Experiencing Tiferet She B’Malchut at the foot of Har Sinai
based on the book Dance of the Omer by Rav Benji Elson
We are now in the last 6 days, leading to Shavuot, kabbalat haTorah
What do these events have to do with us, today, on our own journey?
Lets explore whats happening TODAY …
being present in the NOW…
Meditation by Rochel Leah Weiman
Music: ניסים ברוך
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Movement & Transformation to MOUNTAIN CONSCIOUSNESS
is the day,
after a month and a half of traveling,
that we finally have arrived
at the foot of Har Sinai.
Rosh Chodesh Sivan,
i connect to Sivan
to the word
Hiluch הלוך
and the chush / sense
of Movement and Transformation.
On Rosh Chodesh Sivan,
Bnei Yisrael
reach the midbar Sinai and camped
at the foot of the Mountain. (Mechilta dRabi Yishmael 19:1)
No words were spoken
to us,
“Hashem did not say anything at all to the Jewish people, Since they were weary from the journey” (Shabbat 86b)
Feel your weariness
No judgement
Just be with it
I still in my stillness
At the foot of mt sinai
And feel my breath and align to my spine /
My center column
As I connect to Tiferet SheBMalchut
Allowing the light to come in from my crown
And bringing it into my heart
And bring the light down to the souls
Of my feet
Connecting to the Land / adama
more fully embodying my new role of Malchut
I feel my vessel
overflowing with
ahavas Yisrael
as I feel the light overflowing
And now rising up and up and up
Till it reaches my mouth / פה
How can I express my love and support to others
as they too, are
stepping into their
new roles of Malchut
I welcome this Transition
As am fully conscious
Of my new makom / place
at the foot of the Har Sinai
to deepen my breath
as I sit opposite the Mountain
ויחן שם ישראל נגד ההר
Steps for Transforming and Rectifying Thoughts
RECOGNIZE the moment. STOP! I am in a state of nefila / falling into my negative thought pattern / midda / taiva / self judgement
RECOGNIZE this is a state of perfection, created by the Perfect Creator
RATZO RUN “Hashem please help me. I feel the fire / feeling of constriction trigger. I don’t want this and I can’t do this without you.
FEEL THE SIMCHA I can actually feel happy about this feeling / emotion / taiva because it was placed in me for this tikkun (to elevate to my yechida-soul level)
BARUCH HASHEM Thank you Hashem. I don’t need to fall into this negative thought pattern anymore. I get it now!
SHOV/ RETURN be present / bring the light back into the relationship with your self and others. Return to your heart center and feel the Shechina presence
BE CONSCIOUS that I fulfilled my tikkun for my soul, and collectively for Knesset Yisrael and the world
Say a pasuk / do a mitzva / do chesed / learn Torah