Tomer Devorah - The Work - 13 Midot
The Avoda from Chapter 1 Sefer Tomer Devorah
with Devorah Hadassah Liebermann & Rochel Leah Weiman
Learning in the zchut of the Refua Sheleima of Maayan bat Devorah Hadassa
Blossoms sprouting its developing fruit / Porachat alta nitza
13 Middot Rachamim / Tikkun HaMiddot
Hashem brings upon us situations in order to do this avoda
revealing the intricate details of the Shechina
To bring rachamim into the world
We are needed
in this creational process…
Designed specifically to do this
Of revealing Hashem in the world
Therefore He draws down these situations
triggering / constricting / thought patterns
As OPPORTUNITIES for us to do The Work
Remember… When a situation arises
Requiring the use of one of these Midot
Remind yourself and say:
I am choosing to emulate
my Creator
To Know these Midot shel Rachmim Elyonot
(supernal attributes of mercy)
And their quality is just
as a I conduct myself in this world below
So I will be worthy of opening up the channel
of the same Supernal Midda Above
Exactly according to my conduct now
so will He bestow above / milmala
And He will cause this mida
to shine here in this world
For this reason
I will not divert my mind
from these 13 Middot.
Or allow these middot to depart from my mouth.
(They will always be in my consciousness)
I choose to remember…
when a situation arises
requiring the use of one of these middot.
I remind myself and say:
הֲרֵי דָּבָר זֶה
Behold, This action
which I am doing the tikkun for in this situation (describe) ______
(describe the situation / midda / emotion / feeling in your body; use all senses)
תָּלוּי בְּמִדָּה __________
Is contigent on this mida of _________.
אֵינִי רוֹצֶה לָזוּז מִמֶּנָּה
I will not budge from it,
(feel into it; put consciounsness on it)שֶׁלֹּא תִתְעַלֵּם וְתִסְתַּלֵּק
So that this (midda of Rachamim)
should not become concealed or disappear
הַמִּדָּה הַהִיא מִן הָעוֹלָם
This midda of _____ from the world
I set my intention
To not veer from this midda
And I will perpetuate and reveal this mida in the world
I am the link
In this relationship
I am setting this awareness
To reveal your attribute of rachamim
In the world
I am setting my kavana
Asking for divine assistance to do this
I cannot do this if it is not with your compassion
as I ratzo vshov
This is the ultimate goal…
To help each other do this
And shine the light
This Chanuka
And for the rest of the year
To reveal Hashems compassion
to become a bracha
That others SEE HASHEM
Through us…
By actually verbalizing this intention
i acknowledge my Mouth as malchut
It’s an opportunity for yichud
isaruta dltata / an arousal from below
I need to move this energy
with the intention of transforming it.
koach ha moshech
Drawing down
an isarusa dleila arousal from above (Zohar:Titzave)
You are shining this mochin dgadlus
expanded consciousness
As a free gift / matnas chinam
We are asking you to help us to shine
Your rachamim
That I am a kli / channel
To do this task of bringing chedva / joy into the world
With this avoda
We thank you in advance
for showering your compassion on us
So we can shine your light
To humbly help maintain
The existence of Your middot in this world
May we be zoche
To Mekabel the Ohr HaGanuz
To shine and maintain the 13 Middos of Rachamim
In the world
I put my ear on Maayans bedroom door
I wanted to hear her breathing
I was assured that she was breathing
And I thought
Thank you Hashem for the reminder
That you breath for her
And that you are breathing for me
And the limited time we have
To shine our light
To bring this attribute of rachamim into the world
During my brief sojourn here
Listen to The Work in Process…
1 Mi Keil Kamocha
I am humbles before You
I am made to emulate you in this mida
Mi Keil kamocha
I see in how many ways I fall in this
To do teshuva amiti asking
Tatty please show your compassion on me
That I imitate You with this midda
That I please not withhold my goodness
From the Mekabel
From the one to receive it
Who is like you
Mik keil kamocha
You have the power to take revenge
On my chait
But I return in teshuva
That I can be a vessel
To do this mitzva
Lsheim shamayim
We are created to do this
Mamash here
This generational repair
You are relying on me
To humbly walk with you
Please help me to come close to you with these middot rachamim
You can at any moment to cause my limbs to shrivel
You are enabling me to maybe make the wrong choices
But you are allowing me to grow
To allow me to fall and to make every mistake
Which is ultimately a set up for my great success
You are the most loving father
Help me to understand
Theres truly no mistake
Help me with my bechira to stand tall
To be embraced by you
Mi Keil kamocha
Help me with the awareness
That I can draw down you midda rachamim into this world