Cementing Self
ratzo v shav
ratz / run / push
exerting action
overcoming our nature / nefesh behamis
presenting the ratzon to H-Shem
desiring to empty ego
shav / return / pull
extracting the sparks
from the Shechina in exile
receiving siyata dishmaya
creating the vessel
tap tap tap
clear off any traces
of anochius / ego
with a bracha, mitzva, chesed
solidifying victory
Repeat ...
Mekabel / receive
the impulse / seething / sensation
ratz / push
Tohu (earth)
meets Elokus (water)
the binding force
shav / pull
grabbing more earth
solidifying construction
of new self
emulating our Creator
refining true self
appreciate the gift
the binding force
of ratzo vshav
Having patience
In the process of