Rosh Chodesh Shevat
JAN 3, 2022
TEVET 5782
Bas Medrash Tzfat
Rosh chodesh
We get the light every day
Every month a different color lens
And it enters a different organ in our being
Like the choshen
Connected to a particular healing system
Every stone, every month connected to our body
It needs our attention
Theres a gehenom of frozenness
Now in Shevat
everything is beginning to thaw
We can feel it
The day before before each Rosh chodesh
Is Yom Kippur katan
Some use it as cheshbon hanefesh
Going to kivrei tzadikim to daven
It’s the very last moments of the dissolution of the last month
It’s the apex of the diminishment of self
Women will feel it more than men
Because it’s the moon reflected from the sun
The Moon begins as a sliver
It takes 15 days to get to a
Full moon
Most of our chagim: sukkot, tubshvat, lag b omer, purim are at the fullness of the moon
The feminine in her fullness
What is it to be a moon? A woman
To reflect the light of another
Its Hashems light
And the one who is shining the light to you
From alef to tet vav 1-15
That energy is growing within us
We are getting an influx
A burst of rosh chodesh
15 days to mitpazer / to move around our body
Mind, heart, home, earth…
whatever vessel
From 15-30 we get a little smaller
These cycles are ratzo vshov
The same way we breath in and out
Receiving and releasing
What happens when a body gets sick?
Meron on lag bOmer
It got blocked R”L
the more we resist
Yom Kippur Katan to Rosh chodesh
Things are going to change now
There are people apt to get anxiety
Feeling the final death of the Tevet energy
And Shvat was not yet born
The in between spaces
Are simultaneously the most magical and the most vulnerable
Bein hashmashot
A halachic time of day
A transition
When the sun is going down
The old day is dying
Its not the new day yet
From eruv
Erbuvia A mix
Aitz hadat tov vrav
Erev rav
When night has overtaken you
What is night energy?
Theres something before the night energy
Between shkia and tzetz hakochavim
It’s a complicated day
Serach / Yocheved energy
An unfolding
Chazal understand
We mark this in the evening
Between shkia and tzetz hakochavim
Bein hashmashot
In between times
Another time of inbetween times
And exact point
The din, constricted consciousness, pain
Are metaphors, I don’t know who I am or what is going on
This moment
On this side of the moment its very dark
A second later it’s a different reality
Behala / Frozenness
Its not dark, its not light
I don’t know this
Paro said
I don’t yet know yud key vav kay – a Gd of rachamim
This is why men
Get up and say tikkunim
Fixing / sweetening these energies
The men are doing it for us
The men cry for and with the feminine
Tikkun Rachel lower feminine; earthy
Tikkun Leah upper feminine; sublime
What affect this has on the men!
The Shechina, G-d feminine
They can understand
Chatzot: from chetzi
Half dark and half light
Between alot hashachar
Formal beginning of dawn
Gemarah asks what color techelet
Colors are changes in energies and consciousness
We want to know the energy that is accessible to us
Its important
In the spectrum of light and darkness
It matters
Dark blue or turquois blue
When is it the new day?
ALOTE hashachar
The elevation of blackness
The first thing I have to teach you
when you are a free nation
Is how to meet change
The 5000th time
You are starting with the same excitement of the first time
The secret of never getting old
Never getting fossilized
Men do not grow like woman
Men are not diminished as women
Rosh Chodesh Shevat
We are getting the seed today
Rosh chodesh is IMPLANTATION
Till on tet vav we are full of this energy
And we are light reflecting this energy
Womens cycles were syncing
On the chagim
The build up of energy of love and reunion
Of hamtaka, renewal, restoration
Chadesh yameinu kkedem
We are moving toward
Going inside
Getting ready to loosen my hold on the energy
It’s a birth
But we have many kinds of births
We miscarry
We need to release it
Maybe we didn’t get pregnant at all
Its still the energy within us
Meaning the neshama needing to come into us was not ready
The soul was waiting for the right moment
Because what it wants is tikkun
The soul is waiting for the right moment to bring my light into this family
Into the world
Yom kippur katan
Darkest before the dawn
It can be a day that can feel like a death
The old light is dying and the new light cant come in
The times we feel the most vulnerable
Self is dissolved
All we have is G-d
A day of surrender
Letting go
Letting what is, is.
The energy moves down the river
And a new energy comes in
Tevet the letter ayin 70 / Tzadik 90
A quantum leap
In order for a vessel to sustain that it has to be flexible
If im diminished or stretched
Now we are in 90
In adar we are going to 100
We go from
1’s ones/ malchut earth (feet legs)
10’sTens places working with water Netzach, hod, yesod
100’s are fire ; tiferet source
1000’s mental body; air Chochma, bina, daas
100 thousand keter: under kisei hakavod, above the vessel
Why do we care?
When you are looking at tanach
A clue whats going on on the level of sefirot
On the level of energy bodies
ie. 100’s heart center, zar, zer anpin
Ones: malchut plurality as in 1,2,3,4
We get more unified as we move up from malchut to keter
We are collecting and joining the energy as we move up
Yechida, our energies are working harmoniously to one level
Down lower, its ego… my___ my___
10 is always a full tree of life
Komat haAdam
Shvat is the 11th month
Number 11 is one above 10
Is Hashem
Is kodesh kedoshim
If 10 is kodesh
We are working this month on rectifying intimacy, creativity
Ketoret, the 11 spices
11th ingredient is chelbona: a very bad smell
But most necessesary because its elevating the bad smell
To bring it to kodesh kedoshim
11/11 is an angel number in the world
Yud alef shvat
Every rosh chodesh and shabbat all flesh will come and bow before me said Hashem
The secret of renewal of time and space
Renewal of time
Ive never been a fan of change
Rapid change throws me off
Be very sensitive with children around transitions
In 15 minutes we are going to…
Give them time to transition
We are hashems children
They have tantrums if not time to transition
Even if it’s a good thing
Kids love ritual
Oh I know every time I wake up from my nap
Gives me some sense of whats coming next
We have a shabbos
We have a warning change is coming
Instead of it hitting us
If we learn to work with
We have a Yom kippur katan
Remember… that’s what we are going to do now
We will find familiar touch points
It’s the end of the month
It makes sense we will be feeling the need to release…
Likutei Halachot Rev Nosson on shulchan aruch
Halachot haboker; Alef: yud bet
The beginnning of the month, the beginning of change / renewal
The moon ie. The feminine is very fragile
A little sliver
It’s a Hopeful vulnerable time
Left side banana grows and diminishes to a right side banana
It’s a time for impregnating
Receiving a new light
A new vibration
Last night we went from 70. To 90
This new light was a level of a dot
Rabbeinu’s lashon, a nekuda
A point of light
Its precisely at this point it gets diminished
When the light got smaller,
People would go out and search and daven and check the hilltops
Where is the light
Where are you in this story
All of am yisrael would go out and give eidus
And say I saw the new light coming
We saw the new moon
We saw the rise of the new feminine
Then the sanhedrin would question them
Then they said it was so
On this level of reality
It became so
Mechudash mechudash
Mekudeshet mekudeshet: under a chuppah
We have made it across the bridge
What does this mean”
When you see when all the light has gone out within you
Chas vshalom
Azai, daika, tzarik, lechapes that’s when you have to be that person seeking the new moon
Wheres the light in me?
And say
Judge yourself favorably
We KNEW theres a new moon coming
And strengthen yourself with this
And lachzor ltzeshuva
There IS still good, it don’t see it somewhere
Theres still more goodness and stories within me
Then we bring ourselves within that reality
And this is what the mekublim say to restore the moon to its fullness
This is the mitzva of blessing the new moon
We made it back
Dovid melech yisrael
This is the first mitzva we were given when we got out of mitzrayim
The narrow places
The personal redemption
You know how we merit the geula
Because Hashem goes out to His mt tops
Wheres the new moon,
i KNOW theres a new moon in you somewhere
And I pass over you and I see you drowning in you blood
And I say from your blood you should live
Because in the darkness in you and outer world
I see you Says Hashem
You’re looking for me, but I SEE you
Even if you are seeing the dark disgusting side of your self
see the new moon coming
We remind Hashem theres still light
And he reminds us that theres still light.
Ask yourself
How do I relate to time?
Daytime is emes
Nighttime is concealed Emunah
The female part of the female
Light and dark
Male and female
Attune the togetherness
Meamer / gathering
look at day and night as a gathering of time
Yom v Layla
Orient to that
Feel the rhythm of the day
Birth to night
How do I relate to time?
at sunrise…
Step into shemona esrei
Into the peak of light
The First minute
First sun light
At the Highest level of consciousness
We want to hit our peak throughout the beginning hours of the day
Ohr yashar
The male part of the male
With Hisbonenus and Hisbodedus
When the darkness is transforming to light
Plug in soulfully not just naturally
Saying shma
You’ve completed the first quarter of the most potent part of the day
Tefilla is drabbanan
We want to hit peak powers of spiritual connection at this time
It is Important to peak at the morning
Creating the potential of what the day is going to be
From the word charisha / plowing
Plowing into the day
of everything you are about to become
Get a good start of the day
A strong window of opportunity
Catch the rhythm
Be at your best
Sow the seeds from the first quarter of the day
the peak of the day
In terms of the light cycle
till sunset
Tztetz cochavim
Or chozer
the light is returning
Physical luminary is turning back to its source
The nekeiva part
Comes to full revelation by sunset
At sunset
It’s a safek of which day it is
How many minutess after sunset till the definitive next day
The male dimensions
The zacher part of nekeiva
3 starts appear
Now in the realm of Emunah
The nekeiva realm
Being attuned to the spiritual level of nekeiva
During the day is mashpia
During the night to mekabel
Drawing in, calming down, easing up
Attuned to the receiving force
Review your day
Cheshbon hanefesh
Why do people have insomnia?
You’re not in your own rhythm or of creation
Your big issue is you’re not relating to time in general
The body has the rhythm attuned
Wind down and peak and wrap up at the right times
closing down
You are not willing youself to sleep
Hashem is willing you
During the day
I have so much to accomplish
12 hour day/ 12 hour night
Emes and emuna
Emanating and receiving qualities
Soul to body
Wake up before dawn and start learning
Attune to the rhythms of time
Togetherness of opposites
Pushing forward and pulling back
Closing down
Sowing seeds for the next day
How do you perceive togetherness?
Emes and Emunah is not the same
Nekudas hachibur
Has both
That transition from shekia sunset to tzes
Is the transitional zone
In that twilight zone
its ot so bright, nor dark yet
Finally dark, your eyes can settle into the night
Aspects of male blending with female
You can mechaber one to another
Using that time wisely
The beginning of the darkness
Be sensitive of transitional points
To blend opposites
Ohr yoshar and chozer
At noon
At midnight
Nekudas hachibur
You cant be at a peak all the time
Or low all the time
It’s a ratzo vshov
Each day is one sixth in preparation for Shabbos
Yom rishon chesed
explosion of newness motzei Shabbos
Today is the beginning of the first day to Shabbos
Plug into that rhythm
toward Shabbos
In Shabbos
Out of Shabbos
When the finite kisses the infinite
Lecha dodi
Kedusha flows in erev shabbos
Approx. by chatzos
I want to be in PRE SHABBOS BY chatzos yom
In the positive sense
the satan knows whats coming to the world
double the efforts
avoid the dark forces
receive and orient to move forward
get ready by chatzos yom
showing Hashem
I want to mekabel the next several hours
Pre-mekabeling Shabbos
Merge quantity and quality
No one is time-challenged
Break the barriers to the body that wants ease
Every soul has time and space for themselves
Talk to your soul.
Find the nekuda
Time is limited and unlimited
Do we transcend it or relate to it
How does my body and soul relate to time?