Malchus is

Adapted from a shiur by

Reva Emunah Seidel

10 Teves / Dec 14, 2021

We are empty vessels in need of being filled

Malchus dkedusha and dsitra achra are the same coin

Today is the 10th of the 10th


is the day Achachverosh chose Esther HaMalka

Today is the day that 

Malchus dkedusha and Malchus dsitra achra connect

Today we are fixing malchus dkedusha

How we source?

And how we reflect?

How do I receive all these gifts Hashem is giving me?

If my intention is to win and overcome you

That’s Malchus disitra achra

If my intention is to shine Hashems light /Hashrat HaShechina

then I give others an experience of Hashem 

Then Imagine how much G-d loves me!

Malchus is

our daled amos

Malchus is

Materiality sh b’materiality

Earthiness she b’earthiness

Use all the gifts Gd has given you, 

Not falling into false humility

Allow yourself to fully shine 

as a way of people to

not fall in love with you

But Fall in love with the G-dliness within you

It’s not just me and you, 

but Shechina beneinu (between us)

What are we giving each other?

A new strength to go on living.

Malchus is

Learning patience with love

Being able to feel a lack (in my stomach)

But I am being patient

Not grabbing

המתנה Hamtana / waiting

Like Serach Bat Asher

She waited and knew exactly when 

to speak and sing with sweetness

“Od Yosef Chai” 

With Malchus

Naim Elyon 

(Serach Ben Asher was entrusted with the secret knowledge of Yosef’s bones

(עצמות The essence of Yosef

Malchus is 

living your ideas through your behavior

Your actions, your body

how much you inhabit your own 


how you talk, the tone of your voice

more of me 

is occupying more of 


Malchus is 


your nochachut נוכחות 

Your power

You are the queen of your 24 amot (6 directions x 4)

Who stands guard at the gate of your queen-dome

Who comes in who goes out

Which Food, relationships enter

You are queen of your queendom

Malchus is 

our breath

Specifically nefesh

earthy breathing; filling your whole vessel

Malchus is being

A transmitter

You receive a message

And you don’t distort it

Allow it to channel through you 

and be shared

Malchus is being

the gestator

Where we receive

And allow it to unfold

And allow it to be a bigger version than what we recived 

And give back a bigger version

Malchus is

the quality of Emunah

Malchus is 


And manifestation

Malchus is 


Taking a concept and birthing it into 3 

dimensional reality

Malchus is being

a reflector

The moon

We teach men

You want to know who you are?

Look at your wife

If shes smiling, then you’re smiling

If she’s broken, that you have to look at yourself in the mirror.

Women are reflectors

Out body is a 3D physical map of all of our thoughts and ideas and emotions 

And energy patterns

Look at your body

Is it tall or short

Is one part greater or smaller

They are reflectors of whats going on

Isnt it hereditary?

Ask: Why did your soul choose that part of your body?

Malchus is 


Malchut is presence

Hashems presence

The presence that exists when 2 people are connecting

Or when you connect to a rose in your garden

Seeing its full unfolding

Seeing an amorphous light

becoming a form

Malchus is 

looking at something or someone

And seeing in it in all

Its journeys and experiences

The Rebbe says

If a huge tree has a huge gap

It is from a little cut in a sappling

Malchus is 

your root system


Your space and place in your world

your space in your family

And in your own eyes 

And in others

Giving real kavod (respect)

Every creature has a right to be

Just because Hashem decided that

We don’t have a right to mess 

with anothers  kavod  / Their Daled amos

Honor someone elses kingdom

Malchut is 


Being a transmitter

Being a vessel; 

refecting G-d through the material!

What hides hashem and what reveals hashem is the 

same coin 

ie. Beauty: to hide hashem or reveal hashem in the deepest way

A kiddush hashem

Someone else will want to come close to the light

They will say I too want to connect to this light

The rebbe says 

This going to get healed in women 

nashim tzidkaniot

Before geula

The healing will come through women

Fixing this chasm

Of separating the ruchnios and material (Leah & Rochel).

Malchus is

Being out there in the world and being connected to the home

Malchus is

The essence of connection

Every other sefira is in the singular 

Malchut is the plural lashon 

rabim of melech

That will reveal the Shechina

In that conversation, meal

Within the multiplicity

Is the connection

Malchus is

Reflecting G-d

The moon 

The great reflector

The great changer

Reflecting nature

Bound up with teva

In our world

In our cycles

Of ratzo vshov

Malchus is

Receiving light 

and being diminished again

The diminishment 

allow us time to ingest the light

It will gestate and sprout

And allow movement within our home


she b Malchus

births keter

Rabbi Nachman says

These fasts

make space for RUACH hakodesh

Sourcing air, instead of needing food

There are vibrational degrees of the energy we receive

Air, light auditory, what we see on our phone

In a state of receptivity

I decide 

do I want this in my kingdom or not

How will it affect my kingdom?

3 aspects of my kingdom:


  1. Mochin מ mental 

  2. Lamed ל lev

  3. Kaf כ kaved physical body

Who do I let in?

Women are biologically more receptive that men

We are more vulnerable

Women have a greater Propensity to be more sad, afraid, lonely

Because have a greater ability to receive

See this fast day

As in invitation to quiet the lower vibrations

Quiet them

Sit quiet

When our lower vibrations have been stilled

we can then hear a different melody

It is more harmonious.

Not just hearing your own piece

Listen to the other person and harmonize to not over power them

Malchus is

Joining the pieces or your body

Or someone or something elses 

Each is the melech of their own kingdom

Malchus is

allowing the consciousness of something 

bigger to flow between us

Not When One person is not checked out

Or filled with self consciousness

Malchus is 

connected to movement And kedusha

Meditate today

What am I really hungry for?

Sit quietly today 

in your fast

Theres a temporaty hunger

The hunger will end;

And a long term hunger

a different type of hunger

Malchus is 

a refining of self

Malchus is 


My ultimiate malchus is when I can express

Every quality Hashem has put within me

mommy, wife, musician, professional…

Malchus is 

Expessing my the talents and gifts and qualities

In a Humble way

when I express that all the glory goes to Hashem

I want everyone to fall in love with Hashem

When they read my writing

see this painting

Or hear this music

I help others by taking care of my own malchus

Today 10 Tevet

Is the conception of Moshiach

9 months later 

9 Av: Is the birth of moshiach 

Access nourishment from other sources

Light, birds, Learning Torah

Transcend the sense of hunger

Reb Shlomo used to say

Its not about the fast


How do you break the fast?

What are first words you speak

How you eat? 

What the first thing you eat

Malchut is


Rachel imeinu

Malchut is 

the realm where hashem is either the most 

conceiled (ego)

Or the most revealed through …

this human being

Or an ant carrying the speck of wheat

Its easy in a spiritual space

And Harder when the life gets diminished

And ego fills the space

Bringing Hashem in those spaces

Makes hashem giggle

On this Taanit

Contemplate the question 

What am I hungry for????


The key

that opens the lock of malchus

Is to offer with our highest deepest intentions

To completely surrender the results

To Offer our contribution to the world…

A conversation, a class

And try to get our intentions

That this should promote Hashem

Reb Shlomo would say 

“Bless me brother that I should be seen in a good light”


G-d should be seen in a good light through me

The key 

to stepping into and dancing in Malchus

Is allowing my true self to be seen

Risking… What if I show my own self and they don’t want me?

Malchus is 

Stepping into full vulnerabilty

To show my authenitic wounded self

The you-ness of you

The key to malchus is 

Knowing that

The results are none of my business

How it is received with another person

The key to Malchus is

knowing that

I am powerless over the results

I Show up with my best offer

I try to play in tune

And then let it go

I try to give my best

And let it land where it will land

And Not get concerned 

with the potential negative feedback

Malchus is 


Malchus is

the experience of Hashem

In every part of my being

Down to my bones





Manifesting/ Actualizing




Being a Channel/ Vessel (Kli)



Concealing or Revealing Hashem in Everything



The Physical World

True Self or Ego Self










Oneg Shabbos (Celebrating all the Pleasure Creates and Gives to Us)

The Number 7


Be'ers (To Be Present. To Be Open and Receptive)

Nobility (Willing, Desiring, Thinking, Feeling, Acting, Giving and Receiving, Being in Connection with OTHER The Way A Person of Great Nobility and Majesty Would)

Revealing our Whole and Authentic and Vulnerable and Great Selves

Honoring, Respecting, Caring for Our Bodies

Honoring Hashem in Everything, Through Everything, With Everything

Creating and Living In The Kingdom of Heaven, Here on Earth

Piercing the Illusion of Separateness and Scarcity of Resources

Revealing the Greatest Unity

Sharing Your Talents and Gifts (Even Through Your Wounds and Falls) With Intention (Kavana) To Reveal Hashem's Glory, Through You, While Surrendering the Fears of the Ego of How it Will be Received or Seen

Going In and Down, and then, Letting that Flow Out...

Humbleness/Humility- True Sweet Humbleness. My Piece is Not the Only Piece that Matters. AND at the Same Time- My Piece Matters <3

Shechina - Hashem's Presence that is There, Between Us - In Every Moment. In Every Interaction.

Nature-Teva. Noticing and Praising Hashem for Hashem's Greatness and Glory through the Incredible Beauty and Majesty of Nature

and....Our TRUE Nature

Kol- Finding Our TRUE, COMPASSIONATE, Voice, and Expressing That

The HOME and THE PLACE OF REFUGE for our Husband, our Children, and for One Another

The Will to Live!! Here. In THIS World.

Your Daled Amos. Your Personal Kingdom/Qeendom. The REALITY You Create and Live in

Consisting of Your MeLeCh: Mochin (Mental Body). Lev (Emotional Body). Kaved (Physical Body)

YOUR PHYSICAL BODY (With ALL of its Unique Features and Qualities, that Uniquely and Specifically REFLECTS YOU <3

Dweilling in, Caring for, Honoring, Respecting, Our Own and One Another's BODIES, as well as Neshamot

Makom- Our Unique Place in the World

Kavod - Every Being has its own Space and Place and we Honor that



Malchus is Torah Sh'b'al Pe.

And Women were given 9 parts of Speech, the realm of Torah sh'b'al pe.

Men were giiven 1 part of Speech.

Women help men acces their Bina.

Also, Maybe Serach's double neshama is also the bina yesera. (According so some meforshim she was both #69 and #70 of the souls that went down to Mitzrayim with Yaakov Avinu)


11-25-21 Reva Emunah Seidel - Tamar