Tomer Devorah
Insights from Sefer Tomer Devorah with Devorah Hadassah Liebermann & Rochel Leah Weiman
Blossoms sprouting its developing fruit / Porachat alta nitza
13 Middot Rachamim / Tikkun HaMiddot
For the refual sheleima of Maayan bat Devorah Hadassah
Hashem brings upon us situations in order to do this avoda
revealing the intricate details of the Shechina
To bring rachamim into the world
We are needed
in this creational process…
Designed specifically to do this
Of revealing Hashem in the world
Therefore He draws down these situations
triggering / constricting / thought patterns
As OPPORTUNITIES for us to do The Work
Remember… When a situation arises
Requiring the use of one of these Midos
Remind yourself and say:
I am choosing to emulate
my Creator
To Know these Midot shel Rachmim Elyonot
(supernal attributes of mercy)
And their quality is just
as a I conduct myself in this world below
So I will be worthy of opening up the channel
of the same Supernal Midda Above
Exactly according to my conduct now
so will He bestow above / milmala
And He will cause this mida
to shine here in this world
For this reason
I will not divert my mind
from these 13 Middot.
Or allow these middot to depart from my mouth.
(They will always be in my consciousness)
I choose to remember…
when a situation arises
requiring the use of one of these middot.
I remind myself and say:
הֲרֵי דָּבָר זֶה
Behold, This action
which I am doing the tikkun for in this situation (describe) ______
(describe the situation / midda / emotion / feeling in your body; use all senses)
תָּלוּי בְּמִדָּה __________
Is contigent on this mida of _________.אֵינִי רוֹצֶה לָזוּז מִמֶּנָּה
I will not budge from it,
(feel into it; put consciounsness on it)שֶׁלֹּא תִתְעַלֵּם וְתִסְתַּלֵּק
So that this (midda of Rachamim)
should not become concealed or disappear
הַמִּדָּה הַהִיא מִן הָעוֹלָם
This midda of _____ from the world
I set my intention
To not veer from this midda
And I will perpetuate and reveal this mida in the world
I am the link
In this relationship
I am setting this awareness
To reveal your attribute of rachamim
In the world
I am setting my kavana
Asking for divine assistance to do this
I cannot do this if it is not with your compassion
as I ratzo vshov
This is the ultimate goal…
To help each other do this
And shine the light
This Chanuka
And for the rest of the year
To reveal Hashems compassion
to become a bracha
That others SEE HASHEM
Through us…
By actually verbalizing this intention
i acknowledge my Mouth as malchut
It’s an opportunity for yichud
isaruta dltata / an arousal from below
I need to move this energy
with the intention of transforming it.
koach ha moshech
Drawing down
an isarusa dleila arousal from above (Zohar:Titzave)
You are shining this mochin dgadlus
expanded consciousness
As a free gift / matnas chinam
We are asking you to help us to shine
Your rachamim
That I am a kli / channel
To do this task of bringing chedva / joy into the world
With this avoda
We thank you in advance
for showering your compassion on us
So we can shine your light
To humbly help maintain
The existence of Your middot in this world
May we be zoche
To Mekabel the Ohr HaGanuz
To shine and maintain the 13 Middos of Rachamim
In the world
I put my ear on Maayans bedroom door
I wanted to hear her breathing
I was assured that she was breathing
And I thought
Thank you Hashem for the reminder
That you breath for her
And that you are breathing for me
And the limited time we have
To shine our light
To bring this attribute of rachamim into the world
During my brief sojourn here
-Devorah Hadassa
Asher Nishabata LAvoteinu Meditation
הי"ב - אשר נשבעת לאבתינו - יֵשׁ בְּנֵי אָדָם שֶׁאֵינָם הֲגוּנִים וְהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא מְרַחֵם עַל כֻּלָּם וּפֵרְשׁוּ בַּגְּמָרָא (בְּרָכוֹת ז.) "וְחַנֹּתִי אֵת אֲשֶׁר אָחֹן" (שְׁמוֹת לג, יט) אָמַר הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא אוֹצָר זֶה לְאוֹתָם שֶׁאֵינָם הֲגוּנִים יֵשׁ אוֹצַר חִנּוּנִים שֶׁהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא חוֹנֵן וְנוֹתֵן לָהֶם מַתְּנַת חִנָּם לְפִי שֶׁאָמַר הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא הֲרֵי יֵשׁ לָהֶם זְכוּת אָבוֹת, אֲנִי נִשְׁבַּעְתִּי לָאָבוֹת אִם כֵּן עִם הֱיוֹת שֶׁאֵינָם הֲגוּנִים יִזְכּוּ בִּשְׁבִיל שֶׁהֵם מִזֶּרַע הָאָבוֹת שֶׁנִּשְׁבַּעְתִּי לָהֶם לְפִיכָךְ אַנְהִילֵם וְאַנְהִיגֵם עַד שֶׁיְּתֻקְּנוּ.
Tomer Devorah 12/8/2022
שאיפה inhale
נשיפה. exhale
Go to the Rishimu of the moment of
Building moment
Alma dAta
A sunrise mind state
The sunrise of my thoughts of the alma dAta
You are breathing for me
That’s the real ain od milvado
Hashem designed it so
We should have mercy on those who are NOT tzadikim
When we look at them and say
I actively choose to show those who are Not tzadikim
This is the moment of yichud
He/ she is the the child of Avraham Yitzchak Yakov, Sarah, Rivka, Rochel and Leah
Yichud hafachim
We say before lighting the chanuka lights:
Lshaim yichud
Kudsha Brish Hu
Bdchilu u rchimu
Rchimu udchilu
Lyachaid shaim
Byichuda Sh’lim
Bsham col Yisrael….
Mars and Venus
I guide my neshamas to the awareness of the present the breath
Not being a nefesh
Being present
Allowing others being present
I am not my thoughts
Geula awareness
I shall favor those who I will favor
Therefore I will lead them and guide them until they are perfected
And even if am harmed by wicked
We shouldn’t humiliate them
I conceal my disgrace
Cover over their lack
And to help them improve
Im holding space for you in this space of constriction
When we show mercy to the rashaim and out of concern
With the intention to do it in the merit of our forefathers
For the sake of the fathers to rescue the children
The dream
Of the parent should
Observe, not react in the disgrace
Asher nishbata lavoteinu
Turn it into a mitzvah
Goi inward
To the quiet
This is the nes!
We might bring this element of mercy into the world
Resemble supernal mercy
as A person acts below
He influences above
Causing this attribute to shine into the world
”This issue depends on this mida of rachamim ____
Lest it disappears from the world”
Asher Nishabata LAvoteinu
With our tefillot
We ask Hashem to help us and to guide us
with Rachamim
Lets learn how Moshe Rabbeinu did it…
While talking to Hashem face to face
Vchanoti et asher achon
I shall show favor to whom I choose to show favor
This is what I will reveal to whom I choose…
How to connect with me
Moshe recognized
he was a funnel
To bring Rachamim to Am Yisrael
Hashem chose Moshe
He developed the midda of caring for the flock
Every single sheep
Instead of: Look at these ingrates, stiff-necked dispicable people
He is humble
Avinu / Malkeinu…
is a Dual relationship
Hold this paradox
And Hashem allows him to enter into dialogue
He pleaded,
I remind you
You took them out with an outstretched hand
Hashem “needed” him to beseech him
There is power in you beseeching me
He gives us koach for this
Remember for the sake of Avraham, Yitzchak vIsrael
To give them a heritage forever
Only then, Hashem reveals his 13 middos of rachamim
He reminded Hashem of His mercy
Look what you did with your strength
He allows this interaction with Moshe
To interfere
Kindness to Avraham
Moshe embodies this
Am Yisrael was guilty (of the golden calf)
But instead
He pleads
Hashem give the 13 middos harachamim
A set it up…
That he gives this gift Matnas chinam
Theres a partnership in Rachamim
Hashem wants us to have a RELATIONSHIP
This is the tikkun
Hashem: I will not ascend with you to the Land
If I am among you I might annihilate them
Moshe: you say to me take this people onward
But you didn’t say that you who will be with me
If I have found favor in your eyes
Make your name known to me
This nation is YOUR people
He is constantly reminding Hashem
That he will make his name known to me
He is building RELATIONSHIP
How will it be known that I have found favor in your eyes?
That we will be distinct among the people of the earth
Only if your Presence comes with us
Hashem: I shall do. For you have found favor in my eyes. And I have known you by name!
(I have walked with you intimately. We have this relationship now…)
We need to be selective on when to have this holy chutzpa
When Moshe expanded his Rachamim
Only then!!! Hashems mercy expanded
When we show compassion to those who are not worthy
As you have shown to our forefathers
ie to the disrespectful child
To the spouse who said a disparaging remark
10 hadibribros were a result of the RELATIONSHIP
When to be subject to our parent, employer, king
He gives the rules
I follow the rules as a child
Our relationship is based on this premise
But Hashem sets it up!
To put me in this place of making a choice
Where its not just me
I will wipe them out and make you a great nation
No! says moshe
Its not about me and my ego
Please have mercy on them
Hashem was asking Moshe to expand HIS rachamim
And only then
He expanded His rachamim
Please hashem
Help me know how to serve you
To allow me to meet my fellow man with mercy
I can reset my intention
Minute by minute
Strengthen us to emulate you
To show compassion who least deserve
Especially ourselves
And help us beseech you the way
You want me to beseech you
Or not
To be haniah subjugate to your Will
To attach ourselves to your Torah
So our neighbor, our loved one, the bus driver
Will see your compassion
I look at them will higher vision
I remind you
The way you have created us to do this
When moshe beseeched you
You have created me for this day
I remind you of your promise
Of the mercy you showed to Moshe
The 13 middos of rachamim
We need your compassion more than ever
To bring geula
To bring geula
Through our relationships
With you, myself each other
Helm e conceal their disgrace and
Help to improve others,
As much as is in my power
We are nothing without you
You are everything
I will humbly remind you
That you descended in a cloud
And called out your name
Hashem Hashem… Kel Rachum vchanun…
You are the Father and King
Of all mercy
This Otzar this treasurehows of chein
Of grace
which he shows chein and gives
Us and them
An unearned gift
HKBH gave this Shavua. This oath
To our Fathers
So even if they are unworthy they will be zoche,
Because they are the children of our avot
I will lead them
And guide them
Until they are PERFECTED
I remind you of your promise
Tatty, aba we need your mercy more than ever
Help me have rachamim on your children
Even if they may not look righteous in my eyes and are despicable
As they are your children!
I do not wish their fathers to be dispised because of me
Help me to vover over their disgrace
umachse elbonam.
umataknam kfe coho
and help them to improve and do their tikkun
Help me to see them with higher vision
In this holistic wholesome picture
Of their middot rayot
Of coming from meartzeinu, memoladatecha, mi beit havicha
Of their previous gilgulim
I have compassion
I beseech you to open your heart and arms wide
Because they need you so desperately
Please help us to rise
We can only do this
With your torah
Attach us to those who will enable us to do this
Enable us to be those leaders
Thank you for this moment
To learn your torah
To come before you
What a gift to study
And ascertain
Through moshe rabbeinu
To have a relationship with you
May you be pleased
And in your great mercy
As a av harachama
Baal harachamim
May you reveal Moshiach
Bimheira byameinu
I have teardrops on my toes
We are setting our intention
And meeting ourselves with compassion
To show forgiveness
To those who least deserve
To be a funnel to bring compassion in the world
To recall the example of moshe rabbeinu
To have mercy whenever it is in my koach
To have compassion on others
So that we might be that funnel to channel the great compassion in the world
To bring the Moshiach
To please you
To humbly remind you of your promises
Help us do this
To emulate you
To use this gift of otzar hinam the storehouse of chein, grace
To talk with you
To stand in our malchut
to know you have created me to be tzelem Elokim
To relationship with my Avinu Shebashamaim
What an opportunity
To make the most of this moment
Attaching to your Torah, your Truth
To be Dveikut with you
To attach to the truth of the torah
And the premise to love each other
To show chein
This creates the relationship
And to reach out to others
To help us to do this
To conceal their disgrace and to help them with their tikkun
as much that is in my power
to funnel compassion in the world
He doesn’t need us
to come closer to him
So we can develop this relationship
That he allows us this intimacy
He had to accept that he was not in control
Until Hashem said “stop”
I allow myself to be affected
I am merciful and compassionate
Moshe had to accept Hashems ratzon
Coming closer to him
Is when to know when and how to accept what he is giving us
To yearn to look at this
With full humility and daas elyon
A higher knowing.
Hashem bless us to know
When to press on the gas pedal
And when to press on the break pedal
This torah has brought me a place to calmness
And intention of what I can do right now
With my tefilla
My heart
Giving that to Him
And I can turn around and go into my Home
And show mercy
And be tzelem elokim
To my children, my spouse and myself.
Ive been nurtured and watered
You have filled my vessel
With your torah and compassion
To make a bayit
And to bring compassion in the world
Thank you Hashem
May we give to the klal and her loved one
To calm and still and be present with her husband
Before her traveling
In her 4 daled amos
As we do this simcha.
As we enter our day
Touch base with each other
Keeping contact with our avodas hashem
When we show compassion with a person who least deserves
8. Yichbosh Avoneinu
יכבוש עונתינ
He will suppress our avonot (iniquities / aveirot)
Mitzvos are compared to blossoms,
sprouting its developing fruit
and it shoots upwards
without limit
To enter Hashem’s presence
but avonot can not ener there.
Rather He suppresses them and doesn’t let them enter there in Hi Pnima: inner presence
HKBH does not deduct mitzvos for avaios
For the mitzvos are very important and precious to Him
And they ascend until they com before His Presence
Mitalot ad lfanavYitbarach
the reward for mitzvot is the ziv haShecina, The radiance of the Shecina.
Rather HKBH collects the debt dure for aveirot
And payes the reward for all the mitzvos
that’s what it means KOVASH AVONOTAINU
Meaning that the avonot do not prevail before Him as the mitzvot do.
Rather He suppresses them, preventing them for rising up and entering His Presence
He observes all our ways, both tov vrah
and does not suppress the good.
Merging and collecting with our other mitzvot,
bulding a Lvush nichbad / precious garment.
Avonot do not have this segulah
Rather He suppresses them so they will have no success
vlo ycanesu pnima
and have no entry into the Inner Presence
We should conduct ourselves according to this midda
We should not suppres the goodness that our friend does to us
we should suppres the raa,
Erasing it from our memory
And abandoning it
So no raa will reside within us.
and the goodness should be always arranced within us.
We should always remember the favor and good of each other
allowing it to be strengthened over the bad action the person has done to us
We should not subtract from the goodness in our heart and say
Although she did me a favor, she also did me har.
thereby forgetting the favot.
We should allow ourselves to be appeased in every possible way regarding harm
and never overlook the good.
just as HKBH dis in KOVAISH AVONOT
Your mitzvos ascending
Like the blossoms
And they are collected in His presence
Hashem He is not phased by our falls / nifilos / avairos
He is patient and waits for our teshuva
Like a parent watching a child riding a bike
And He is applauding us
As we climb back on our bike
As opposed to self-beratement
and despair
When we make mistakes
I choose to focus on the goodness
In myself
And others
and to see this
And I choose to suppress the raah
And we can do this because we are tzelem Elokim
We are created to do this
Lets set this attention
Knowing the blossoms shoot up directly to the pnimi of Hashems presence
They are collected as a precious garment in His pnimi Inner Place
While He Koveish: suppresses / preserves the falls
Korat ruach: bliss / tranquility
In olam haba
where there is a constant state of tranquility
For the goodness that we do for our self
And for others
Hashem doesn’t make accounting
The reward for the mitzvos are never wiped out by an avaira
They are deposited forever in the mitzva bank
remember the goodness another person has done for us
and preserve it
and collect it
in our being
in our Presence
The Shechina is radiating within
this is the reward
7. Yashuv Yerachameinu
B Chasdei H' / 9 day SIT- Teshuva awareness/Restoring the ה of תשוב
A Torah based SIT with gleenings from Tomer Devorah by Rav Moshe Cordovero Ztz"l
Insights shared from my chavrusa/learning with Rochel Leah Weiman
Rak H'✨✨
13. M’Yamei Kedem
From Days of Old
12. Asher Nishbata L’Avoteinu
Which you Swore to Our Fathers
HEY Meditation ה
Yashuv yerachameinu / He Will again be merciful to us
Hamtaka hashoresh
The light is returning with power through the dinim/ gevurot,
the restricted places…
Thankful for this gift of teshuva
For the Hey
restoring it to the proper place
For when I act as tzelem elokim
When I mirror you
Connecting to my ability
to restore my self
and Am Yisrael to the ה
To come closer and closer to you
I see your rachamim and compassion for me
I am compelled to do teshuva
To restore the Hey
Accepting my friends humanity
Embracing their teshuva
I ratz vshov and say
This is so hard to do
Especially with our loved ones
This is what we are designed to do
Is is designed to be challenging
I am setting my intention to come closer to you
With this T of teshuva
May you enable us to to the teshuva
Teshuv – HEY
Return to the Hey
Hashem returns the Shechina upon us
It’s a return to the hey consciousness
To be in this awareness
With our ratzon
Choosing to learn Torah and come closer to Him
The awareness to make teshuva
Hitorreus to teshuva
And how He has made us to be Tzelem Elokim
With insights on how we are created to be
After I say I forgive every person
And forgive me
And for hurting you
Hashem will you help me, please bless me to be in your Torah
Every day
Teshuv – hey
Return the Hey
As Hashem restores the Shechina rest upon us
With Teshuva from Love
May we be zoche to restore the ה
1. Noseh Ahvon
Construction zone outside my window this morning.
Creating an Ambiance of Rachamim
in the Construction Zone of Your Mind
27 Adar II 5782 / 30 March 2022
Taking the time
To bring teshuva to the world
This requires time for tefilla
and hisbodedus
I want to be like you Hashem
To emulate You
I want to bring your mercy into the world
Please help me to do this
With this limud in Tomer Devora
Hashem’s MIdda of Noseh Avon
We sin
We create the mashchit, the accusing angel for the avaira
The accuser says
They deserve punishment
Hashem says I will tolerate
With the mida of savlanut gedolah
Great patience
This mashchit is still being tolerated by Hashem
Teshuva will then release the defending angel
The teshuva
Is what Hashem is yearning for.
We should daven for their teshuva
To cause the accuser to disappear / mevatel
To nullify your ego / the natural feeling of being insulted
This brings tikkun to the person
And the world
We create an ambiance
Of rachamim
Our mercy brings down the mercy of HKBH
We are woven into the tapestry of rachamim
Built in the world
Feel the accusing angel
Giving you tension
Feel the Amalek in you
That uncomfortable feeling
Where is it
Feeding into your natural instinct
Is to feel insulted
Its there in your comfort zone
It feels more comfortable to be the victim
Go into the construction zone of your mind
Digging and unearthing
Day by day
Look at the progress
And what it takes to build
Feel the sun blazing down
Hear the sounds of building
Welcome the quieting of my mind
Feel safe
And supported
Feel the place of Tension and stress
I need your mercy!!!
I desperately need your rachamim
I cant do this without it
You put me here in this life
Please shine your mercy upon me
That one way to draw down mercy upon me
Is to have mercy on others
And so
I offer my teshuva
From the place
that I need to
Release any feelings of bitterness,
I want to reveal more of You in this world
I am reminded that
With my own teshuva
I invoke your mercy in the world
I spread your rachamim in the world
My choice to be tzelem Elokim
I am overwhelmed with thankfulness
That the display of my mercy
Will create a funnel
A means for bringing more merciful to the world
We need your mercy, Aba
Theres so much unknown in the world
Right now
Av Harachaman
We hope to your great compassion
Only You
We need you to be merciful
Please help me to be merciful
I am in this situation that I need to be merciful
Please guide me with love
Where is the best place for me
To bring down your mercy in the world?
May you be blessed with your mercy
Allow your mercy to be blessed
Please give me strength and wisdom
To reveal your mercy in this world
Thank you for this gift to sit before you
To meet myself kindly
With my intention
To reveal your mercy
I come before you in Teshuva
Thank you so much for the gift of teshuva
I can be merciful
Because you are merciful
Because you seek that
And you provide the avenues
Of me to do teshuva
I am thankful for the way you created me
Im here with limited Time in this world
Thank you Borei HaOlam
For this moment of togetherness
Please when you see my heartfelt yearning
To be tzelem Elokim
That’s only why I’m here
I thank you for this reset button
Thank you for this moment of learning
And deveikus
With all my imperfections
You have given me this moment
To search for the good
With my bechira /choice
In shamayim
Shaaar HaRachamim
That opens with your great mercy
I hope to YOU hashem
That you will bring out this change
And allow us to be merciful
with each other
May I be a kli /vessel
That your mercy will be revealed in the world
We need your mercy more than ever
Please be patient with us on this tikkun
Only with your mercy
Help that I should not withhold my mercy on others
Who may have insulted me
Or sinned against me
Tikva and hope
I have a newfound hope
And I thank you
For this hope
From your great mercy
May you be blessed with the
Strength and wisdom and foresight
To bring your mercy
And healing
Between ourselves
And our family
And the world
Create me as a vessel
To bring your kovod
The tikkun of covid
To the world
I am with You