10 Tevet Meditation
Removing the Sinat Chinam Within



This is the day when the siege of Jerusalem began which was a great sign for the people of Israel to unite in tefillot, achdus and strengthening achdus and ahavas yisrael! Unfortunately, it is written that the people did not believe and the siege led to the breaking of the walls and the long golus

We learn that every year on the tenth of Tevet the Bais din lmaala decides whether there will be a Tisha B'av fast this year or this is the year he will be redeemed and the building of the Temple will be revealed in real life!*

This means that this is not a fast only for what was, but more for what will be our future!!

And therefore this is such an important and significant fastday to awaken ourselves with introspection to tip the scales for geula!

This is a day that reminds us of our national sinat chinam, such great darkness had descended on the world and therefore this is a day of Avoda and teshuva! And in particular to ask ourselves where lies our own sinas chinam… what needs to be fixed and what needs to be improved, to strengthen ourselves

What Will YOUR Contribution be to the Potential Rebuilding of the Bais HaMikdash this Year?

Based on a shiur by Rabbi Yaakov Zalman Labinsky


Yud bTeves coinciding with the judgement of the bais Hamikdash

Perush on the Etz Chaim by Rav Itzchal Isaac Chaver, a Talmud of a Talmud of the vilna gaon
Pitchei Shaarim from shaar atik
He explains that the word RATZON = 346 is equal to the word MAKOR
Makor and ratzon are telling us
Do you want to know what the depth of life is
Your mekor???
(the innermost point of the circle?)

the answer is… your innermost ratzon
That is the inner vitality, the inner chius
The keter is lamala min hasechel
Above logic, above knowing
The superconsciousness of a person
Or pure divine connection to HKB”H

The beginning of the judgement for the bais hamikdash this year
If its going to be built
Each of us has a portion in this judgement
Are you willing and daring to be a mini bais hamikdash?
These are equivalent to the 3 fast days which are
A complete structure of the bait hamikdash
In your
ratzon inner will ( 10 tevet)
Dayos thought overall perception of life (17 tammuz)
Action Middos -  your emotional centers- 9 av


WITH A new inner yearning to become divine
And to see our inner divinity
In ourselves and others

We can connect and activate our makor / core
To actually build the Bait Hamikdash

You can actually help the jewish people achieve a decree to build the BhaM this year
Because if it means this year if it can be destroyed anew
It can be recreated anew

We need to choose to see ourselves this way
To see our Avoda of yud bteves
Yerushalmi says
Sinas chinam is equal to the 3 cardinal sins -gimel chamoros
That was the reason for the destruction of the 2nd bais hamikdash
What is sinas chinam
Vahavta reicha kamocha
Like you love yourself, llike others

If you have senseless hatred for others
Then this has to be so vicious it mamash strips out your love to your fellow jew
It infers
If I can only love my fellow jew to the extent I love myself

Then if I have sinas chinam for someone else
It must be that I have sinas chinam for my self
And therefore it means the real Avoda
Of restoring the bais hamik
Of awakening the ratzon
And to dig deep into your own sinas chinam
As the root of the sinas chinam in  and others

With the goal to flip it!!!!
sinas chinam to ahavas chinam

To gradually UPROOT the sinas chinam from myself
In its place put ahavas chinam for my self
I can extend ahavas chinam for others

Your Ahavas chinam within , bifnim
And Your Ahavas chinam benaihem, with others
This can counter the 3 cardinal sins
And build the BHmik

10 tevet connect to your ratzon

Shlomo hamelech Kohelet 3:8
עֵ֤ת לֶֽאֱהֹב֙ וְעֵ֣ת לִשְׂנֹ֔א
Theres A time to love; a time to hate

If he is telling us
How can you tell me
Sinas chinam is so aweful
When do you hate?

Dovid Hamelech where am I supposed to hate
You have to love that is godly and hate that which is evil
Do you know when you have to appropriate real hatred?
When it comes to the koach of ra in the world
PIRUD, separation
When it comes to The koach of divisiveness,
When it comes to The koach of transgression
And doing that which is ungodly
That you have to hate

When it comes to being human,
and not divine that
because that is going to propel you to ohavei hashem

and seeing yourself in a limited way
you gotta hate
Only by hating that which is evil
You have to hate,
but appropriate it the right way…

the wrong way is sinas chinam, misappropriated hatred
we have to be calculating and deliberate hatred

the sitra achra knows exactly what to do
and its going to take that hatred
dislike of the UNLIKE
and direct it to your fellow jew
that anyone who is not like me
AND anybody that doesn’t tell me im great
And youre like me

And rally together to feel our own self importance
We are going to dislike the unlike
So we can like that which is of SAMENESS

Heres where it flips
If we want to do it lnafsho to ones self
The bais HM was destroyed because of the baseless hatred toward ourself!!
We have a deep dislike of all the shades of ourself

If the actual shechina of Rochel and leah will come down from atzilus
Will come down to this physical material world
Our Avinu is watching us

6 months through Tammuz and Av
This is an activation of the process
If we are zoche to start looking at this in ourselves
To have ohavei hashem in us
Achavas chinam in ourselves
And our fellow jew

What do we do?
Starting today

Examine on a continuum how much love and how much
dislike we have for ourselves, our fellow jew, HKBH
The judgement is the ratzon
The actual Will is where the siege is
We are being cut off from our vitality

Hashem said, I just gave you Chanuka!
Chanuka is th eactual  prep for 10 teves
The fast of 10 teves is riding off 8 days from Chanuka
8th day the inauguration
We are beginning in ratzon
To inaugurate ourselves as a bais hamikdash

To whatever extent I have  sinas chinam in me
And by extention to others
I cant love hashem or others or me
The Avoda is going inside
If I have so much inside and it is not not appropriated
How are we going into geula? 30:00
Can we really have it this year?

Judge yourself favorably.
M betoch loshishma ba lishma.
Doing something for self engrandized reasons ego based purposes we will come to do it lishma
Michtav meeliyahu
Mashal ladder
If a person gets on the lowest rung
If you just sit there nothing is going to going to happen
If you go to Rung 1 with the ratzon and for the sake of climbing to rung 2
All the way up to the top!...
That is your ratzon
Just get on the rung
This Will bring you to a higher level of consciousness where you can come to do it lishma
If the intention is not tied to the inner ratzon it will not work

It’s a real chidush
that ego based things can bring you to
altruistic things
if a person can see this tiny kernel of truth of wanting something for a higher purpose
You want something for a higher purpose
That’s whats driving you
Rung by rung… then over time you will come more to lishma
Lishaim “hey” for the sake of the  final hey THE shechina, malchus
For the sake of the shechina

If a person is coming for altruistic reasons
But starting off in a lowly place
Your aba gave you an ego
This is your own portion of darkness
See the inner light within yourself
Don’t get stuck with it
Align with your inner truth
I want to become a mini bais hamikdash
I want to see the innermost part of me is pure elokut

Pure love
Hashems love for me
Pure essential love for my divine existence
Not dependent on anything external
And by natural extention I can give love to humanity
Michtav mieliahu
Go into your ego, your basic human existence
Do the process of borer
Sift out the forces of evil / ra  within you
Which are causing you
To be resistant to yourself
Unaccepting of yourself
Down to actual hatred

Based on what?
Judge yourself favorable
Hate only that part for the desire to separate yourself from godliness
Ego based and self serving
Kaable al manat lkabel

Separate the ra and take only the good in.

Hate the anti Gdliness….
Yom tzom
Fast day: 2 part
Inui: a deep set of regret and remorse of transgressions of the
Purify of wrong doings
Remove ego based ways
Tzom: commitment to not do avairos from the future
How can you do it in the future?
By ratzon

You can fix you future in the present.
The whole 24 hours is the activation
For the next 7 months (17 tamuz?)
Of judgements
The anatomy of the buildup of the bais hamikdash
Coming off the highest Chanuka
Can we take this light
And bring it in
I want this light to be permanent in me
Sina in myself
All the shades
I want a ratzon to uproot them
I want to love myself in a pure essential way
I can do teshuva
Of hatred and dislike of the fast
Awaken a ratzon
Ahavas chinom latzmoi
Inner vitality
I want to have more true self love
Push away all the forms of cloaking
The ratzon / want comes from the ohr haganuz
Activating the (own) judgement
We may have some discomfort
Is to get you to do tshuva
To strengthen your innermost desire
That’s the tikkun of 10 tevet
Push out the sina
If you have true ahava for that thing on the inside
Sinas chinam 3 cardinal sins
Ahavas chinam
Awaken the deepest ahava in ourselves
And do teshuva on it
Disliking for being created the way you are!!!!
You are doing teshuva to get close to who you truly are