✨What light!
What magnificence!
What power!
What awesomeness!
To tap into the Journey of Grace of Esther Hamalka.
To travel her path and walk in her footsteps.
To spiral inwards and upwards- to enter the inner sanctuary of the King as He faces the Beit Hamikdash.

To open the Ohr Chadash treasury – to Will, Faith and Embodiment.
The sheer majesty of being filled with Grace and Heavenly Charm- allowing it to pour through, into movement, expression, dance and a strengthened inner kol!

✨Grateful for the journey of discovering Ruach Hakodesh and embodying Keser Malchus!

We are had the most awesome Purim High Council!
Thank you Sarah Yehudit, Malka Sima, and Chana Vered for making this happen!

* * *


✨"Thank you! This was so special!!! There are no words.
I’m looking forward to experience what we attained here in this coming year…be’ezras Hashem."

✨I was hurting...
We parted the Sea... I felt the Esther feminine Shechchina AND!!! I felt HaMelech!... simultaneously within ... for the first time!

✨I experienced yechudim. In all the four stages...
✨When I arrived, I felt the constriction, the lack, the disrespect.

I now know I come from the higher part
I now feel the Ohr Ein Sof...
supported and respected

✨ this is what my neshama needed.. there was just pain. Triggered again and again. The chashmal made me come into a new light. A new reality.

✨During the Miriams Circle, I felt it in my FEET. We brought down the Ohr chadash. I can't believe this happened HERE in Lakewood,NJ!!

✨Coming from that malchus place... Im totally embodied and calmer now

✨I Envisioned myself shimmering in malchut

✨*At this time of Purim, I'm usually crying in my room*...
This is what my soul NEEDED.
THIS is Purim!



May all our efforts be added to the protection of our soldiers and the treatment of the wounded; To return our hostages safe and sound to their families as soon as possible!

We are going to begin a journey
On this neila of Purim / shushan purim  5784 תשפ"ד

We will go inside  with the Queen Esther within us to find an inner home / an inner mishkan
for yeshuos
 in the inner hechel/ chamber
of the Bais HaMelech
the King's house
in the presence of the King

The way to relinquish the darkness is to add more light,
We are doing this now
We were gathered together here
In hiskashrus and hiskallelus
To do this

We were created for this moment
we are here now
In the geula of purim
 in our hearts
building a mishcan for Hashem. 
This is the place of the kedosh hakedoshim
 that is rooted in our center, in the depths of our heart, 
stabilizing us through the great challenges of this final war,
בעזרת השם 

Lets set this as our intention, especially today, on neilas purim,
when incredible light is coming down
Great lights are opened from one end of the world to the next
Yeshuos are coming down

Imagine yourself
Enclothed in Esther’s royal gown became
an invisibility cloak
that allowed her to slip past the guards,
straight to the inner chamber, sight unseen.