Becoming Something
Becoming Something… An Example
by shulikleinman
Example: I’m in a place of judgement and concern for myself and for the situation. I am trying to bring the concealed light coming in through speech and thought.
First move -i am recognizing my creator, recognizing H’ is all-loving. From a place where I feel alone and in the dark / worried i have emunah that i am in a place where that concealed light could be added back to the very place of goodness and light that right now is bringing blessing into the world. I have emunah in the soul Hashem designs and I believe WE ARE DESIGNED TO DO THIS.
Once we are making a judgement we have blown past our behira-free will point!! We are here to work with our first natural response in order to expand and go ABOVE our initial nature. Judgement=nature.
“Stop. I’m having a challenge. I’m forming a judgement and my body is getting ready to react.” That’s all normal and natural.
However I want to bring H’ into the picture. I want that what is natural to me be expanded with awarebess of Hashem. There is a lot of light coming in through constricted thoughts that cannot reveal the compassion in the light. These include messages about myself and the other person… constricted messages are not so true in H’s eyes, for He is Something and all the world would be nullified in the presence of His Infinite light, in the same way that the flame from a match would not be seen in a bonfire. There's really no reason to have a negative thought or feeling about somebody else. Each person is the apple of Hashem's eye...His creation.
The Besh”t says that if we are seeing something in someone else - it’s giving US the opportunity to repair something in the world. Do I wish to include this concealed light as revealed compassion nurturing me in the orientation of my life?it is up to me!
If I understand how much H’ is loving me right now and if He’s placed me here in this world, I can be that channel He has designed to bring up the sparks that have fallen into nature - through my speech, mind and heart - back to Him.It is appropriate for this effort to become our primary focus because this is what we have control over! Do we recognize H’ and embrace His Torah?.We don’t have control over people, events, circumstances or nature. But we have real free will to have awe of Hashem.Thus, in a judgment, remember...this is concealed light!!!Which parts of my brain are involved?
My neshama doesn’t have to be bonded with the electrical responses of the natural development of the brain. I can tell Hashem I wish to go above nature, to stretch, so that the very intellect and soil He gives me becomes bonded with the reality that H’ is all loving and doing everything and giving ME the opportunity to break that hold that the electrical responses /habits/ patterns /stories have thus far naturally developed.
I will to bring light into the situation and thereby ELEVATE the places where the electrical responses come from with more light. I desire chesed to balance the gevurah so that compassion and harmony come into an expanded natural response.
May I grow in heartfelt choices for Torah, avoda, Chesed, and mitzvahs. May I grow to be a channel strong enough to bring the concealed light - through action - to this world revealed.
-an example of teshuva from love whatsapp chat
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