ART: Nechama Sarah Burgeman
Tshuva Preceded the Creation
Dear Beautiful Women,
Following the thread of our last hitbonnenut, we are all sharing this incredible journey of tshuva. Throughout Chassidic teachings we learn that tshuva preceded the Creation. The tachlit (goal)of our soul coming into this world is to harness this pre Creation consciousness, re-adjust our sense of “ani” (I) as we widen our vessels to receive, transform and become geula consciousness.
From Tish B’AV we can reflect and adjust the first step of tshuva, from Y’erah. We listen inside and define where my “ani” is still captured in a past memory/where pain still lies. We integrate our emmunah into our knowing and being that Hashem was dafka with us then as He is now. Sit with the pain, regret. We now travel through this memory as a portal opened by our tears to a new vision/ experience of being part of the collective phenomena of the shechina. Our personal tshuva story is the end of a long string of history of trauma and tragedy that we have the privilege to make the final tikkun through this shift of consciousness We shed the shame and guilt through our transition Allow yourself to imagine that my “ani” is the last vehicle for an entire line of the Jewish “His” Story/ Hashem’s story with which he entrusted us and chose us (Israel) to do the final tikkun. Our sense of self is refining. We are not melting into a collective consciousness but somehow the I’ish.. the essence of myself, freed from the klipot is joining everyone in the circle dance.
From Tu b’Av we glean the sparks of tshuvah il’iyah- tshuva from love. How can we interpret what we are learning through the human analogues of relationships in our life which we can translate into cultivating our great love for Hashem? How willing are we to finally release ourselves from the “ani” that is being released from the past so that we live the geula consciousness now?
Sending lots of Love and Blessings,
Nechama Sarah Burgeman