שער לנשמה
Shaar L’Neshama / Gateway to the Soul

The quantum transition to Being



Journeying Home, with Love…

Dear Soul Sisters👑!

BS”D, the intention of this group is to share and process our Torah learning and experiences with higher consciousness focusing on the inner / pnimius meaning perspective. This virtual gathering is a safe place where we can support each other on our individual and collective journeys, as we we come back home, to ourselves, restoring the Name of Hashem within us.

Rochel Leah Weiman

Please feel free to share the whatsapp link with those who might benefit from this group.

Be”H. Looking forward this journey together!
💕Rochel Leah


in Memory or in Honor of a Loved one

1 day $50
3 days $125
5 days $200




.אורות הקדש ג׳:ב׳:ו׳
יסוד הכללות קא.
היסוד הכללי.

רוצה להביא כאן מקור שיכול לעזור לנו לקבל פרספקטיבה על השעה ועל הרוח הגדולה ואלפי מפעלי ההתנדבות שאנו עדים להם

I want to bring here a source that can help us get a perspective on the time and the great spirit and the thousands of volunteer projects that we witness

האדם צריד להחלץ תמיד ממסגרותיו הפרטיות,
Man always needs to escape from his private frameworks, which fill his entire essence,

הממלאות את כל מהותו, עד שכל רעיונותיו סובבים תמיד רק על דבר גורלו הפרטי,
until all his ideas always revolve only around the matter of his private destiny,

שזהו מוריד את האדם לעומק הקטנות, ואין קץ ליסורים גשמיים ורוחניים, המסובבים מזה.

That this brings a person down to the depths of pettiness, and there is no end to the physical and spiritual torments that result from this.

אבל צריך שתהיה מחשבתו ורצונו, ויסוד רעיונותיו נתונים להכללות,

But his thought and will must be, and the basis of his ideas subject to generalizations,

לכללות הכל, לכללות העולם, לאדם, לכללות ישראל, לכל היקום.

to the generalities of everything, to the generalities of the world, to man, to the generalities of Israel, to the entire universe.

ומזה תתבסס אצלו גם הפרטיות שלו בצורה הראויה.

And from this his privacy will also be established in the proper way.

וכל מה שהתפיסה הכללית היאיותר חזקה אצלו ככה תגדל שמחתו,

And whatever the general perception is stronger for him, so his joy will increase,

וככה יזכה יותר להארת האור האלהי כי שם מלא חל על עולם מלא,

And thus he will be more worthy of the illumination of the divine light because a full name applies to a full world,

ולית שכינתא שריא באתר חסיר,'


אלו דברי הרב קוק שמסייעים לנו להבין מה קורה לנו בזמן מלחמה ,These are Rabbi Kook's words that help us understand what happens to us during war,

נושרות מאיתנו העמדות האנוכיות( הקליפתיות היוצרות פירוד )

The selfish attitudes (the crusty ones that create separation) fall from us

ואז מתגלה המקום השורשי שאנו כלל שמשתלשל ממהות אחת כנסת ישראל.

And then the root place that we are a rule that dangles from the one essence of the Knesset of Israel is revealed.

זהו השורש שלנו
This is our root

.ובזמן הזה השורש מאיר בכל אחד.ומסייע להיות מחובר לכלל ניזון ומקבל ממנו .
And at this time the root shines in everyone and helps to be connected to a whole that feeds and receives from it.

הככלל הוא המציאות האורגנית שלימה ולכן עליו שורה שכינה ושמחה
The rule is the complete organic reality and therefore there is a line of Shekinah and Joy upon it

אנו רואים איך זה עובד אצל כל אחינו היקרים בלי מודעות זה פשוט ככה
We see how it works in all our dear brothers without awareness it's just like that

אנחנו יכולים לזכות להיות בחיבור הזה מתוך מודעות והודיה על הזכות להיות
We can be privileged to be in this connection out of awareness and gratitude for the privilege of being

פועלים עם א-ל

עם כנסת ישראל

להביא לעולם מתוקן יותר.
Activations with Hashem
with the Knesset of Israel
to bring about a better world.

תפילות וחסדים
להיות בגופינו ובנפשינו שריים לכנסת ישראל
prayers and graces
To be healthy in body and soul for the Knesset of Israel

That this brings a person down to the depths of pettiness, and there is no end to the physical and spiritual torments that result from this.

But his thought and will must be, and the basis of his ideas subject to generalizations, to the generalities of everything, to the generalities of the world, to man, to the generalities of Israel, to the entire universe.

And from this his privacy will also be established in the proper way.

And whatever the general perception is stronger for him, so his joy will increase,

And thus he will be more worthy of the illumination of the divine light because a full name applies to a full world,

And Lit Shekinta Sharia in the Hasir site,'


These are Rabbi Kook's words that help us understand what happens to us during war,

The selfish attitudes (the crusty ones that create separation) fall from us

And then the root place that we are a rule that dangles from the one essence of the Knesset of Israel is revealed.

This is our root

And at this time the root shines in everyone and helps to be connected to a whole that feeds and receives from it.

The rule is the complete organic reality and therefore there is a line of Shekinah and Joy upon it

We see how it works in all our dear brothers without awareness it's just like that

We can be privileged to be in this connection out of awareness and gratitude for the privilege of being

with the Knesset of Israel

to bring about a better world.

prayers and graces

To be healthy in body and soul for the Knesset of Israel


1 Rosh Chodesh Elul

The quantum transition of 2 years
One year flowing into the next
reconciling who we are
and who we want to become

-Rabbi Yakov Zalman Labinsky

2 Rosh Chodesh Elul


May we be a vehicle
to reflect His presence in the world
for klal Yisrael
for everyone in the world
אני לדודי ודודי ל

Good-hearted soul people
are a league unto themselves
relating to אני
holding space
for ourselves
and others
and G-d HKB”H

-Rabbi Yakov Zalman Labinsky

3 Elul

The more I connect to the אני
not in an egotistical way
how I commit
how I serve
driven by Hashem
for the sake of others
then I come closer to H’
it’s a spiritual paradox.

-Rabbi Yakov Zalman Labinsky

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