ืืฉื ืืืื ืืคื ื ืืืืงืช ืื ืจืืช
*ืึฐืฉืึตื ืึดืืึผื ืงึปืึฐืฉืึธื ืึผึฐืจึดืืึฐ ืืึผื ืึผืฉืึฐืึดืื ึฐืชึผึตืืึผ, ืึผึดืึฐืึดืืืึผ ืึผืจึฐืึดืืืึผ, ืึผืจึฐืึดืืืึผ ืึผืึฐืึดืืืึผ, ืึฐืึทืึฒืึธื ืฉืึตื ืืึนืช ืืึผ"ื ืืึนืช ืึต"ื ืึผึฐืืึนืช ืึธื"ื ืืึนืช ืึต"ื, ืึผึฐืึดืืึผืึธื ืฉืึฐืึดืื (ืืืื) ืึผึฐืฉืึตื ืึผึธืึพืึดืฉืึฐืจึธืึตื. ืึดื ึผึตื ืึฒื ึทืึฐื ืึผ ืึผึธืึดืื ืึฐืงึทืึผึตื ืึดืฆึฐืึทืช ืึทืึฐืึธืงึทืช ื ึตืจืึนืช ืึฒื ึปืึผึธื ืึผึฐืืึน ืฉืึถืชึผึดืงึผึฐื ืึผ ืึธึฝื ืึผ ืจึทืึผืึนืชึตืื ืึผ ืึดืึฐืจืึนื ึธื ืึดืึฐืจึธืึธื, ืขึดื ืึผึธืึพืึทืึผึดืฆึฐืืึนืช ืึทืึผึฐืืึผืืึนืช ืึผึธืึผ, ืึฐืชึทืงึผึตื ืึถืชึพืฉืึธืจึฐืฉืึธืึผ ืึผึฐืึธืงืึนื ืขึถืึฐืืึนื, ืึทืขึฒืฉืืึนืช ื ึทืึทืช ืจืึผืึท ืึฐืืึนืฆึฐืจึตื ืึผ ืึฐืึทืขึฒืฉืืึนืช ืจึฐืฆืึนื ืึผืึนืจึฐืึตื ืึผ, ืึฐืึทืขึฒืึถื ืึฐืคึธื ึธืื ืึดืชึฐืึผึธืจึทืึฐ ืึผึฐืึดืึผืึผ ืึผึดืึผึทื ึผืึผ ืึผึฐืึธืึพืึทืึผึทืึผึธื ืึนืช ืึธึฝืจึฐืืึผืืึนืช ืึฐืึทืึผึตื ืึผึฐืึดืฆึฐืึธื ืืึน. ืึดืืึดื ื ึนืขึทื ืึฒืึนื ึธื ืึฑืึนืึตืื ืึผ ืขึธืึตืื ืึผ, ืึผืึทืขึฒืฉืึตื ืึธืึตืื ืึผ ืึผืึนื ึฐื ึธื ืขึธืึตืื ืึผ, ืึผืึทืขึฒืฉืึตื ืึธืึตืื ืึผ ืึผืึนื ึฐื ึตืืึผ.*
ืึผึธืจืึผืึฐ ืึทืชึผึธื ืึฐืึนืึธื, ืึฑืึนืึตืื ืึผ ืึถึฝืึถืึฐ ืึธืขืึนืึธื, ืึฒืฉืึถืจ ืงึดืึผึฐืฉืึธื ืึผ ืึผึฐืึดืฆึฐืึบืชึธืื, ืึฐืฆึดืึผึธื ืึผ ืึฐืึทืึฐืึดืืง ื ึตืจ ืึฒื ึปืึผึธื:
ืึผึธืจืึผืึฐ ืึทืชึผึธื ืึฐืึนืึธื, ืึฑืึนืึตืื ืึผ ืึถึฝืึถืึฐ ืึธืขืึนืึธื, ืฉืึถืขึธืฉืึธื ื ึดืกึผึดืื ืึทืึฒืืึนืชึตืื ืึผ ืึผึทืึผึธืึดืื ืึธืึตื ืึผึทืึผึฐืึทื ืึทืึผึถื:
ืืืืื ืื ืืื ืืื ืืืจื ืืืืืงื ืืช ืืคืจืงืื ืืืืื ืืชืืืื -
ืืฉ ืืงืจืื 8 ืคืขืืื ืคืจืง ืฆื' ืืืคื ืื ืืื ืคืขื ืืืืจ ืืคืกืืง -
*"ืึดืืึดื ื ึนืขึทื ืึฒืึนื ึธื ืึฑืึนืึตืื ืึผ ืขึธืึตืื ืึผ ืึผืึทืขึฒืฉึตืื ืึธืึตืื ืึผ ืึผืึนื ึฐื ึธื ืขึธืึตืื ืึผ ืึผืึทืขึฒืฉึตืื ืึธืึตืื ืึผ ืึผืึนื ึฐื ึตืืึผ"*
ืืงืจืื 7 ืคืขืืื ืืงืื ืืคืขื ืืืช ืืฉืงื.
ืชืืืืื ืฆ"ื -
(ื) ืึนืฉึตืื ืึฐึผืกึตืชึถืจ ืขึถืึฐืืึนื ืึฐึผืฆึตื ืฉึทืืึทึผื ืึดืชึฐืืึนื ึธื. (ื) ืึนืึทืจ ืึทืืืึธื ืึทืึฐืกึดื ืึผืึฐืฆืึผืึธืชึดื ืึฑืึนืึทื ืึถืึฐืึทื ืึผืึน. (ื) ืึดึผื ืืึผื ืึทืฆึดึผืืึฐืึธ ืึดืคึทึผื ืึธืงืึผืฉื ืึดืึถึผืึถืจ ืึทืึผืึนืช. (ื) ืึฐึผืึถืึฐืจึธืชืึน ืึธืกึถืึฐ ืึธืึฐ ืึฐืชึทืึทืช ืึฐึผื ึธืคึธืื ืชึถึผืึฐืกึถื ืฆึดื ึธึผื ืึฐืกึนืึตืจึธื ืึฒืึดืชึผืึน. (ื) ืึนื ืชึดืืจึธื ืึดืคึทึผืึทื ืึธืึฐืึธื ืึตืึตืฅ ืึธืขืึผืฃ ืืึนืึธื. (ื) ืึดืึถึผืึถืจ ืึธึผืึนืคึถื ืึทืึฒืึนืึฐ ืึดืงึถึผืึถื ืึธืฉืืึผื ืฆึธืึณืจึธืึดื. (ื) ืึดืคึนึผื ืึดืฆึดึผืึฐึผืึธ ืึถืึถืฃ ืึผืจึฐืึธืึธื ืึดืืึดืื ึถืึธ ืึตืึถืืึธ ืึนื ืึดืึธึผืฉื. (ื) ืจึทืง ืึฐึผืขึตืื ึถืืึธ ืชึทืึดึผืื ืึฐืฉึดืืึปึผืึทืช ืจึฐืฉึธืืขึดืื ืชึดึผืจึฐืึถื. (ื) ืึดึผื ืึทืชึธึผื ืึฐืืึธื ืึทืึฐืกึดื ืขึถืึฐืืึนื ืฉึทืืึฐืชึธึผ ืึฐืขืึนื ึถืึธ. (ื) ืึนื ืชึฐืึปื ึถึผื ืึตืึถืืึธ ืจึธืขึธื ืึฐื ึถืึทืข ืึนื ืึดืงึฐืจึทื ืึฐึผืึธืึณืึถืึธ. (ืื) ืึดึผื ืึทืึฐืึธืึธืื ืึฐืฆึทืึถึผื ืึธึผืึฐ ืึดืฉึฐืืึธืจึฐืึธ ืึฐึผืึธื ืึฐึผืจึธืึถืืึธ. (ืื) ืขึทื ืึทึผืคึทึผืึดื ืึดืฉึธึผืืืึผื ึฐืึธ ืคึถึผื ืชึดึผืึนึผืฃ ืึธึผืึถืึถื ืจึทืึฐืึถืึธ. (ืื) ืขึทื ืฉึทืืึทื ืึธืคึถืชึถื ืชึดึผืึฐืจึนืึฐ ืชึดึผืจึฐืึนืก ืึฐึผืคึดืืจ ืึฐืชึทื ึดึผืื. (ืื) ืึดึผื ืึดื ืึธืฉึทืืง ืึทืึฒืคึทืึฐึผืึตืืึผ ืึฒืฉึทืืึฐึผืึตืืึผ ืึดึผื ืึธืึทืข ืฉึฐืืึดื. (ืื) ืึดืงึฐืจึธืึตื ึดื ืึฐืึถืขึฑื ึตืืึผ ืขึดืึผืึน ืึธื ึนืึดื ืึฐืฆึธืจึธื ืึฒืึทืึฐึผืฆึตืืึผ ืึทืึฒืึทืึฐึผืึตืืึผ. (ืื) ืึนืจึถืึฐ ืึธืึดืื ืึทืฉึฐืืึดึผืืขึตืืึผ ืึฐืึทืจึฐืึตืืึผ ืึดึผืืฉืืึผืขึธืชึดื.
ืชืืืืื ื'
(ื) ืึดืึฐืืึนืจ ืฉึดืืืจ ืึฒื ึปืึทึผืช ืึทืึทึผืึดืช ืึฐืึธืึดื. (ื) ืึฒืจืึนืึดืึฐืึธ ืึฐืืึธื ืึดึผื ืึดืึดึผืืชึธื ึดื ืึฐืึนื ืฉึดืืึทึผืึฐืชึธึผ ืึนืึฐืึทื ืึดื. (ื) ืึฐืืึธื ืึฑืึนืึธื ืฉึดืืึทึผืขึฐืชึดึผื ืึตืึถืืึธ ืึทืชึดึผืจึฐืคึธึผืึตื ึดื. (ื) ืึฐืืึธื ืึถืขึฑืึดืืชึธ ืึดื ืฉึฐืืืึนื ื ึทืคึฐืฉึดืื ืึดืึดึผืืชึทื ึดื ืืืืจืื (ืึดืึธึผืจึฐืึดื) ืืึนืจ. (ื) ืึทืึฐึผืจืึผ ืึทืืืึธื ืึฒืกึดืืึธืื ืึฐืืึนืืึผ ืึฐืึตืึถืจ ืงึธืึฐืฉืืึน. (ื) ืึดึผื ืจึถืึทืข ืึฐึผืึทืคึผืึน ืึทืึดึผืื ืึดึผืจึฐืฆืึนื ืึน ืึธึผืขึถืจึถื ืึธืึดืื ืึถึผืึดื ืึฐืึทืึนึผืงึถืจ ืจึดื ึธึผื. (ื) ืึทืึฒื ึดื ืึธืึทืจึฐืชึดึผื ืึฐืฉึทืืึฐืึดื ืึทึผื ืึถืึผืึนื ืึฐืขืึนืึธื. (ื) ืึฐืืึธื ืึดึผืจึฐืฆืึนื ึฐืึธ ืึถืขึฑืึทืึฐืชึธึผื ืึฐืึทืจึฐืจึดื ืขึนื ืึดืกึฐืชึทึผืจึฐืชึธึผ ืคึธื ึถืืึธ ืึธืึดืืชึดื ื ึดืึฐืึธื. (ื) ืึตืึถืืึธ ืึฐืืึธื ืึถืงึฐืจึธื ืึฐืึถื ืึฒืึนื ึธื ืึถืชึฐืึทื ึธึผื. (ื) ืึทื ืึถึผืฆึทืข ืึฐึผืึธืึดื ืึฐึผืจึดืึฐืชึดึผื ืึถื ืฉึธืืึทืช ืึฒืืึนืึฐืึธ ืขึธืคึธืจ ืึฒืึทืึดึผืื ืึฒืึดืชึถึผืึธ. (ืื) ืฉึฐืืึทืข ืึฐืืึธื ืึฐืึธื ึตึผื ึดื ืึฐืืึธื ืึฑโืึตื ืขึนืึตืจ ืึดื. (ืื) ืึธืคึทืึฐืชึธึผ ืึดืกึฐืคึฐึผืึดื ืึฐืึธืืึนื ืึดื ืคึดึผืชึทึผืึฐืชึธึผ ืฉึทืืงึดึผื ืึทืชึฐึผืึทืึฐึผืจึตื ึดื ืฉึดืืึฐืึธื. (ืื) ืึฐืึทืขึทื ืึฐืึทืึถึผืจึฐืึธ ืึธืืึนื ืึฐืึนื ืึดืึนึผื ืึฐืืึธื ืึฑืึนืึทื ืึฐืขืึนืึธื ืืึนืึถืึธึผ.
ืชืืืืื ื"ื
(ื) ืจึทื ึฐึผื ืึผ ืฆึทืึดึผืืงึดืื ืึทึผืืืึธื ืึทืึฐืฉึธืืจึดืื ื ึธืืึธื ืชึฐืึดืึธึผื. (ื) ืืึนืืึผ ืึทืืืึธื ืึฐึผืึดื ึผืึนืจ ืึฐึผื ึตืึถื ืขึธืฉืืึนืจ ืึทืึฐึผืจืึผ ืืึน. (ื) ืฉึดืืืจืึผ ืืึน ืฉึดืืืจ ืึธืึธืฉื ืึตืืึดืืืึผ ื ึทืึตึผื ืึดึผืชึฐืจืึผืขึธื. (ื) ืึดึผื ืึธืฉึธืืจ ืึฐึผืึทืจ ืึฐืืึธื ืึฐืึธื ืึทืขึฒืฉึตืืืึผ ืึถึผืึฑืืึผื ึธื. (ื) ืึนืึตื ืฆึฐืึธืงึธื ืึผืึดืฉึฐืืคึธึผื ืึถืกึถื ืึฐืืึธื ืึธืึฐืึธื ืึธืึธืจึถืฅ. (ื) ืึดึผืึฐืึทืจ ืึฐืืึธื ืฉึธืืึทืึดื ื ึทืขึฒืฉืืึผ ืึผืึฐืจืึผืึท ืคึดึผืื ืึธึผื ืฆึฐืึธืึธื. (ื) ืึนึผื ึตืก ืึทึผื ึตึผื ืึตื ืึทืึธึผื ื ึนืชึตื ืึฐึผืึนืฆึธืจืึนืช ืชึฐึผืืึนืืึนืช. (ื) ืึดืืจึฐืืึผ ืึตืึฐืืึธื ืึธึผื ืึธืึธืจึถืฅ ืึดืึถึผื ึผืึผ ืึธืืึผืจืึผ ืึธึผื ืึนืฉึฐืืึตื ืชึตืึตื. (ื) ืึดึผื ืืึผื ืึธืึทืจ ืึทืึถึผืึดื ืืึผื ืฆึดืึธึผื ืึทืึทึผืขึฒืึนื. (ื) ืึฐืืึธื ืึตืคึดืืจ ืขึฒืฆึทืช ืึผืึนืึดื ืึตื ึดืื ืึทืึฐืฉึฐืืืึนืช ืขึทืึดึผืื. (ืื) ืขึฒืฆึทืช ืึฐืืึธื ืึฐืขืึนืึธื ืชึทึผืขึฒืึนื ืึทืึฐืฉึฐืืืึนืช ืึดืึผืึน ืึฐืึนืจ ืึธืึนืจ. (ืื) ืึทืฉึฐืืจึตื ืึทืึผืึนื ืึฒืฉึถืืจ ืึฐืืึธื ืึฑืึนืึธืื ืึธืขึธื ืึธึผืึทืจ ืึฐื ึทืึฒืึธื ืืึน. (ืื) ืึดืฉึธึผืืึทืึดื ืึดืึดึผืื ืึฐืืึธื ืจึธืึธื ืึถืช ืึธึผื ืึฐึผื ึตื ืึธืึธืึธื. (ืื) ืึดืึฐึผืืึนื ืฉึดืืึฐืชึผืึน ืึดืฉึฐืืึดึผืืึท ืึถื ืึธึผื ืึนืฉึฐืืึตื ืึธืึธืจึถืฅ. (ืื) ืึทืึนึผืฆึตืจ ืึทืึทื ืึดืึธึผื ืึทืึตึผืึดืื ืึถื ืึธึผื ืึทืขึฒืฉึตืืืึถื. (ืื) ืึตืื ืึทืึถึผืึถืึฐ ื ืึนืฉึธืืข ืึฐึผืจึธื ืึธืึดื ืึดึผืึผืึนืจ ืึนื ืึดื ึธึผืฆึตื ืึฐึผืจึธื ืึนึผืึท. (ืื) ืฉึถืืงึถืจ ืึทืกึผืึผืก ืึดืชึฐืฉืืึผืขึธื ืึผืึฐืจึนื ืึตืืืึน ืึนื ืึฐืึทืึตึผื. (ืื) ืึดื ึตึผื ืขึตืื ืึฐืืึธื ืึถื ืึฐืจึตืึธืื ืึทืึฐืึทืึฒืึดืื ืึฐืึทืกึฐืึผืึน. (ืื) ืึฐืึทืฆึดึผืื ืึดืึธึผืึถืช ื ึทืคึฐืฉึธืื ืึผืึฐืึทืึผืึนืชึธื ืึธึผืจึธืขึธื. (ื) ื ึทืคึฐืฉึตืื ืึผ ืึดืึฐึผืชึธื ืึทืืืึธื ืขึถืึฐืจึตื ืึผ ืึผืึธืึดื ึตึผื ืึผ ืืึผื. (ืื) ืึดึผื ืืึน ืึดืฉึฐืืึทื ืึดืึตึผื ืึผ ืึดึผื ืึฐืฉึตืื ืงึธืึฐืฉืืึน ืึธืึธืึฐื ืึผ. (ืื) ืึฐืึดื ืึทืกึฐืึฐึผืึธ ืึฐืืึธื ืขึธืึตืื ืึผ ืึทึผืึฒืฉึถืืจ ืึดืึทืึฐื ืึผ ืึธืึฐ.
ืชืืืืื ืก"ื
ืึทืึฐื ึทืฆึตึผื ืึดึผื ึฐืึดืื ึนืช ืึดืึฐืืึนืจ ืฉึดืืืจ. (ื) ืึฑืึนืึดืื ืึฐืึธื ึตึผื ืึผ ืึดืืึธืจึฐืึตื ืึผ ืึธืึตืจ ืคึธึผื ึธืื ืึดืชึธึผื ืึผ ืกึถืึธื. (ื) ืึธืึทืขึทืช ืึธึผืึธืจึถืฅ ืึทึผืจึฐืึถึผืึธ ืึฐึผืึธื ืึผืึนืึดื ืึฐืฉืืึผืขึธืชึถืึธ. (ื) ืืึนืืึผืึธ ืขึทืึดึผืื ืึฑืึนืึดืื ืืึนืืึผืึธ ืขึทืึดึผืื ืึปึผืึธึผื. ืึดืฉึฐืืึฐืืึผ ืึดืืจึทื ึฐึผื ืึผ ืึฐืึปืึดึผืื ืึดึผื ืชึดืฉึฐืืคึนึผื ืขึทืึดึผืื ืึดืืฉืืึนืจ ืึผืึฐืึปืึดึผืื ืึธึผืึธืจึถืฅ ืชึทึผื ึฐืึตื ืกึถืึธื. (ื) ืืึนืืึผืึธ ืขึทืึดึผืื ืึฑืึนืึดืื ืืึนืืึผืึธ ืขึทืึดึผืื ืึปึผืึธึผื. (ื) ืึถืจึถืฅ ื ึธืชึฐื ึธื ืึฐืืึผืึธืึผ ืึฐืึธืจึฐืึตื ืึผ ืึฑืึนืึดืื ืึฑืึนืึตืื ืึผ. (ื) ืึฐืึธืจึฐืึตื ืึผ ืึฑืึนืึดืื ืึฐืึดืืจึฐืืึผ ืึนืชืึน ืึธึผื ืึทืคึฐืกึตื ืึธืจึถืฅ.
ืชืืืืื ื"ื
(ื) ืึทืึฐื ึทืฆึตึผืึท ืึดืึฐืืึนืจ ืึฐืึธืึดื. (ื) ืึทืฉึธึผืืึทืึดื ืึฐืกึทืคึฐึผืจึดืื ืึฐึผืืึนื ืึตื ืึผืึทืขึฒืฉึตืื ืึธืึธืื ืึทืึดึผืื ืึธืจึธืงึดืืขึท. (ื) ืืึนื ืึฐืืึนื ืึทืึดึผืืขึท ืึนืึถืจ ืึฐืึทืึฐืึธื ืึฐึผืึทืึฐืึธื ืึฐืึทืึถึผื ืึธึผืขึทืช. (ื) ืึตืื ืึนืึถืจ ืึฐืึตืื ืึฐึผืึธืจึดืื ืึฐึผืึดื ื ึดืฉึฐืืึธืข ืงืึนืึธื. (ื) ืึฐึผืึธื ืึธืึธืจึถืฅ ืึธืฆึธื ืงึทืึธึผื ืึผืึดืงึฐืฆึตื ืชึตืึตื ืึดืึตึผืืึถื ืึทืฉึถึผืืึถืฉื ืฉึธืื ืึนืึถื ืึธึผืึถื. (ื) ืึฐืืึผื ืึฐึผืึธืชึธื ืึนืฆึตื ืึตืึปืคึธึผืชืึน ืึธืฉึดืืืฉื ืึฐึผืึดืึผืึนืจ ืึธืจืึผืฅ ืึนืจึทื. (ื) ืึดืงึฐืฆึตื ืึทืฉึธึผืืึทืึดื ืืึนืฆึธืืึน ืึผืชึฐืงืึผืคึธืชืึน ืขึทื ืงึฐืฆืึนืชึธื ืึฐืึตืื ื ึดืกึฐืชึธึผืจ ืึตืึทืึธึผืชืึน. (ื) ืชึผืึนืจึทืช ืึฐืืึธื ืชึฐึผืึดืืึธื ืึฐืฉึดืืืึทืช ื ึธืคึถืฉื ืขึตืืึผืช ืึฐืืึธื ื ึถืึฑืึธื ึธื ืึทืึฐืึดึผืืึทืช ืคึถึผืชึดื. (ื) ืคึดึผืงึผืึผืึตื ืึฐืืึธื ืึฐืฉึธืืจึดืื ืึฐืฉึทืืึฐึผืึตื ืึตื ืึดืฆึฐืึทืช ืึฐืืึธื ืึธึผืจึธื ืึฐืึดืืจึทืช ืขึตืื ึธืึดื. (ื) ืึดืจึฐืึทืช ืึฐืืึธื ืึฐืืึนืจึธื ืขืึนืึถืึถืช ืึธืขึทื ืึดืฉึฐืืคึฐึผืึตื ืึฐืืึธื ืึฑืึถืช ืฆึธืึฐืงืึผ ืึทืึฐืึธึผื. (ืื) ืึทื ึถึผืึฑืึธืึดืื ืึดืึธึผืึธื ืึผืึดืคึทึผื ืจึธื ืึผืึฐืชืึผืงึดืื ืึดืึฐึผืึทืฉื ืึฐื ึนืคึถืช ืฆืึผืคึดืื. (ืื) ืึทึผื ืขึทืึฐืึฐึผืึธ ื ึดืึฐืึธืจ ืึธึผืึถื ืึฐึผืฉึธืืึฐืจึธื ืขึตืงึถื ืจึธื. (ืื) ืฉึฐืืึดืืืึนืช ืึดื ืึธืึดืื ืึดื ึดึผืกึฐืชึธึผืจืึนืช ื ึทืงึตึผื ึดื. (ืื) ืึทึผื ืึดืึตึผืึดืื ืึฒืฉึนืืึฐ ืขึทืึฐืึถึผืึธ ืึทื ืึดืึฐืฉึฐืืืึผ ืึดื ืึธื ืึตืืชึธื ืึฐื ึดืงึตึผืืชึดื ืึดืคึถึผืฉึทืืข ืจึธื. (ืื) ืึดืึฐืืึผ ืึฐืจึธืฆืึนื ืึดืึฐืจึตื ืคึดื ืึฐืึถืึฐืืึนื ืึดืึดึผื ืึฐืคึธื ึถืืึธ ืึฐืืึธื ืฆืึผืจึดื ืึฐืึนืึฒืึดื.
ืชืืืืื ืง
(ื) ืึดืึฐืืึนืจ ืึฐืชืึนืึธื ืึธืจึดืืขืึผ ืึทืืืึธื ืึธึผื ืึธืึธืจึถืฅ. (ื) ืขึดืึฐืืึผ ืึถืช ืึฐืืึธื ืึฐึผืฉึดืืึฐืึธื ืึนึผืืึผ ืึฐืคึธื ึธืื ืึดึผืจึฐื ึธื ึธื. (ื) ืึฐึผืขืึผ ืึดึผื ืึฐืืึธื ืืึผื ืึฑืึนืึดืื ืืึผื ืขึธืฉึธืื ืึผ ืืื [ืึฐืืึน] ืึฒื ึทืึฐื ืึผ ืขึทืึผืึน ืึฐืฆึนืื ืึทืจึฐืขึดืืชืึน. (ื) ืึนึผืืึผ ืฉึฐืืขึธืจึธืื ืึฐึผืชืึนืึธื ืึฒืฆึตืจึนืชึธืื ืึดึผืชึฐืึดืึธึผื ืืึนืืึผ ืืึน ืึธึผืจึฒืืึผ ืฉึฐืืืึน. (ื) ืึดึผื ืืึนื ืึฐืึนืึธื ืึฐืขืึนืึธื ืึทืกึฐืึผืึน ืึฐืขึทื ืึนึผืจ ืึธืึนืจ ืึฑืืึผื ึธืชืึน.
ืชืืืืื ืงื"ื
(ื) ืฉึดืืืจ ืึทืึทึผืขึฒืืึนืช ืึฐืึธืึดื ืึดื ึตึผื ืึทื ืึผืึนื ืึผืึทื ื ึธึผืขึดืื ืฉึถืืึถืช ืึทืึดืื ืึทึผื ืึธืึทื. (ื) ืึทึผืฉึถึผืืึถื ืึทืึผืึนื ืขึทื ืึธืจึนืืฉื ืึนืจึตื ืขึทื ืึทืึธึผืงึธื ืึฐืงึทื ืึทืึฒืจึนื ืฉึถืืึนึผืจึตื ืขึทื ืคึดึผื ืึดืึผืึนืชึธืื. (ื) ืึฐึผืึทื ืึถืจึฐืืึนื ืฉึถืืึนึผืจึตื ืขึทื ืึทืจึฐืจึตื ืฆึดืึผืึนื ืึดึผื ืฉึธืื ืฆึดืึธึผื ืึฐืืึธื ืึถืช ืึทืึฐึผืจึธืึธื ืึทืึดึผืื ืขึทื ืึธืขืึนืึธื.
ืชืคืืืช ืื ื ืืื
ืืืืชืืืช ืืกืืืจืืื ืื ืืืืจืื ืืคื, ืจืง ืืขืื ืืื
ืึธื ึธึผื ืึฐึผืึนืึท ืึฐืึปึผืึทึผืช ืึฐืึดืื ึฐืึธ ืชึทึผืชึดึผืืจ ืฆึฐืจืึผืจึธื:* (ืื"ื ืืช"ืฅ)
ืงึทืึตึผื ืจึดื ึทึผืช ืขึทืึฐึผืึธ, ืฉึทืืึฐึผืึตื ืึผ,ืึทืึฒืจึตื ืึผ, ื ืึนืจึธื:* (ืงืจ"ืข ืฉื"ื)
ื ึธื ืึดืึผืึนืจ ืืึนืจึฐืฉึตืื ืึดืืึผืึฐืึธ ืึฐึผืึธืึทืช ืฉึธืืึฐืจึตื:* (ื ื"ื ืื"ืฉ)
ืึธึผืจึฐืึตื ืึทืึฒืจึตื ืจึทืึฒืึตื ืฆึดืึฐืงึธืชึฐืึธ ืชึธึผืึดืื ืึธืึฐืึตื:* (ืื"ืจ ืฆืช"ื)
ืึฒืกึดืื ืงึธืืึนืฉื ืึฐึผืจืึนื ืืึผืึฐืึธ ื ึทืึตื ืขึฒืึธืชึฐืึธ:* (ืืง"ื ืื "ืข)
ืึธืึดืื ืึตึผืึธื ืึฐืขึทืึฐึผืึฐ ืคึฐึผื ึตื ืืึนืึฐืจึตื ืงึฐืึปืฉึธึผืืชึฐืึธ:* (ืื"ื ืคื"ืง)
ืฉึทืืึฐืขึธืชึตื ืึผ ืงึทืึตึผื ืึผืฉึฐืืึทืข ืฆึทืขึฒืงึธืชึตื ืึผ ืืึนืึตืขึท ืชึทืขึฒืึปืืึนืช:* (ืฉืง"ื ืฆื"ืช)
ืึธึผืจืึผืึฐ ืฉึตืื ืึฐึผืืึนื ืึทืึฐืืึผืชืึน ืึฐืขืึนืึธื ืึธืขึถื:* (ืืฉืืื"ื)
*ืืข"ื ืฉืืืื ืื ืื ืืื ืฉืื ืืื ื ืืกืื ืื ืืคืืืช ืืื ืขื ืืฉืจืื ืืืืืื ืืืฉ!
Kedushat Levi
๐ฅ 1st night - To not to be lonely or depressed
๐ฅ๐ฅ 2nd night- To find your marriage partner and have marital peace
๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ 3rd night - Children, who are happy and healthy
๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ 4th night = 4 ืืืืืช, the 4 Matriarchs. Pray for the women in our life (or ourselves) that they should express their true essence and be safe, healthy and joyful.
๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ 5th night โ ืืืื, wisdom, in yourself, and in your spouse and children, if applicable. By the 5th night more of the menorah is lit up than not. Pray for more light in your life, for clarity.
๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ 6th night โ Simcha - Joy. You can have everything and still be sad, therefore pray for contentment, joy and happiness.
๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ 7th night โ A Happy and Peaceful Shabbat. Shabbos is the source of all bracha.
๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ 8th night- Pray for women who want to have children. 8 is miracles, it's beyond nature. This is a powerful day to pray for all you desire to see in your life and the world. All the things your logical mind deems impossible.
By Rabbanit Devora Benyamin
3๏ธโฃโฑ๏ธ๐ 3rd CANDLE / ื ืจ ืฉืืืฉื
The 3rd candle is mesugal for tefillot for the family! May there be happy, healthy and holy children always and for the whole house of Israel! And for perfect health and miraculous healing!
ืืกืืื ืืชืคืืื ืขื ืืืฉืคืื! ืืข"ื ืฉืืืื ืืืืื ืฉืืืื, ืืจืืืื ืืงืืืฉืื ืชืืื ืืืื ืืืช ืืฉืจืื! ืืืืจืืืืช ืฉืืื ืืืจืคืืื ื ืืกืืช!
โืืืืจืืช ืืืงืฉืช ืืืชื ื ืืืืืช ืื ืืืืื ,ืืงืฉืืืื
Parenting asks us to be leaders, listeners...
โืืืืืืื ืื ืืื
Each child is unique
โืืืืืื ืืืื ืืืชื
and we grow together with them
โ ืื ืืืฉืื ืืืืืื ืืืชื ื
It continues and accompanies us
โืขื 120 ืืื ืืฉื ื ืื ื ืืื ืืืืืื
until 120 and it doesn't matter how old the children are
โืืื ืืืื ืืชืช ืืงืื ืืชืคืืืืช
And this is the day to give space in our tefillot
โืืื ืื ืืื ื ืื ืื ืขื
for children and grandchildren for
โืื ืื ืฉืื ืืขื ืื ืื ืฉืขืื ืืฆืืื ืืื
everything they are and everything that is yet to grow from them
โืืืืื ื ืงืืื ืืขืืืืช ืืืืืื ืฉื ืื ืืื โ- ืื ืืืื
And maybe a point for this avoda of giving thanks on Chanukah, The holiday of thanks
โืืืชืืื ืฉืืขื ืืื ืืื ืื ืืื
To practice that a little good is also good
โืืื ืืขืจืืืช ืืืืกืื ืืืืืืื ืืืืืื
In all relationships and especially the children
โ ืืืืืื ืฉื ืืืื
The identification of the good
โืจืง ืืืืื ืืืชื .
will only increase it.
โืฉื ืืื ืืฉืืื ืฉืืื ืืืืืช
May we merit to enjoy mutual joy...
โืืืฉืื ืื ืืืืช ืขื ืื ืื
And he returned the heart of fathers to sons
โืืื ืื ืื ืขื ืืืืชื
and the heart of sons to their fathers
๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ 4th night / ื ืจ ืจืืืขื / the 4 Mothers / ืืืืืช 4 /
Tiferet: The balanced intermixing of many colors
ืืืืจ ืืืกืืฃ ืืืืืโจ
The light goes on and on
ืืืืจ ืืืื ืืืชืืืืื
The light is becoming more diverseโจ
ืืืคื ืืืืจ ืฉื ืฆืืขืื
Great beauty of colors
ืืขื ืืืืคื ืืื ืืช ืืคืชืืื ื
And with the beauty laid before us
ืืืืื ื ืืจืืืช ืืช ืืืืจืืืืช
The invitation to see the complexity
ืืืื ื ืืืฉืคืื ืคืจืืืช ืืงืืืื ,ืืฉืืืื , ืืขื
We grew from a private family to a community, to tribes, to a nation
ืจืืื ืืขืืช ,ืืจืฆืื ืืช
Many opinions, and desires
ืืื ื ื ืื ?
And please tell?
ืื ืื ืืื ืืชืจืื ืื ื ?
ืืขื ืืื
What can Hanukkah contribute to us?
A little good
ืืืืืืืช ืขืืื
and thank him
ืขืื ืืขืื
more and more
ืขื ืื ืืื ืฉื ืืื
For all the good we recognize
ืืฉ ืืื ืฉื ื ืืคืืงื ืืฉืคืขื ืืคืฉืจืืช
This has two possible avenue
๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ5th Candle / ื ืจ ืืืืฉื Netzach / Bitachon
ื ืจ ืืืืฉื ืืื ื ืจ ืฉื ืืฉืืจื,
The 5th candle is a candle of good news
ืื ืื ืฆื ืฅ ืืืจ ืืืคืง ืฉื ืืืืื,
in which a horizon of redemption is already glimmering
ืื ืจ ืืืืฉื ืืฉ ืืืจืขื,
In the fifth candle there is a decision
ืืืืจ ืืชืืืจ ืขื ืืืืฉื ,
The light overcomes the darkness
ืขืืจื ื ืืช ื ืงืืืช ืืืืฆืข ืืื ืืืื
We passed the midway point in Chanukah
ืืฉ ืืืชืจ ื ืจืืช ืืืืงืื
There are more candles lit
ืืื ืืืจ,ืืื ืจืฆืื ....
Let there be light, let there be will...
ืืช ืืื ืืืื ืืืืืงืื ืืคืื ื ืืฉืืืืืช ืฉื ืืื ืืกื ืืืืช
The menorah is lit in the left corner of the entrance to the house.
.ืืืืืฅ , ืคืื ื ืืืื ืื ืืืคืืื ืช ืื ืจ ืืืฉ ืืืืชื .
From the outside, a very uncharacteristic corner for a candle and its house.
ืื ืื ืื ืงืืื ืฉืื ืืืื ื ืืืืจืื ืืฆืืื ืืช ืืืืช ืฉืื ื.
This is not the point where we would choose to specify our house.
ืืื ืฉืื ืขื ืืื ื ืฉื ืื ืืื ืฉืืืืื ืืืชื ื ืืืฆืื ืืช ืืืืจ ืฉืืืจ ืงืืื
But it is the matter of Chanuka that leads us to find the light that already exists
ืืคืืื ืื ืงืืืช ืืืืืืจ ืืจืฉืืช ืืจืืื
even at the point of connection to the rashut harabim
ืืืืคืื ืืจืฉืืช ืืืืื ืฉืืื ืืืืจืจืช ืืืชืจ
as opposed to the rashut hayachid which is more selective
ืืืคืืื ืืชืืช ืืขืฉืจื ืืคืืื
And from under 10 tefachim
ืืืคืืื ืืืื ืืืืืื
And even in the days of the chol
ืืืืจ ื ืืฆื
the light is available
ืชืืื ื ืขื ืืขืืืื ืืืืช
Go ahead with this avoda
ืืืืื ืืงืจืืืื
In the coming days
ืืช ืืืืจ ืชืืฆืื ืืืชื
you will find the light
ืืืงืืืืช ืื ืฆืคืืืื
in unexpected places
ืืื ืืืจ
Let there be light!
โจSingle Light of Chanukah ื ืจ ืื ืืื
Rav Kook ztzl
Before lighting the Chanukah lights, we recite the blessing, โWho sanctified us with His mitzvot and commanded us to kindle the Chanukah LIGHT.โ
Why does the blessing refer to a single lightโ? We light several candles each night; why not say โthe Chanukah lightsโ?
From when it was first established, the Beis HaMikdash already encompassed all of its greatness and kedusha. Future times will merely reveal the holiness that it always contained. Thus the Beis HaMikdash's dedication is called Chanukah. The feminine form of the word ืืื ืื is used, denoting a state of intrinsic kedusha and completeness.
The lights of Chanukah are a mashul for the brachos of enlightenment that the Jewish people bestow to the world. All of the nationโs potential spiritual gifts are included in the dedication of Chanukah: Torah and wisdom, nevua/ prophecy and morality, justice and rachamim / compassion etc. Like the Beis HaMikdash, these are qualities inherent in the Knesset Israel / the collective Jewish People โ so the word chanukah is appropriate.
Sometimes these โlightsโ emphasize their distinct nature in order to make their full contribution, even at the expense of other ideals. Such divisions, however, can lead to internal strife. Those who stress one particular ideal may look upon those who promote other ideals as detracting from a more important value. In truth, when each individual advances that light that corresponds to the inner makeup of his soul, the entire people of Israel is enriched.
But these conflicts will not exist forever!!! As long as there is strife and dissension, holiness cannot be properly established.In the future, it will become clear that all of the different lights share a common shoresh/ root, and are really ONE single light. Therefore, the bracha of Chanukah, which also encompasses the future potential, speaks of a single โChanukah light.โ
Chanukah: Understanding the Properties of Light
Rebbetzin Tamar Taback
36 lights of Chanukah. What is the significance of 36? Adam and Chava were created in the beginning of fri and sinned on Fri. After 24 hours of Shabbos, darkness descended. They were exiled from Gan Eden.
The first 36 hours when the light filled the world before the darkness descended represents primordial light, a light from another world. If you could imagine a hidden spiritual light they enjoyed.
Leah Imeiuโs name equals of 36
Itโs fascinating that Leah Imeiuโs name equals of 36. The beauty of Leah was hidden. It took Yakov a very long time to appreciate her beauty. Of the 2 sisters, Rochel and Leah, Leah represent the olma deskasia, (Tanya) the hidden world. She comes straight from the source of the Ohr Haganuz. Her vibration is very very high, lofty, spiritual. Her beauty was so great that it did not penetrate fully into this world because the world wasnโt ready for it.
In many ways Leah is an icon of the Pre-Messianic woman. The aspect of femininity that is slowly dripping into this world as we are approaching the end of 6000 years. It is only through the language of the Torah that we can fully understand how to utilize this koach and beauty and connect to it ourselvesโฆ
Ohel Leah. The Tent of Leah. We are walking into Leahโs Tent.
The experience of women in our time. People are struggling & juggling so many different roles
Finding the time to nourish themselves among the many demands of life. People are struggling to find true fulfillment and shalom. Not just the absence of fight, but PRESENCE of harmony and peace. And love in their marriages.
Chanukah - Ohr Haganuz
On Chanukah, we are inaugurating the Third Beit Hamikash. The lighting of the candles during the eight days of Chanukah is like the lighting which will take place in the Third Beit Hamikdash. How so?
The Beit HaMikdash was destroyed because when I looked at a Jew, and I saw him buying nonkosher meat (or at least not from the place I buy), I knocked him off, in my heart.
But when my soul begins to shine and Iโm in touch with the Ohr Haganuz, with the light of Chanukah, itโs clear to me that I know nothing about this Jew. Do I know what is hidden there, in the depths of his neshamah?
The preparation for the Third Beit HaMikdash is that throughout Chanukah we light thirty-six lights. These 36 lights are the Ohr Haganuz.
Adam HaRishon was in Gan Eden for thirty-six hours. Adam was created on Friday morning. From Friday morning till Shabbat was 12 hours, and then Shabbat was another 24 hours, which comes out to 36.
The letters of the name of our mother Leah, who is the mother of Yehudah and the grandmother of Moshiach, add up to thirty-six.
With these thirty-six lights on Chanukah, we are all back in Gan Eden. This is the utmost preparation for the great day to come.
Yossi Fraenkel