How do we bring the light forward from the Chet?


Chet Meditation 23 Av 8-10-23
Rochel Leah Weiman


ח is the Gateway of Ratzo vShov

Based on a Meditation by Rabbi David Samson

Breath in and out
Begin to see a beautiful black letter ח
In the distance
We see the space between the left and right legs of the chet
Get closer to the chet
With every breath as we inhale we get closer
To the triangle of the chet
The right is a bit thicker than the left
They both form a roof
And in between theres a white space
It becomes transparent
Go through that transparent space within the triangle of the chet
And enter a new realm
And now we are able to ascend in this new space
Continue to ascend
With your breath
We are not afraid.
To enter the chet more

Engage with it
Breath into it

Chet is the gematria of 8
The light of the 8th level
imaging a number 8 turned on its side
Ayn sof

imagine the Ayn sof over your head
surrounded by a great white light
release any tension in your face

Bring the light down
and be aware of hovering near the right side of your head / Chochma
and then to the left side of your head / Bina
with the light of the higher feminine
Leah Imeinu
and then down to your neck area / Daas
release any tension in your neck
release any tension in your shoulders

Now Imagine the letter chet ח
imagine it coming down from keter and landing right in front of you
panim lpanim / face to face

breath for a few moments
zoom in on the chatuteret / the lump חֲטוֹטֶרֶת
In the middle of the top connecting line
of the chet ח (chet = sin)

the roof forms a triangle

Imagine yourself going through the triangle
on the upper part of the Chet
It may feel constricted and tight
like you have to squeeze through…
You have to go through the triangle of darkness
to discover the light

The feminine and masculine / zah and nuk
when they are back to back
it is necessary to metaken / rectify

Am Yisrael needs the triangle
Now in our times of the Final Tikkun

Use the light of Ema to metaken
This is First stage of rectification:
draw from the light of mother
They masculine and feminine can face each other
with vulnerability
Panim lpanim

Stay there  and breath for a few breaths
and come back
go back through the triangle
retain everything we experienced
we now have the light
we can return whenever we want to this rishimu


The ח is a “gateway of run and return”

Adapted from Rabbi Avraham Arieh Trugman

The חֲטוֹטֶרֶת
The lump of the Cheit

Is the "hovering" over created reality,
Hashem continues to sustain and nourish His Creation
Baruch gozer umekayem
while simultaneously allowing each creature /person / vessel,
the ability to grow and develop "independently”

The letter chet consists of a vav and a zion

It hints at the delicate balance
between the revelation of Hashem’s Presence to us: VAV of the chet
and the concealment of His creative power from His Creation: ZAYIN of the chet

This state of "hovering," "touching yet not touching,"
is the beginning of the phenomenon of "life to enliven."

"Touching yet not touching" from Above
thereafter reflects itself as "run and return"
ratzo v shov
in the inner pulsation of every living creature.

"And the living creatures [chayot] run and return
like the appearance of lightning."
Do not read chayot ("living creatures") but chayut, ("lifeforce").

The chatoteret,
that sublime thin line that connects the two components or motion of the "life to enliven,"
itself points upward.

It hints at "He who lives at the summit of the world,"
Hashem’s "Essential Life."

His Essence
paradoxically fills and sustains
all created reality
while simultaneously "hovering" high above the level of the "hovering" lifeforce itself,
unfathomable and beyond all human perception