Shifting Attachments
⭕️🔴It’s all fitting in!!!
The pieces of the puzzle
The round peg in the round hole
It’s converging
Into our collective consciousness.
With hashgacha pratis
With patience
And avoda
B shaa tova
Shifting Attachment from anochius to Elokus
All our teachers are connected.
Each a pipeline of their own soul mission to shine their individual light
To the collective US
We are forming the vessel
As we are soaking in the light
And sharing vulnerably
Our weaknesses
Which our soul chose
To correct in our lifetime.
Birthing the final geula
Our brokenness
Painful labor
Is not in vain
The productivity of the surges
Progressing /
bringing us closer
we are seeing the light
At the end of the dark
galus tunnel
Our Daas becoming
the birthing canal
Transforming homer / physicality to light bodies.
Returning to the Gan Eden existence
With intention
With H’ Himself as our guide
In this journey of gilgul
Our avos as our mashpias
Our future self as our mentor
Renewing our days
Like the old. 👑⭕️
As soon as I feel
my existence / ego.
I hear and am aware of the
message of zuhama.
an esavian midda
Out of balance.
💡I turn on the light from H’.
Who is activating this.
Not believing the klippa.
It’s H-Shem doing everything.
I can submit myself as a vessel.
It may not FEEL as good as immediate ego gratification of eating the ice cream.
I take that and put it into a mitzvah
and bring light into the world.
I CHOOSE to do that
My nefesh beheimus is strong
and not attached to the physicality and tohu.
It’s a natural attachment
from the nefesh beheimus
to the images that help us
feel ourselves
more and more.
And it’s HEADS OR TAILS!!!!
I can attach to either side of the coin.
I am submitting totally -
and RATZO-
run to H’
And that spirituality
doesn’t really feel to me
like I’m touching H’
because H’ can’t be touched.
He is infinite.
He creates everything
He is Infinite light.
He’s beyond our understanding
So I’m not necessarily
feeling it in the manner
In the place that I’m in
That’s the point where
Emunah comes in
It’s ONLY him
And if I serve as a channel
For this chessed
that he wants to be in
Rather than putting it
on my own plate
As NORMAL and natural
as that might be ...
From an extra half hour of sleep
To an extra piece of kugel
Or any other indulgences
In terms of honor and respect
As soon as I submit that
Out of understanding
that I don’t want to strengthen the klippas
I want to be that channel to flow him through
And I know that WHATEVER comes through me
and comes into the world
is going to be good.
I don’t have any CONTROL
of what that happens
than the natural thing that
I am choosing not to submit to.
This is the RED SEA
WE ARE splitting the desires
of feeling ourselves
And thinking we have some kind of independent existence.
In order to USE OUR RATZON
AND Emunah
I ask for RACHAMIM
from the Infinite Being
The Holy One Blessed is He
Upon my Neshama
And thereby attach to HIM.
And this brings about tikkun
The balancing of middos
bringing H’ into the world
the bitul of the natural physical reality of the world.