Nachum MiChernoble זי״ע and said, “We cannot see the face of their rav because he’s wrapped in his tallis. He gave them advice to invite him to be a sandek at a bris, and then he will have to remove his talis. They all assembled and everyone in the city came to see his face. Immediately when they heard he was coming, FEAR פחד fell upon them and they all fled. They hardly got a minyan for the bris.

Rav Nachum was the mohel. And when he stood opposite him and the Rav revealed his face, the KNIFE FELL FROM THE GREAT FEAR that fell on him. Afterwards, Rav Avraham HaMalach asked him, “From where did such a YIRAT shamayim came upon them. Hashem is so great. Where is the fear of HIM?”

Thants what is says when one sees Hashem HaGadol VNorah! How great and mighty he is. How is it possiblel NOT TO FEAR HIM?

This is the reason why it was so easy for Moshe to have YIRA MILTA ZUTRA HI, it was a small thing for him to have FEAR. Beause he was of the highest Medrega of Seeing ראיה . As it is written
He looked at the temunat / picture of Hashem. By means of SEEING he achieved FEAR Yira.

This is relevant to us, to Klal Yisrael because those who “Go in the ways of Moshe, bMidat Shiflus מדת השיפלותץ This Level that the Torah testifies that Moshe Rabbeinu was “the humblest עניו of all people on the face of the earth.” and this means of this midat HaShiflut, the character trait of lowliness. This is relevant to everyone to achieve this state of SEEING.

The Rav MiKojnitz זי״ע said because H’ is most high רם he sees those who are low… LOWLY IN THEIR OWN EYES.

When a person is low in his/her own eyes, she is zohe of seeing how great and high is Hashem. If you don’t mashpil / lower yourself, then you can’t see Hashem’s greatness. If one is ‘gevoha HaLev’, haughty, he is far brom this “knowing” and recognizing Hashem and not in the Bechina / state of REIYA, SEEING.

MOSHE was Anav / humble and he was zoche to this high madreaga of ראיה , deeply seeing Hashem with his Daas, the Daas of the greatness of the Creator and from this we come to fear HIM and then for YOU, the YIRA will be Milta Zutra, a small thing.


-When someone criticizes you ie. How dare he/she say that to me or about me?

-Someone didn’t invite me, or didn’t call me or doesn’t care about me…

-How does it make you feel? What is the core mida of this feeling? Do you feel your ego? Where do you feel it in your body? Are you insulted? What are your thoughts, speech and action as a result of that interaction with the other person?What would be an elevated response based on this teaching? SHIFLUT

What is more important… what the person thinks about me or what does Hashem think about me? Make up your mind. Can you say ‘Thank you Hashem. This is from YOU and you decided to do this to help me get to the next level of tikkun / spiritual maturity?”

Recalibrate, with clarity and Yishuv Hadaas.

1.⁠ ⁠HAKCHNAA/ SHIFLUT , CONNECT with this midda of Moshe Rabbeinu

2.⁠ ⁠⁠SEPARATE / HAVDALA from negative thinking, and then

3.⁠ ⁠RE-CONNECT / HAMTAKA to positive thinking…

What does Hashem ask from you, but only to FEAR HIM.

What does Hashem ask from you, but only to FEAR HIM.


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