Move While We Can


Working with the emotions before they are thoughts….
Takes emunah and bitachon that guard us from being over-wrought.

On what basis can we turn to Hashem is One
When in the world there is relative harm?

He is existence
Do we grasp permanence?

He grants us a life span
We have it to move while we can.

And what are we sent here to move, do we know?
Light that is hidden to come here as a glow.

And how are we to find this light?
It is surfacing within us, but leading to fight or flight.

Unless we remember and trust and rely
That He is One and to Him we cry.

We recognize Him and the task to do
Our image is only a korbon, not true.

Yet feel it we must so the light may enter
The physical part of our heart, the chamber.

And with the Torah that is in our mind
We turn to You, Who is Kind

We tell You what is in our hearts
And that to flow it is our part

It is our will and to please show grace
So that Your light is seen on our face.

And thus we line and ptotect our mind
We guard our body from destructive grime.

We strengthen emunah in Hashem is One
And trust and move to bring light under the sun.

Whatever happens is from the One
Our Father who loves us as His Son.

His Only Child here to bring His Light
Revealed with His Glow Revealing His Might.

For this is the absolute good you see
Not swirling our movements towards the “me.”

For the “me” is a construct run by nature
In order to give us free will to mature.

Awareness of Him is what we need
To move from fairness to Truth guaranteed.


Caught in an Emotional Squall


Are We Shining Stars?