Abraham is in the middle of receiving an audience with God,
yet when three men appear, of whom Rashi says they seemed to Avraham
as being the lowest of the low,
he runs to meet them.

So why does the Zohar tell us that these men were
Avraham Yitzhak and Yaakov,
the virtues of Chesed, Gevurah and Tiferet,
when Rashi tells us they were the lowest dust worshippers?

The truth is there no contradiction.
The virtues of Chesed, Gevurah, and Tiferet are ways of serving,
not of receiving.

Avraham let go of receiving the great light of God
and turned to what he valued even more, finding ways to give!

These are exemplified by the 3 midot,

The 3 main ways we can serve God and our fellow human being.

  1. By giving unconditionally, Chesed

  2. By putting limits on our desires to receive, Gevurah

  3. Through retaining our inner joy and equanimity, our trust in God, Tiferet, even in these times.