"When the world and others are in the darkness, you don’t need to go there too.”
Lemon Sprout by YWeiman Shvat 5784
🍇🍓🫐What a great and wonderful day to give your attention to its potential for brachos!
Hashem is sending you so much shefa... its so hard to see it in these cold, dark, rainy / snowy days. Because we are being asked to dig deep down into our roots on a neshama level to reveal the incredibly illuminating light that is just concealed.
When the world and others are in the darkness, you don’t need to go there too.” You can reach for YOUR light and shine it on them.
-Rav Doniel Katz
If we all do this, especially today, when our inner sap begins to rise, we can have an incredibly powerful and quantum affect on the hostages … and those who are in pain.
Gather together today and fill your beautiful tables with as many fruits as possible, especially from Eretz Yisrael. Eat as many fruits as possible... Adding different types of fruits adds brachos and shefa to your beautiful homes!
Take your free time and be alone with the the Hashem on this day of kedusha, and give thanks for all that you have... just pour out your heart before our Hashem, in your own words, and ask Him to fill all your shortcomings on Tu'Bshvat... the gates of Shamayim are opened!
Tu B'Shvat is capable of healing the mind and body The gematria of the words
שלח רפואה שלמה לכל עמך =חמשה עשר בשבט
"Send complete healing to all the people of Your nation"
has the same gematria as 15 Shvat חמשה עשר בשבט
-Divrei Yicheskel zt"l
May Hashem send you shefa and brachos, may good and sweet fruits sprout from you. Let there be love, understanding, contentment flow to and from your family, children and friends. May you have an abundant parnossa and be able to help others. LKabel al manat LHashpia. May you be aligned and healed of any illness, constrictions or blocks
May you have the bracha to draw near to Hashem, may you be strong in truly knowing and feeling His hashgacha pratis every moment. May you be zoche to have a light that will brighten others lives, and may you bring forth sweet fruit!
May we have a Tu B'Shvat that is full of achdus and yeshuos for Am Yisrael and the world!❤️
It is really exciting and healing to be able to live through the metaphors of the Torah in rythmn with the calendar. The moon is a mashal for Divine Consciousness. All of the work we do throughout the year is to restore the moon to her fullness as we awaken the hidden parts of our psyche particularly through the paradigm of the Twelve dimensions of Israel. Every day in Shevat especially we can tune into the metaphor of the tree.
Let’s check into our roots.
Who in the Torah and what are their qualities do we strive to exemplify? With whom do we root ourselves in our family tree? Let’s root ourselves as we create with hitchadshut our Etz Chaim? Feel your feet on the ground as we check in. Who is rising in our consciousness? Sarah Imenu? Esther ha Malka?etc.
Next our trunk.
What keeps us centered and balanced. Which food? Which teachings, teachers? Which books? Our davaaning, meditations…check in .
Next our branches…
are we remaining balanced and centered as we reach out to another? Who is supporting our visions? Who is challenging us/ How do we stay centered in these interactions?
Do we remember the sunlight of our visions that were revealed in Kislev?
We need sunlight visions to grow. Let them become the new light of your keter Torah shining through your entire being .
What are we choosing for our food intake and outside stimulus to support our nourishment?
Listen to your stomach and trust its Divine signals. What does your inner tzaddik (this month’s letter) really need to be nourished as we elevate our sense of self? What is being sent to us that we can really ingest and embrace and what is it that we cannot stomach. Trust your gut wisdom