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The Chashivut/Importance of the Land of Israel
An Interview with
Presented by Nexus • Rebbetzin Tamar Taback
Dedicated for the Aliya Neshama of Liba Bracha bat Dovid HaLevi, Louise Rosen a'h on her yahrzeit Rosh Chodesh,1 Iyar.
YEARNING.. Original Watercolor, 2008, Tamar Taback "לבי במזרח ואני בסוף מערב" "My Heart is in the East and I am at the end of the West" - R' Yehuda HaLevi, author of the Kuzari Prints available. Contact for info.
In this provocative and dynamic shiur, you will be intrigued and meet a very special woman. You might even move to Israel.
This is a compassionate shiur, aware of the complexities of our lives and circumstances. Don't be afraid to listen to it. You will also learn that where your heart is, that’s where you are...
”In the Zechus of Nashim Tzidkanios we went out from Eretz Mitrayim... and the geula in our generation is in the zechus of righteous women.This connection to Eretz Yisrael is intrinsic to women. Eretz Yisrael is called the Land of the Shechina. The shechina in Eretz Yisrael is called in the name of Rochel Imeinu. May we see the Geula very soon.”
In this shiur you will learn:
Why frum people are confused about the land of Israel (gulp, did I just say that)
Why the land of Israel is called the land of the Shechina (and why the people who live in it "eat miracles for breakfast for lunch and supper")
That just Torah isn’t enough to get into Olam Haba/ the World to Come
That there is more "Shechina" / "feminine" Presence of Hashem - at Kever Rachel than the Kosel HaMaaravi (the Western Wall)
Why there are Jews still living in the diaspora
If settling the land is instrumental in hastening the Geula
That as we approach Mashiach we will experience more and more economic equality
That with the sin of the golden calf, we lost the Pnimiut (Innerness) of Torah. (But the women didn’t participate in the Chet HaEgel, you ask? Ah...)
The parallel between Sefirat Ha'omer and Shemitta
Why Rosh Chodesh is a special yom tov (holiday) for women
and more