Teves Meditation RW
Teves Meditation
Rochel Weiman
7 Tevet 5781 / Dec 22, 2020
In the zchus of the refuah sheleima of Rav Doniel ben Sarah
Todays my birthday. I would like to give each of you all a bracha. We are being called to shine! May you be zoche to allow your self shine in our own way. To find your inner voice. Especially as women, this month is to find and actualize that voice to tap into malchut. The power of revelation. Pour the light into your mouth and into your being. Let it flow through your open mouth and down into the entire inside of your being. The light of healing and blessing. The sefirah of expression of elevation of manifesting your vision.
Tap into the light coming down from Keter
Breath relax. Visualization climbing the ladder / sulam. Asiya, yetzira, beria, atzilut
Together let’s go up from madrega to madrega… with the increasing light.
Victorious / strengthened by true vision … personally and collectively. It’s helpful to articulate our visions
We are in a birthing process
The 25th of Kislev Chanuka was 9 months before the 25th of Elul when the world was created. Therefore, Chanukah is the Divine conception of the birth process. The Creation of our world.
Rav levi Yitzchak. Chanukah is the lashon of chanukas habait, raishit. Newness.
As we move forward, lets tap into the Divine reality … conceiving the seed of our vision in the world … we are now grounding from the mystical dimension of Kislev.
Chanuka is feminine. Rav Kook. Chinuch- masculine active / Chanuka - feminine energy of MEKABEL the ohr haganuz receptivity.
To the teves dimension. Planting the seed. The seed needs darkness. We just past the winter solstice yesterday. The darkest day. We Embraced the darkness.
As we continue to embrace the darkness we move onward into Teves. Teves is about sowing and planting our visions. Our reality. Tapping into our Emunah state. Actualizing our vision
The Teves-Dan-liver dimension is about doing and getting things done. Even on a daily practical level we can envision a completion of a task at hand and focus on a time frame to begin and end. The letter ayin of this dimension means “eye”. We are now being given a specific Divine effluence to focus and accomplish. Focusing on our inner eye.
Focusing of tevet/ creating a shiluv with the letters tet bait tav
imagining adding 2 vavs, which look like 2 candles … representing Shabbos, the ohr eyn sof the infinite light… in between the 3 letters.
Perhaps dancing. Take a moment to visualize this. And generating transforming the darkness to a full light state. Birthing Geula consciousness.
Tapping into the special liver energy of this month. My teacher, Nechama Sarah Burgmann labels this as “cosmic anger and explains that rectified anger which can translate into gevorah… strengthening our statements, over the inner and outer obstacles blocking the materialization of our visions and our tasks.
Lets take a moment to Tap into gevurah: lefts side yud shva, hey shva vav shva hey shva
Discipline healthy boundaries, strength, courage, RATZON, determination. Expanding within you.
When we בזבז (waste-flounder) the positive liver energy we may find ourselves regressing into a lower form of anger. Anger that can easily be aroused from past memories, unresolved conflicts and simply refusing to “let go”. With a healthy liver we can catch this tendency and redirect it to “cosmic anger” as we positively move forward in accomplishing our goals.
Lets take a moment to spiritually cleanse our liver. It may be helpful to visualize your liver and massage it as you contemplate its holy function. The liver is located in the upper right-hand portion of the abdominal cavity on top of the stomach. It weighs about 3 pounds.
Liver, Kavod, cOvid…
Purifying. Filtering our any fear, negativity. Releasing. Choosing instead love, truth, goodness
First off, let's break down the word 'liver' in Hebrew. The word is כָּבֵד (ka'veid), and is represented by the three consonants kaf-bet-dalet. These same three consonants, given different vowels, make up the root verb כָּבַד (kaw'vad), which means "to be weighty" (note the only differences being the niqqudot, or "vowel points"). Now this is where it begins to get interesting. We know thatthe liver is the largest, and indeed heaviest, internal organ in our bodies. So this, then, makes sense why the Hebrew word for "liver" comes from the word meaning "to be heavy."
let's break down the word 'liver' in Hebrew.
The word is כָּבֵד (ka'veid), and is represented by the three consonants kaf-bet-dalet. These same three consonants, given different vowels, make up the root verb כָּבַד (kaw'vad), which means "to be weighty" (note the only differences being the niqqudot, or "vowel points"). We know that, for the typical adult human, the liver is the largest, and indeed heaviest, internal organ in our bodies. So this, then, makes sense why the Hebrew word for "liver" comes from the word meaning "to be heavy."
We have already seen how ka'veid means "liver" and kaw'vad means "to be heavy"
the word כָּבוֹד(kaw'vod) which means "glory."
So how is "glory" related to the liver, and related to something being heavy?
the "glory" of Hashem has weight. This is most often represented by the word shekhinah. The mishkan. Our body is the mishkan dwelling place of Hashem. Imagine the shechina within us and the shechina dwelling amongst us
Covid. Lets focus on the word. the liver is the seat of glory and honor. the liver is especially known for its regenerative ability. we see that the glory of man can be regenerated as well, just as the glory of YHWH will return to His Temple
Lets move down a bit down our body to Netzach. Right side bottom torso
Yud chirik hey chirik vav chirik hey chirik
Netzach, reliance, knowing when to push forward, power, courage. To dominate rather that collapsing under fear.
Moving up to our neck area Daas
your Daas should have the strength to overcome all of its resistance.
Lets take a moment to Tap into the sefira of daas yud holam hay tzara vav kamatz and hey tzerei.
They symbol of the month of tevet is the snake, explains Nechama Sarah. The snake does not have a mate in this world. each of us has our own personal vision that we have to pursue. Our own G-dly individuality that we need to accomplish in this world. The snake doesn’t go on a straight path. It slithers back and forth. It winds in a feminine way. Like a woman’s very physicality- the way she walks - hip to hip. She is able to affect things in a very embracing and gentle persistent manner.
Lets take a moment to visualize our inner snake….
We have to know that we have our own personal vision to pursue. We have to strengthen that vision and trust ourselves.
We need to encourage each other to get in touch with our inner voice as we continue to learn the true Torah so we will be able to distinguish what is really true of that inner voice and bring it out and forward….
Trust your self and your vision and share it with each other. Tap into the energy of this group.
May we integrate all of the dimensions as we heal our physical and spiritual anatomy, living the original intent of our body … being an expression of our soul.
This weeks parsha begins with the words Vayigash ailav Yehuda.
Yehuda approached Yosef. He did not wait to be called. He took initiative to act on his own. Similarly each of us is empowered to epress the new potential and light we have acquired on chanukah to bring about shalom shleimus, wholesomeness within our selves and our family and our community.
My bracha is for all of us to find our voice, actualize it, reach out with our malcut to make an impact in the world around us.
Breathing down to Tiferet.
Yud holam hey holam vav holam and hey holam. Infinite Love, power, strength, infinite balance. Your truest sense of engaging in the world with tremendous compassion, rachamim.
Opening your eyes when ready