This night
We went to sleep
with solemn imprints
of Eicha in our hearts
We in Tzfat were awakened
at midnight precisely
Shook our
beds tonight lowered
in mourning
I thought: Its happening!
And waited
with a silent kol / voice
watching my loved one sleeping
peacefully not knowing
No siren.
A midnight Awakening
Rachel Imeinu crying for her children.
War & Moshiach


Batya Ruddell.

This night
How long will it be?
Endless as all nights
Since October 7th
In the dark
Shrouded in sadness.
Hashem,  please come home.

This night
Of aveillut
For what was
And the lack of it
An emptiness
We cannot truly feel.
Or maybe that's
What the hole is
Inside of us
The deep crater
That people try
To fill
With food
And fun.
Hashem,  we need You
To come home.

This night
I'm trying to connect
To an intangible something
That springs to life
When walking the cobbled stones
Of King Herod and Dovid HaMelech
Tracing my fingers
Across massive boulders
That once built
The Beit HaMikdash.
This year
I am not
Inhaling the history
Of the Kotel tunnels
Or giving my heart
At the
Kodesh HaKodeshim.
It is missing to me
A tiny taste of G.d's loss.
Hashem,  don't You want to come home?

This night
I read Eichah
And feel the fear
Of the Almighty's royal wrath
That with His breath
Left our Temple
Burned and bleeding.
What of your anger now?
Have we crossed the line
Is there no way back?
Could You
Would You
See us
For who we are
And not what we do.
Hashem,  lead us safely to Your home.

This night
We wait for war
And Moshiach
The two
Entwined together
In our destiny.
Rumors rumble
Of impending attacks
It seems our enemies
Are at the gate
But we are already here
At the entrance to Your palace.
Hashem, we want to come home! 

There is a non-fatigable eternal spirit that we carry for all generations, along with the Divine message of the value of life. – Nechama Sarah Burgeman


Meditation: Last moments of Tisha BAv 5784.
Becoming a Woman of Bitachon
לאישה של ביטחון
Rochel Leah Weiman

An earthquake at midnight
On Tisha BAv in Tzfat
shook the Land.

there was a
physical and spiritual
seismic Shift
Last night
before sleep

we were under the threat of an attack by
Iran and Hezbollah,

I intuitively reach for my techeilet blue
security blanket
And enwrap myself in its chesed
(lovingly knitted by my dear friend, Yehudit)

I draw the threads of chesed over me
”I submit” / hachnaa
to the night

I separate any fear, doubt
Or distracting thoughts
from dveikus

Malchut DeKedusha

A Sweetening happened
In the darkness of night
The remaining netzutzot elevate
Ekeyeh / Teshuva is now

Glimmers of Moshiach
brilliantly shining

During the trembling
Is the tikkun
of our mothers
Rachel and Leah

The rumbling
Is re-setting and
Re-Building Malkchut
Individually and collectively

The final klippot are breaking loose
a tikkun of the original Cosmic Rupture

According to Rabbi Nachman (Likutei Moharan 3:4)
The raven עורב swallows the nachash
And the thread of chesed חות של חסד( Avraham)   
is ascending

Last night
Under the threat of an attack by
Iran and Hezbollah,
I reach for my techeilet blue
security blanket
And enwrap myself in its chesed
(lovingly knitted by my dear friend, Yehudit)

I draw the threads of chesed over me
I submit  / hachnaa
to the night

I separate any fear, doubt
Or distracting thoughts
from dveikus

Malchut DeKedusha

A Sweetening
In the darkness of night
The remaining netzutzot elevate

Teshuva is now
Glimmers of Moshiach
brilliantly shining

During the trembling
Is the tikkun
of the Yichud of
Rachel and Leah

The rumbling
Is re-setting and
Re-Building Malkchut
Individually and collectively

Rabbi Samson says
this Not Knowing
when / if / how / where
we are going to be attacked
is a relevant punishment
sinat chinam
Not just a metaphysical algorithm

This constriction
the hidden deep darkness in our heart
is our opportunity
for the tikkun of
sinat chinam

Our Achdut
Ish echad  / one people
preceding lev echad  / one heart
allows us to be TRULY liberal
To accept all opinions
It doesn’t matter
Because we are brothers and sisters
Our relationship is much deeper
than our differences

The waiting period brings us to the
Ish echad resonance
Once we achieve the oneness
of ish echad (achdut)
then the lev echad (our differences)
is no longer threatening

So let us use our kolot / voices
With love / ahava
And wisdom /chochma
In our homes / work / school / freindships…
As a wife / mother / daughter / friend / co-worker
With Daas
We came to this world
our soul /in this body /in this time f/or this tikkun

Hashem is revealing His malchut
By the degree that we are Rectifying our personal aspect of malchut

I will use every spiritual tool that Hashem has given me
To reveal Malchut deKedusha
In the world

As Rabbi Nachman teaches
This is the yichud connection of
of our Voice z'er anpin / masculine
Speech / Malchut / feminine

we can actively create the 
תדר של אהבה
A higher frequency of love
In whatever place you are right now

So breath
And say
I love you
I love you
I love you
A LOT!!!

Ani ohevet otach  meod!!
אני אהבת ותך מאוד

And it then ripples
Out to the world


By Chali Reuven
(יש קיפוד שאני כ"כ אוהבת / חלי ראובן)

Yourself staring
In the eyes of a loved one

(יש קיפוד שאני כ"כ אוהבת / חלי ראובן)
(There is a Kipod that I love so much /

אחרי שכבר ניסיתי הכל ברחתי
After I had already tried everything I ran away,

I hurt

התיישבתי מולך
I broke

החלטתי על עוד ניסיון אחרון לגעת בך.
I decided on one last attempt to touch you.

I screamed,

I sat down in front of you

ארוכות התבוננתי בך...
I watched you for a long time

מהעיניים שלך
I watched you from your eyes

ואז התחלתי להיכנס אל מתחת לקוציך
and then I started to go under your thorns...

התקפדתי בתנוחתך
I was strict with your position

כמו מעתיקה אותך
Like copying you

לתוך הנשמה שלי
into my soul

והתחלתי לנשום
And I started breathing

איתך - ביחד באותו הקצב
With you - together at the same pace

ועם אותו הצליל.
And with the same sound.

לאחר כמה נשימות היית בי
After a few breaths you were in me

כמו שמעולם לא היית
Like you never were

ידעתי אותך מתוכי מתוך פגיעוּתִי מקוציי, מפגיעות ילדותי.
I knew you from within me from my vulnerability from my childhood, from my childhood vulnerability.

החלפנו דמעות
We exchanged tears

ושמענו את
And we heard you

השקט הזה
this silence

that spreads

when approaching

"Hug my shiver"
"תחבקי לי את הרעד"

you asked

"עוד רגע ינשרו
"In a moment they will fall

הקוצים מעצמם".
The thorns themselves."


Rabbanit TovA Bazak (from Eicha reading)

Hashem Yitbarach,
Hatov uHameitiv
the good and the benevolent,
with your endless blessings
and your support
and the light of your love for me
I am becoming from moment to moment a
לאישה של ביטחון
woman of bitachon
 in your guidance and in your
hashgacha pratit  over me and... a bitachon
that spreads throughout my being,
במוחי, בליבי, בנפשי ובכל תא בגופי
 in my mind , in my heart, in my soul and in every cell of my body.
. תודה

BChasdei Shamayim more and more I feel in my subconscious and the clarity that spreads throughout my being, that with him everything is blessed in every moment to act according to the order of nature כסדר הטבעים, or in the reversal of the order of nature.. בהיפוך סדר הטבעים

בחסדי בחסדי שמיים, I feel more and more in my whole being that nature is a miracle נס that takes place every moment in the renewed utterance המתחדשת של ה' יתברך.. And in his infinite grace, miracles are natural to me!! תודה

הריני מאמינה באמונה שלמה ובטוחה בביטחון גמור שבכוחו הגדול של ה' יתברך
I believes with complete faith and Im sure with absolute bitachon that in the great power of the ה' יתברך, amazing and miraculous salvations are really taking place for me in my life.... Thank you!! תודההה

ה' יתברך, הטוב והמיטיב, מכותך האינסופ ובתמיכתך ואור ידידות אהבתך, אני הופכת מרגע לרגע לאישה של ביטחון הולך ומתעצם בהנהגתך ובהשגחתך הפרטית עלי ועל... ביטחון שמתפשט בכל הוויתי, במוחי, בליבי, בנפשי ובכל תא בגופי. תודה.

בחסדי שמיים יותר ויותר, אני חשה בתת ההכרה שלי ובבהירות שמתפשטת בכל גופי, שה' יתברך הוא האלוקים האמיתי אין עוד מלבדו והכל מלא רק אחדותו הפשוט.

בחסדי שמיים יותר ויותר, אני חשה בתת ההכרה שלי ובבהירות שמתפשטת בכל ההויה שלי, שאצלו יתברך הכל שווה בכל רגע לפעול כסדר הטבעים, או בהיפוך סדר הטבעים.

בחסדי שמיים יותר ויותר אני חשה בכל הוויתי שהטבע הוא נס שמתקיים כל רגע באמירתו המתחדשת של ה' יתברך. ובחסדיו האינסופיים, ניסים אצלי הם טבע!! תודה.

הריני מאמינה באמונה שלמה ובטוחה בביטחון גמור שבכוחו הגדול של ה' יתברך ממש מתחוללות עבורי ישועות מדהימות ומופלאות בחיי.... תודההה


Racheli רחלי ונינו מהגולן / אמו של עמיחי שנפל בכפר עזה
 על חיים של אחריות ושליחות.
I saw this eternal spirit on her glowing smiling face when she spoke about the expression on her sons face … still present from the moment he was shot

Tisha BAv 5784.
Rochel Leah Weiman

לָשׂ֣וּם לַאֲבֵלֵ֣י צִיּ֗וֹן לָתֵת֩ לָהֶ֨ם פְּאֵ֜ר תַּ֣חַת אֵ֗פֶר
To provide for the mourners of Tzion,
to give them glory instead of ashes
Yeshayahu 61:3