Laugh / Dance / Breathe deeply / Daven & Connect@Tzadikim / Meditate / Journal / Sing / Create…

Contact us:

We must all carry on in these challenging times… but no one should do it alone!



Still quenched from the holy air in Tzefat.
Danced into the house.
My husband said, "Oh, this is going to be worse than Uman." 😁
Saying "no." Dancing it.
All the beautiful smiles lighting up the world.
Thank you, Hashem for this precious gift.
Now I can flyyyyyyyyy

Change of place
Change of space
Air and view
Movement for me & you
move from stuck to free
Move from closed to open
Move from dark to light
Move to joy!

What a gift it was and is to have met so many sweet and caring new friends - as if old friends reunited, with great appreciation to all of the expert and caring teachers teams and the Maim Haim family who made sure that we all felt like old friends and graciously welcomed guests!

Still feeling the glow and light… days later!

What a gift it was and is to have met so many sweet and caring new friends--as if old friends reunited, with great appreciation to all of the expert and caring teachers teams. The , l KH and the Ma'im Haim family who made sure that we all felt like old friends and graciously welcomed guests
–Sarah B

“Absolutely LIFE CHANGING!… Refuah and Achdut”

I just returned from afar
I've been rejuvenated
Ascendance Retreat has done my soul good...
transformed dare I say!
–Devorah H

I am grounded
My breath Restored

New friends and partners on this magnificent trip to ourselves.
I see it as the sign that wonders,are just beginning.
May the awakening continue (and it will by'h) to evolve.
Receive and give, receive, and give…

So beautiful
So inspiring
So much love
So much appreciation and heart
I take time in transcendence 💗
-Susan G

If you think this type of getaway is a luxury, you're wrong!
Its an absolute MUST to take time out, disconnect from the stressors and connect deeply to like-minded women so that we can go back to our families and life feeling full of life, fulfilled & grateful

infused with the holy sparks ✨
that I've brought back from Tsfat that we elevated together!

Thank You H' for each of you and the holy work we have done together..Geula revealed!

integrating, joyful, expressive, happy

Love 💗

Loved Malka Sima’s movement to say “no”
Even upwards!
Dance your tefilla. Feel the borders on your body.
We are mostly made of water... i
ts easier to dance and be embodied...
-Reva Emunah

Maim Haim Boutique Retreat Center & Spa

Our retreat center offers boutique suites perfect for a spiritual getaway. Situated in the heart of the old city, we are in a prime location with stunning views of Mt. Meron.

  • Enjoy our Exclusive Spa: Pool, Jacuzzi, Wet & Dry Sauna. 3 types of Body Work / Massage treatments are available

  • All our healing and nourishing vegetarians meals are under the kashrus of Tzfat Mehadrin.

  • Ample parking is available just a few minutes away, for easy to access.

  • Cancellation Policy (see bottom of page)

Check out the Maim Haim Healing Retreat Center & Exclusive Spa

Offering personal attention, time & support…
of healers, professional life coaches, practitioners, therapists & Inner Torah teachers:

Meet Our Facilitators

Rochel Leah Weiman & Liba Markson, KavConnect Founders ( look forward to welcoming you to our first Maim Haim Retreat. We have been creating retreat experiences for Women in Israel and the US for 7 years. We will be here to support you on your Retreat Journey with excitement and anticipation as you bring your gifts and presence to the circle.



is a unique expression of ahava /love & hitchadshut / renewal that flows when women gather to learn Torah and come close to Hashem through creativity, movement, deep connection, breathwork, meditation, art, music & more!

SPONSOR AN WOMAN IN ISRAEL IN NEED & SUPPORT the new Maim Haim Retreat center in Northern Israel

Your support can make a significant difference!

Israelis are facing ongoing conflict, pain, and financial hardship. Amidst this, the Maim Haim Healing/Retreat Center has opened in Tzfat, serving locals, soldiers’ families, evacuees, and others seeking healing & restoration.

Since October 7, the demand for healing services has grown due to this prolonged conflict, and there aren't enough healing centers to meet this need.


100nis discount per person 


Suite 5 people per room / 2500nis

Suite 4 people per room / 2700nis

Suite 3 people per room / 3200nis

Suite 2 people per room / 4000nis


For Tzfat Residents Only:
Daytime Retreat / No accommodations. (only 5 spots available @1950nis

Contact us for more info:
WHATSAPP: +972 54-662-4846

The ASCEN-DANCE retreat was born from a desire to answer the call of the hour…

and offer women a chance to catch our breath, navigate and release pent-up emotions and breakdown.

This retreat was created for YOU…

to become re-inspired & re-ignited to continue our individual and collective journey toward geula, and mostly to realign ourselves through deveikus to Hashem and connecting with other amazing women.

SCHEDULE (Subject to Change)


  • 12:30-2pm Check in / Lite Refreshments

  • 2:30-4pm Opening Circle:
    Creating Sacred Space with Rochel Leah Weiman & Liba Markson

  • 4-6 pm Breathwork: Let it Come, Let it Flow, Let it Go with Reva Emunah Seidel

  • 6:30-7:30 Dinner

  • 8-10pm Meditative Healing Movement with Yocheved Godsi

  • 10pm Dancing / Mystical Lounge Open


  • 7-8 am Morning Movement Class with Rebbetzin Leah Glaser

  • 8-9am Breakfast

  • 9am. Walk to Arizal Shul

  • 9:30am Torah, Meditation & Hisbodedus with Reva Emunah Seidel @the Arizal Shul and then optional walk down to the kevarim of the Arizal, Rav Chaim Vital, Rav Moshe Cordevero,…

  • 1:30-2:30pm. Lunch

  • 2:30-6:00pm EXCLUSIVE SPA: Pool, Saunas, Jacuzzis (Massage @additional cost)

  • 6:30-7:30pm. Dinner 

  • 8-10pm. Miriam’s Circle Dance: Singing, Drumming & Somatic Dancing with Tziona Achishena

  • Mystical lounge Open


  • 7-8am Thriving in These Times thru Movement with Rebbetzin Leah Glaser

  • 8-8:30 lite Breakfast

  • 8:30 walk to Sheva Chaya’s glassblowing gallery

  • 9-10:45 am Access your Creative Self Ascending Your Ladder Art Workshop with Sheva Chaya.

  • 11:15-12:15 Brunch

  • 12:15-1:00 pm Embodying Tammuz Workshop with Rebbetzin Leah Glaser

  • 1-3pm Workshop: AscenDance! Joy & Soul Vibration thru Movement with Malka Sima Pais

  • 3-4pm Closing Circle

Why is this retreat different?

You will be part of an intentionally small, intimate circle of approx. 20 women at our boutique Healing Center & Spa. Unlike larger gatherings, this retreat offers personal attention and time with our incredible ASCEN-DANCE TEAM: healers, professional life coaches, practitioners, therapists & Inner Torah teachers.

It’s alot and we feel this team is up to the task! We are so excited!

A NEW INNOVATIVE workshop with Tziona Achishena

Miriam’s Somatic Circle Dance

"I start to experience my voice as a kind of sound ladder, rising and falling, and moving, within. My presence is the resonation chamber, as it meets the music of my partner with deep listening. The quality of the listener creates another reverberation, and all together, we make a little Temple that surrounds and holds us."…

The final stage of our workshop will be a guided visualization that will invite your intuition and deep inner awareness to come to light, blessing you with insight. This insight will be the lyrics for your own personal song; sung according to your own breath's natural rhythm.

Refund Policy

1.⁠ ⁠There will be a 50% refund for cancellations made 14 days before the event.

2.⁠ ⁠⁠No refunds will be made within 14 days of the retreat

3.⁠ ⁠⁠In case of a national emergency, if the retreat has to be cancelled, there will be a refund of 80%
Alternative Option:
Instead of a refund, you may choose to transfer your registration to the next Maim Haim Women's Retreat. This option must be exercised within 6 months of the original retreat date.