Tefilla for Rosh Chodesh Nissan

Photo: Rochel Leah Weiman
Kalanit /Poppy Anemone, Hatzor HaGlilit , Israel 3-30-22 / 27 Adar II

Hebrew word for “bride” is kalla, and the name plays on the concept that all brides are radiant.


… Now we are now gearing up for the final geula. This requires a great paradigm shift from war and struggle to living our original intent of being a light unto the nations.

… Now we prepare to be uplifted as we each are intimately confronting our Creator without any mediation on Lilah Seder. With the guidance of Chassidic teachings and Kabbalistic models we can reframe our entire pattern of historic identity and fulfill our mission for humanity.
–Nechama Sarah Burgemann


Excerpt from Shifra Chana Hendrie’s Shiur
Nishmat Womens Group 3-31-22

There’s a reason for the leadership vaccuum.
Mashpia / giver and mekabel / taker are one

We need to be activators.
We need to be activated.

1-100 is steps.
100-101 is a quantum leap.

Use your powers.
Get together and dialogue about activating.
We are receiving a quantum leap now
Rosh Chodesh Nisan.

I am intimately connected to this cosmic structure.
We need access to the key in our brain
No not believe that others are going to protect us

The entire world is in a balancing act
Our avoda can tip the scale
Our moving out of our teva (nature) our comfort zone

To our teva sheini / second nature
Our higher nature

We are at the moment of pushing in the birth process.
Where is your identity sitting?

We are likened to
A caterpillar in its cocoon
Same DNA when melted down
Is divinely directed to jell ino a butterfly

Are you a Chelek Eloka memaal?
And what are you doing about that?
It’s Time to step up
We need to all unite in
kavod Shamayim.