Kislev Meditation



Kislev - Bringing in the Light Meditation: I am Created Perfectly

This meditation is dedicated to the refua sheleima of
Naomi bas Elana Shira, Maayan bas Devorah Hadassa, & Michal Leiba bas Rivka Devorah

As we stand here IN the light of Kislev
Lets imagine ourselves actually IN THE LIGHT

How are we going to prepare ourselves for chanukah?
With the power of newness, renewal  hitchadshut
Which began on rosh chodesh kislev…
we are now increasing the light in the world
And In our hearts

Lets take the opportunity
The gift of his time
To connect with each other

We don’t want the light to stay in FRONT of us
We want it to stay INSIDE of us

For this moment to become a rishimu
AN imprint of the full meaning the full spectrum
All the hues
Of light, love and connection

Connect with the awareness
that we are all
ONE Neshama

Take a moment to breath into this new reality
Of this moment
As we become lighter…
Breath from your
Belly, to your lungs to your chest
Slowly inhale
And slowly exhale the reverse
Chest, lungs belly

coming closer to your truth
Come to Complete

consciously connect
to the Klal neshama

From this vortex of kedusha
From wherever you are in the world..
May we be zoche to generate
A hisarusa dletata
An awakening from below of
Light, love, achdus and simcha

With hitkashrut vhitkallelut
We consciously
Are connecting our souls / neshamas
על כל חלקי העם שלנו
to all parts of our people
and all the parts of my self
my body
my middot, my sefirot

beginning to feel and connect
to the surrounding light, the Ohr makif
available to you in this moment
in your makom
in your space

and allow it to enter into your keter
imagine a golden light resting there
and imagine the 4 letter name of Hashem
hovering over your crown
imagine each letter
glowing in golden light.

Rabbi Yehuda Lev Ashlag writes “We are actually extremely good and supremely high beings, to the extent that there is no limit to our importance. We are entirely fitting creations for the Craftsman who made us.”

It may feel so different than  our upbringing
and experience
And our feelings of shame and guilt
And self worth

we will to focus  on these qualities of our being
In order to connect to 
Our shechina within
And create a transformation

Borei haolam
Master of the univers
Ata bratani
You created me
Ata somach rak elecha lvadcha
I connect only to you
Who have created me perfectly
My body is a perfect kli to created with everything I need
To fulfill my shelichus in this lifetime
All the nisayanot i am facing
Give me the opportunity to deepen my emUNA
And Your Pressence will be revealed
You are behind everything that is happening

And your light was there in everything that happened. 

Feel the bracha
Be in the bracha 
Shining and entering 
into the crown of your head 
your keter
put your awareness on your face
it was created perfectly
I am a perfect vessel 
Created for the purpose of my tikkun
To be a shaliach to give nachas ruach to hashem in the world

I release my love for myself
And transform it to the love for the Creator who created me 
in His image

feel it melt the lines in your forehead
Metzach, feel it smooth and relax and straighten

bring your awareness to your eyes
re’eh, may I see the inner workings of your creation
may I see the messages shlichut You are constantly sending me 
my eyes are created perfectly
I am a bracha

there is no limit to my importance. 
I am an entirely fitting creation for the Craftsman who made me.”

Bring your attention to your ears
my ears are created perfectly
I am a bracha

Bring your attention to your Nose nostrils, arich anpin, patience
You were there in my shortness of breath
Kotzer ruach
Through every breath you are constantly creating me

feel the light and calmness move down
into chochma bina daat 
release the tension in your shoulders the upper hey
chesed right arm
feel the light tingling with energy at the tips of your fingers
 gevura left arm
all created perfectly
as a perfect vessel to receive your light
cach v cach step by step as you reveal it to me

bring your attention to tiferet, your heart center
Allow your hand to rest on your heart

my heart was created perfectly
there is no deformity
just clippos
which need to be removed
sometimes surgically 
sometime virtually
you created my heart perfectly
and all the other hearts of neshamas perfectly
because You are the master Craftsperson

with a renewed sense of this Avoda / work
we are doing
We will continue to rise our higher selves

כמה יקרה היא ההתעוררות מלמטה
How precious is the awakening from below!

דלתתא התעוררות
an awakening from below

Creating an intention
To be channel to bring light into the world
Yearn for it
Choose it and believe it
Specifically in the NOW in this time and this place

Let us create this ratzon lkabel al manat lhashpia
As rav Ashlag teaches, this is the goal of our existence
To receive in order to give
“for the will to receive is the vessel
for the measure of delight / oneg
that is to be had in the abundance

For, according to the size and urgency
of the will to receive the abundant light,
so corresponds the measure of delight and pleasure
to be had in the abundance and bracha –
no less and no more.
They are so intimately connected together.

Hashem has chosen us to be the creators
-of our higher selves
To rise above our nature
In dance and sing in higher consciousness
To bring down the light
At this moment

Its about shifting all aspects of your creational being
We are each a portion of Tzelem elokim
We each have an individual expression of
Shaim Havaya yud key and vav key
YOU are an expression of the divine presence
The shechina
in the world

Through this consciousness
your very being
is bringing divine presence in the world
kedusha in the world
kedusha is presence / focus

we are shifting these
divine energies

 simcha / shefa שאיפה       inhale
 tension, stress, fearנשיפה       exhale

We need to be willing
to confront the depths of our darkness.
It’s a Milchamat haYetzer
A war of our inclination

(as Rabbi Labinsky teaches)
We are being called to be
Warriors not worriers

We have to get our selves out of captivity
Our souls are in shiviya
And we are in this battle

Like the chayalim right now
The danger the soldiers are in is great
we all need siyata dshmaya

Just because this task seems so daunting
At times
It doesn’t mean we stop

We need to Know
Those things that will hault us

We need to be here for each other
To give chizuk
And receive chizul
to be mashpia
to be Mekabel
without shame
and without judgement

We have to be warriors in our vulnerability
To create this awakening from below
By creating this shift in consciousness
We are actually Increasing a collective MERIT FOR THE RABIM

In this process of expanded consciousness
Of embracing the pain / while bringing in simcha / light
Of holding space for paradox / soveil hafachim

I come together with others
To support and be supported
In a more elevated light
How do I let others into my  process?
With True ahavas chinam –
ask another person…
 have you dealt with this? This challenge I am dealing with…

the Baal shem tov said that we can flip anything
from the lowest darkest place
to the highest form
from ra, to tov, to tove meod to hakol tov!!
From ra resh ayin: disconnection
To ayn reish, ohr awakening

Use your power of speech to uplift others
Use your power of sight / vision
To see the higher Gdliness in others
And Identify with the inner godliness of others

Strengthen your inner ratzon to do this
Think of someone who you can do this with…

Speak to them
Soul to soul
Through  verbal
Or non verbal communication

With the intention of
Being a channel for light in the world

Shifting the energy
We sing
 a song about creating our selves
To be a Merkava of kedusha in the world…

Rav Kook writes about  שירה
He says that Song / Shira is the expression of
higher consciousness, coming out of the broad and deep contemplation of the Light
of the Most High
and the wonders of His works

The goal of man
is to return to SONG
By expressing gratitude
over creation

הריני מכוון לעשות את עצמי
Behold, I intend to make myself
 כסא ומרכבה לשכינה הקדושה.
“a throne and a vehicle for the holy, divine presence.”

the bal shem tov says
Illuminate the words of torah and tefilla
Make The words of your prayer illuminated

imagine every letter filled with the light
of olamos worlds, neshamas souls, elokus: divine light and energy

imagine the letters of your tefilla,
it could be your Hebrew name
over your head like a crown of gemstones
fill each letter- one at a time – with sparkling light
of whatever colors you would like
and allow
your entire body
Every cell
Fill with the light of your tefilla

go back in time
to that pure, imaginative place,
to the place of your inner child
where you so intuitively approached the world.
Reaching the pure place within your neshama
 yourself to reclaim your inner child.
That place of temimus

recall as a child
being drawn after something you suddenly important,
it could be a balloon or your favorite toy.

As we grow older and wiser,
we aspire to be drawn towards more meaningful and impactful things,
 in the case of this tefilla,
we wish to be become a stable, consistent
vessel  for the shechina
the divine presence and a
reliable kli for divine purpose

It’s with the simplicity
that we are drawn into the
state of our divine kedusha and purpose

Set your intention
For this month, as we get closer to Chanukah

Redemption / Geula means remembering

Exile / Golus means forgetting
Forgetfulness means disconnection
     from soul and source

Choose to align with the divinity of your Heart (center)
And now ...   remember
Who you are
I take back the light
remember what you need
in order to give

When I'm in the place of Memory
Its geula
It’s remembering who we are
Which is leading us out of constricted thinking
   / galus

Kislev is the month of visions
We are
elevating our vision

as we area approaching
that the days of Chanukah
that actually are end of our
Teshuvah process
which began on Rosh Hashana.
Where were you then?
Where are you now?

Things may seem dark-
Hashem created the darkness.
Behind all darkness is Hashem
who can light up the darkness.

He actually sent us the darkness
to teach us this principle.
The hidden light is within us,
and we are getting more and more
in touch with this light
and bringing it out.

lets create more space inside
Just notice your breath

 simcha / shefa שאיפה       inhale
 tension, stress, fearנשיפה       exhale

Now that we’ve made some space
We are going to make the space even wider…
Cause theres a lot of light here
In the world

Lets internalize this in a very profound way.
And to choose right now…
To notice one beautiful thing about your self
Not an achievement or accomplishment…
But rather something that SHINES about you
It can be a physical feature
An attribute of the heart
One shining light within our being

just be in awe of it.
Just to notice it.

When we notice the beautiful thing about our self
We have the ability to make this moment last forever.
So lets go there

 simcha / shefa שאיפה       inhale
 tension, stress, fearנשיפה       exhale

I would like to offer
That we invite the light of kislev
To serve as rachamim / compassion
A compassionate flame of love
Upon all the places in our being
In our collective being
Of Knesset yisrael
That are in such dire need
Of tasting compassion

 simcha / shefa שאיפה       inhale
 tension, stress, fearנשיפה       exhale

having rachamim  / compassion
and our sense of gratitude to ourselves
For choosing to spend this time
On focusing and making space for compassion

From this place
Of hirchavat hadaas
Expanded consciousness

 simcha / shefa שאיפה       inhale
 tension, stress, fearנשיפה       exhale

this is YOUR Mizmore lToda מזמור לתודה
your personal niggun

לאור ההודאה
for the light of acknowledgment / higher consciousness

 and praise

ומתוך כך להודות
And from that deep inner place
From the pure place of inner knowing

to agree to receive
To be Mekabel
to thank ourselves for being here this moment

from our present linear world.
to the circle world

and replace coercion power and competitiveness, chaos
with unconditional love, positive respect and
Non judgement

For Din / Judgment hides Hashems light
This is an opportunity to see
With clear vision
Compassion / rachamim
 as the glue of our relationships.
Working toward elevated relationships
based on
the higher versions of our selves
Beyond our story
our generational story

May the light of Kislev permeate your being
and May Hashem bring yeshua and refuah
to all of Klal yisrael.