Netzach she bNetzach
10 Iyar / Day 25

-Nechama Sara Burgman,

When we shift the focus to what we need to heal INSIDE OF OUR SOUL
(What is blocking us from expressing the depth of our soul in the present (Netzach shBNetzach)
from the thing that “happened” to us
(the victimhood)
we become victorious in our own healing

This requires emunah pshuta, temimut and bitul –
We focus on realignment
Releasing the vagas nerve of trauma…healing the spine …is realigning


Eating from the fruit of the eitz haDaas, is like needing to know the DETAILS OF THE STORY.
That is not the answer to the healing.

Knowing the “Story” is not the answer to the healing..
Rather spiritual chiropractic realignment, the spiritual vav that runs from Keter to malchut is
The healing

From Dance of the Omer by Rav Benji Elson
Becoming a Conductor of the Eternal (Nitzchi)

Today is  the first day of the second half of the Omer journey
We are in the koach / sefirotic energy of Netzach: Mastery, success and victory

How do we make our actions impactful and lasting /nitzchi / eternal?
Moshe Rabbeinu is associated with Netzach
What is the difference between Moshe’s nevu and that of the other neviim.
“As we dance closer and closer toward Har Sinai and our own personal revelations about we we are and what our purpose in the world is…
We come to more clarity on how to make OUR actions more Nitzchi… eternal, impactful and lasting

What made Moshes actions nitzchi / eternal
Rashi explains the principle like this:
Torat Moshe : The Law of Mosher is called Torah because it was given for eternity; that that of the other neviim is only called Kabbala / tradition, which they received by Divine Inspiration, each [only] according to the needs of the moment, the generation, and incident at hand.” (Chiullin 137a)

The irony is, that looking at the worlds of the various neviiim, one might think the exact opposite. Many  of their visions speak of an eternal future yet to com ie: the earth ill be filled with the knowledge of the Kavod of Hashem as the waterso cover the sea” (Chabakuk 2:14) etc. Clearly these nevviim speak of a time eternal in the future, Olam Habah.

Moshe, in the other hand, davka, does NOT SPEAK of an eternal time. Moshes nevua was villed  with the instructions for one specific generation, in one specific time and one specific place – the Dor HaMidbar IN the Desert and their children who would enter the Land. Also, many of Moshe’s teachings and laws were a direct response to what had been going on in Egyptian (and Canaanite) society and culture as well as a direct respons to specific questions and actions of the Dor haMidbar.

Yavamot 49b explains that Moshe’s nevua was different because he saw with an aspaklaria ha’meira, a clear looking glass. While all the other neviim saw through an aspaklaria she’eino m’eira, an unclear or opaque looking glass.

Moshe’s nevua is different and eternal because of the CONNECTION TO THE PRESENT MOMENT
Moshes deep awareness of and connection to the present moment
Is exactly what allowed him to gaze with a “clear looking glass”
And learn the eternal teachings that the present moment had to offer.

And based on what he saw through his
Clear looking glass that allowed him to see
He understood that the small window of vision WHICH HE HAD BEEN GIFTED WITH
Was NOT!!! The full picture of Panim of Hashem

Ironically it was precisely his AWARENESS OF THE PRESENT MOMENT
Which allowed for his prophesies to becom Nitzhi, becoming applicable to EVERY MOMENT FOR ALL OF THE REST OF HUMAN TIME.

Moshes words were eternal because the were of the Present Moment
In RESPONSE to the present moment
Bas in the way
Hashem decided to reveal Him Self in that moment

Based on this, Moshe understood that, in the NEX MOMENT, EVERYTHING COULD CHANGE!!!
Hashem’s Panim WOULD CHANGE depending on how Hashem chose to reveal him self in the next moment.

It was this

Yet not being consumed.

It was his presence in the present moment that go the BALL ROLLING FOR THE GEULA FROM MITZRAYIM TO OCCURE!

It is for this reason the Moshe became the first Human to whom Hashem made known the name E-k-eh Asher I-kiyeh
I will be that which I will be

I Hashem am ever changing
I will manifest as I do
In each unfolding moment.

Moshe perceived the Shem Hashem and experience the Shechina Reality
Precisely because he EXPERIENCED LIFE.
And Hashem, in this way

This is why the chachamim say that had Moshe entered into the Land with the people there would never have been another galus (Sforno Devarim 3:26)

The Beit Hamikdash and the Kehila Kedosha that he would have established would have lasted forever precisely because it would have been flexible and dynamic enough to FACE EVERY NEW SITUATION PANIM LPANIM, face to face
With presence
In the present situation and reality.

I never would have become stale or boring or toxic
It never would have needed to be destroyed.
For that same reason, because Moshe’s words and actions were of and for the PRESENT MOMENT ­– are they Eternal

The ability to act from a place of deep presence is expressed by the Lightning and Thunder of a Storm
The visceral expressions of the might of the Storm and reason that it induces such awe and fear

The great Symphony of the Heavens, the Lightning and Thuner
Are explosive manifestations of the most subtle changes within the present moment.
They are the discharge of ELECTRIC ENERGY PRODUCED BY THE MOST SUBTLE CHANGES IN THE water and air flow within the storm cloud.

They are discharged electrons that of stripped off in the meeting of the rising water particles
From the bottom of the Storm cloud with the falling ice particles from the top of the storm cloud.

THE HYPER-PRESENCE of the storm seems to be intuitively felt by an observer of a Storm
And is what awakens such awe and fear in us.

Light the Lightning and Thunder of nevua, the lightning and thunder of the storm trigger and awesome RESONANCE with the Shechina
That is embedded within each and EVERY MOMENT

This is the truest manifestation and Realization of Netzach.
This is the sod behind making our actions lasting, impactful, and victorious.
To make something eternal
To become a Conductor of the Nitzchiut
And embody netzach sh b Netzach
We act from a deep connection to the EVER-UNFOLDING-PRESENT-MOMENT
TO THE NOW!!!! As it is happening.

Only by being completely connected to the present
Can our words and actions reach far into the future and become Enduring and Impactful.

Like the lightning and thunder toward the storm
Like Moshe towards the people in the midbar
Like an orchestra conductor toward her audience
When we ASSUME A presence-filled stance, we too are ABLE TO SHOW UP TO ANY SITUATION

When this occurs, opposition and resistance fall away and our actions can be impactful and everlasting,
Our music and dance netzach she b Netzach

Think about a project, person or relationship that you are having trouble having an impactful and lasting effect on or in

Ask yourself: have I been trying to cause a change to myself, this project, or this person based on an assumption or understanding from the past,
Or a projection into the future?
Might my words or actions have been met with resistance? Yes
How might I be able to better get in touch with the current reality as it is in this present moment and current situation?

Perhaps this requires “speaking to the rock” instead of hitting it and
Asking it where its at and what IT needs

When you act in conversation / hisbodedus with and in response to the present moment
Your efforts will be more victorious and lasting.
Spend some time doing this and where that. Shift is needed