1Man / 1Heart
How to Feel Integrated and Bound to Every Jew



What does it mean “as one man with one heart”?

Likutei YaM HaChochmah YOM KIPPUR-Succos page 34
Rav Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern 

Note: “He” changed to “She”

Dveikus is not dependent on feeling inspired.

One’s avodah and d’veykus shouldn’t depend on any feelings of inspiration or feeling enlightened.

For if a person is learning good and davening good, and because of this she feels davuk in Hashem - but then she sees that her friend isn’t serving Hashem as intensely as she is - she may silently rejoice in his friend’s failings and she falls into being conceit and egotism. She hasn’t really connected to the essence of Elokus.

If she would have, immediately she would see that Hashem is bound to every single Jew, so she would be aware that every Jew is completely bound to the Creator.

 Through being attached to the essence of Elokus, one merits that the Ruach HaKodesh settles upon her, where she can see and feel how every Jew reveals the reality of atzmuso Yisbarach (His essence) even more than she does.

That is how she can feel integrated and bound to every Jew. !!!!

That was the avodah of the Kohen Gadol when he entered into the Kadish HaKadoshim before Hashem, and he reached until the place of the Even Shesiyah (the keystone of the world from which all waters flow from. See Talmud Bavli Yoma 53b).

This was the point that connected together every Jew and made them all integrated with each other, to become “as one man with one heart”, in complete unity.