Election Day Freedom Unity & Pesach


Election Day Freedom, Unity & Pesach
Rav Doniel Katz

From the Achdut and Geula Marathon: organized by Leah Aharoni  10 Nissan 5781 / 3-23-21
SCROLL DOWN for Rabbi Rachamim Bitton: Things Are Not B'Seder on the Night of the Seder

Paro (pharoah) represents the back of the neck
but we want see sweetness in everything
my heart can love good deeds
but it can also say
I love lust
the heart can have yira awe for Hashem
or lowly yira: what if the boss rejects me

I can have tiferes kavod
Or I can have ego in the negative destructive parts
enslaved to them
the gods to the Egyptians
the bad karma
the negative energy
the angelic forces
that are corrupted
we have tuma / negative forces around us
the sages call it angels
and our lives become enslaved on many levels

I want to become free
of the false beliefs (the paro in my head)
but if I’m still paranoid of social rejection, etc
I’m not just a lev and a moach (heart and mind)
I need all the dimensions in myself
the more free I truly am
the more true I am in the olam koton (lower world) and the olam gadol (higher world)

It’s a partzuf
We are all the diversity
The voices that appear to go against Torah
of knesset yisrael
There are people voting for and against religion
I respect that people need to own their own decisions
in a deep perspective
both are true
there are people focused on the security…
people focused on care about arabs and put our own people at risk
its not so simple
to have a party that understands both

we take the wine out of the cup
so even the loss of the Egyptians should break our heart
when you listen the voices of the common people
and strip off the political meanings
and listen to the shechina within
there’s a value they are giving
all have beauty and truth in them

the shechina means
the secret
a partzuf
the world of atzilus
where all the colors are represented
we represent a certain compassion of a certain goal
we are all a chelek in this whole
to express our uniqueness in the context of our expression of Hashem
no matter what they vote
left or right
listen to what they care about
you’ll hear the voice of the shechina
speaking of what they care about

hear the soul of their concerns
you will find the divine presence
there’s something missing from them
there’s something missing from us
the closer to Hashem truth
in fragmented times

matzas open us to
chochma consciousness
everything is perceived at on
elu velu
different opinions
but each is revealing a gift of Hashem
the essence of bitul ha yesh
even though i disagree with you
I see the light

135 Kahal / matzah
we enter into divine consciousness
everything can be brought out of exile

138 cheiliek
my portion or your portion
when we are arguing
its death through fragmentation
the humility
when terrible things happen
we eat the lechem oni
seeing the parts
reform conservative chareidim
the lechem oni

The bond is the freedom
the korban pesach is about unity
we brought the lamb on shabbos hagadol
Pesach represents chesed, unity,
everything is connected

korban pesach is about unity
10  Nissan
yichud in tachtonim (lower worlds)
hashem is one in unified in the world above
below is fragmented
one is hashem
ten represents 1 and zero
unity on the next level
unity in the lower world
that’s why the korban pesach
this day is about unity
had to be on the tenth day

A Minyan is the number 10
10 become one consciousness
the yud is one dot
everything in the lower world can be unified as one
yidden = yud
take the blood of the korbon pesach
to each corner
the arba kanfos Haaretz (four corners of the eath)
and each extreme express unity

the idea of eating together
eat it connected
in a house of One
in a consciousness of unity
Hashem is finding his voice
eat in a consciousness of untity

the bones etzem couldn’t be broken
roasted everything hardens, the whole animal is one

one year old
the korban pesach had to be a child of unity
all of my sefiros will be revealed in the world
divine revelation
kahal / kolel / knesset

pesach =148
alef dalet ches = echad
Hashem wants his full nature to be known
Both left and right
chesed and gevura
The full nature to be expressed
Its ok to say I disagree with you and I think your wrong
But know… What is the concerns they represent?
What is the truth of that group?

It takes emunah and daas
to see the goodness of everything
that’s why we pour in everyone else’s cup
we give to others before ourself
not just in our party
when we do
we are voting for the shechina.
we are voting for hashem.
Pour that love [and kavod] into everyone

May the shechina
give full expression to the world.


Rabbi Rachamim Bitton
Things Are Not B'Seder on the Night of the Seder

We expect to experience the fireworks at the seder
maybe they don’t always work out
one of the kids is very tired
maybe we don’t feel connected
it’s just not clicking
maybe we feel more nervous

opposite of the regular order of things
what seder are we experiencing help us get through the things that are not beseder
there is a certain progressive order
how the light of hashem is drawn into us
there’s a specific order
we can’t jump the ladder and expect to hold one
first there’s this divine consciousness brought into the world
then all the levels
the night of yetzias mitzrayim
hashem gave us the highest light before the lowest light
the greater levels gadlut hamochim before the lower light
why different
we were in such a dark place
the forces of the klippas of Mitzrayim
we’re holding on to us
received the light

it would be captured stolen and concealed by them
it would be hopeless and not be able to leave
the expansion to allow us to be free would be stolen
that’s why hashem gave us the galus hamochin
it blinded the forces of Egyptians surrounding us
it blinded and canceled them out to be free from the shackles of mitzrayim
it happens every year
he gives us the higher light the greater levels of divine consciousness
we skip steps
still it’s called the night of seder
what is the seder
the spiritual world there is no order

why is it called seder?
why do we experience the physical?
why it is not going how we planned?
Because we experience the higher light before the lower light

A rule in kabbalah
when there is a great light
and no vessel to receive it
we experience it a chaos
when we experience chaos
it’s a great light
when things are not going well
there’s a tremendous potential
for a holy pleasure
but we are not ready for that
what is the solution?

we want to experience the next level
if we don’t have the vessels
how do we experience it in a pleasant peaceful coherent way
Emunah: trusting and surrendering to hashems plan
when we let go of our wanting to control the situation
how we wish it should be
Emunah will guide us

this is what bnei yisrael experienced
they weren’t on a high spiritual level
they were given a light that they weren’t worthy
otherwise they would have no hope of leaving the spiritual level of mitzrayim

Yirmiahu: zecharti go and call out so said hashem.
I remember the love of our wedding
you are following me in a desert
the mechanics of emuna
to receive in a pleasant way
I remember the lovingkindness of your youth
what is this lovingkindness the chesed
you followed me into the desert into a deserted land
no hope
nothing to eat
other challenges
yet we surrender to Hashem
let go to wanting things to be perfect
into this unknown place
Hashem considers it a KINDNESS TO HASHEM
OF wanting to control
hashem to lead the way
this is doing chesed to hashem
and tzedaka

not asking the questions the ego brings up

when we have Emunah in Ribbono shel Olam
Bereshit: Avraham: and he believed and trusted in hashem and hashem counted it as tzedaka
we are giving chesed and tzedaka
what is the significance
according to kabbalah
tzedaka creates the vessels in harmony, peaceful presence
the concept of tzedaka and shalom
we achieve a peace that affects the world
a connection between tzedaka and shalom
we create connection of peace and harmony

To the extent that we want to let go of control
control of wanting it be our way
that’s the extent we will merit the holiness
the of the Presence
to experience them harmoniously
we will have the vessels to continue to receive that
in our preparation to Shavuot


A Spiritually Transformational Seder


Erev Pesach - There's a Reframe When We are Breathless