11-28-21 Chanuka

Reva Emunah Chanuka

Nov 28, 2021
Bina liba

So much light on the 8th night
Moshe rabbeinu
Create an emotional space
We Breath in the reality of this space
We remove the Orla
By singing
The vibration of the voice creates joy
And space.
Song connected to the meditative state
We practice seeing with our heart
The interface of physical and divine beauty
Esav form
Yakov spirit

We are beginning to create the vessel
From rosh Hashana building or makif
On the level of keter
The realm of possibility
Now we are integrating this light
Even good changes
Are changes of reality
We get this light - with time to integrate.
Chanuka is the time

A state of consciousness
Of a disconnect of light and vessel
Take yavan
Add the hey
We get YONAH
We become the Dove
Divinity and material find each other
In kislev when the rains stopped
Finally the time of year we are not hovering

Is not seeing Hashem’s light
Making an effort to see beyond the veil
Seeing with our heart.

The nissim happened through the kohanim
We are all kohanim
In peaceful service
How to walk in a peaceful way with one another

We don’t have the right to use the lights
We can wow
Each persons livishim colors. Hashems lights are shining through
We are meant to be falling in love with GD
By falling in love with the person in front of us

Tuma. Atume to be blocked
An experience from being disconnected through the light divine
Beauty is wonderful but not when disconnect from source
Chein is seeing Hashems light through that person
Get connected to our Kodesh kedoshim.
Kodesh - a bit more connected
Kadosh Kadoshim is my insides
So tender
So connected to truth

The idea of these lights
We practice 8 nights
We reopen sefirot
Opening chesed tonight.
By the end
We sing full hallel
Singing itself opens us to the possibility of renewal
To the level of grace

Song Open the eyes of my heart

Lengthening breath
Rabbi Nachman
Breath brings us mochin dgadlut
Adding more oxygen
Allows yishuv hadaas (the nervous system)
Take a bigger breath
Kanfei haShechina

We blow breath from the inside insides
Not makif
It’s accessible to us
Literally inviting
Hashem Hey
To those dark places

It has an illusion it has its own existence.
Rabbeinu says our consciousness.
Is like a wick that is lit
And the main way to be able to rekindle warmth in our lives is through breath.


We’re it no for the wings of the heart over the lungs
Then the heart would burn up the body.

A state of shov
Ratzo like totally nadav v avihu
Inhale exhalation
In a rhythmic flow of connection
Not floating away
Or conquers
Inside outside

Heart is fire
Brain water
If not for the lungs. One would devour another
One dissolving the other
Both receive space
Something on the level of miracle
Mateh but Lo Mateh
Reaching but not touching

Lengthening the breath
Part of Chanuka
Is a fixing of the mind
A part of our mind

By lengthening breath we are inviting more Ruach breath.
Our state of mind yishuv hadaat is connected to our breathing.

During states of trauma vortex
Settling the nervous system.
As you look at the candles
Take a slow breath
From a new type of mind
Letting go to control
Surrender to the samech
There’s nothing I have to try
To get

Healing from the treasury od unearned gifts
We prepare the vessel and then let go
And receive the gifts of chinum

Rea lungs
Reah how we see things
Mateh vlo Mateh
The trying to have an experience closes us
We let go and become SOFT
Not overtaking the heart
Can rise to the consciousness

The delicate balance of oil and wick and flame

Mevhabe if not enough oxygen. Will suffocate the light.
All of the vessels.

The actual AIR
Rav Ginsburgh the atomical number of oxygen is 8

Loud song hallel
High vibrations
We are purifying the air
The air we breath fills reality
If it’s filled with fear
That’s what we breath
Purify the air of your home
Just ahava Simcha achdus
Put it into the Air.
You’ll get it back.

Bring Hashem into the story
Lengthen your breath
Calm the construction
The level of 8

Chanuka Bet. Section B
Halacha likutei halachot.

Any suffering
Construction of feeling or believing
We are alone.
Missing TFE interconnectedness
Feeling cut off from our selves
A state of wholeness
All my parts find a place to land.

right before we go into lighting Chanukah candles
Sadness has sealed through the heats of am Yisrael.
From where our nefesh BeH rumor comes from
So we seek to connect from a place of sadness
That’s where suffering begins
Then we do an addictive behavior

When we get a taste of Hashem coming into the space
Then HODAA comes in
Smile is mashpia on your mochin

When we thank Hashem
Then the muscle of gratitude grows in our bring
A bring bigger than myself
Is fixing things
And releases me
This is the bechinat Simcha
Quality of happiness

Reb Shlomo
You didn’t get what you wanted because yourself so sad
Creates harchsvat hadaas
The breath allows us to expand to receive

Moshe walked by the sneh for years
He didn’t see it. It was burning
Until his vibration
His level of reality was ready

The formula
If you want to get to the state of receiving
You have to work yourself up
Hatama - neural teansmitter
A list of all the things that worked out
Emunah gets stronger

Emunah has a place to land
Situation with child. The more you write it. There’s a bina that’s greater than me.

Based on that. Dance and sing
It creates the vibrational field of Miracles
Takes us the the level of grace. Of 8

When we open a constructed space
Then we restore the flow.

Tokef activated Simcha
Invite moshiach consciousness
By elevating our consciousness

Hatama resonance match
It’s hear
But can’t recognize it if we are stuck in a low vibration
The reward of a Mitzvah is a Mitzvah.

Birkat hodaa rabbi Nachman
Homeopathic remedy of growing gratitude muscles
Where is Hashem showing up to support me.
To I have the hisaron
It’s clearly because it’s not the right time
We are building layers
Days of contractions
He is showing u in ways I can’t begin to understand.
That I didn’t even notice.
A person who has miracles done for them they don’t know

We only feel our bodies when it starts to hurt
Let give it attention before it hurts

We acknowledge and surrender
The ikar of avodat Hashem is that Hashem is showing us the way with Love

Chanukah is about bringing it into our house
Our story
In this space
Meditate to find where Hashem is peaking out
Into the moment of tightness
Turn it into a dveikus moment.

Surrender into trust into the person

Birkas hoddaa vav chot gimel

The whole purpose of a Korban
We’ve done the work to change our nature and Hashem has responded.
Every creature will have a compassionate nature.
Where we want to support and sustain each other in circle consciousness
It has to reach a critical mass
Of those practicing compassionate connection
It flips.
Inside becomes outside.
We’ve already refined our nature.
But what will still remain
Chanukah and purim.
They are about gratitude love and connecting

These are the things we will be focused on
We will be crying and laughing
All those things we thought was most painful
In this low existence
We will laugh. The inside was always good

Not just the sadness stops
The inside of the sadness becomes the birthing point of yeshua
Which is our joy
To see every other being’s potential of being revealed

All the light coming out in these beautiful colors.
Nourish the lights in one bother

 2 circles. Panim l panim.
What’s possible in our lives and what’s infinite

When the Orlah is renewed

Neshima inhalation
Oxygen 8
Our breath feeds the brain

Hey shin mem nun.
Shemen ha Simcha elevating vibrations
Poured by the kohanim.
Energy fuel

Even ha shtiah
the source of real Nevus
Meshsne: change
An elevation to a higher state of consciousness
Chet is chupppah
Lights and vessels

Wisdom teeth binah give is 32
8 lifts me above the story.

Reb Shlomo
We forgive each other
But never the same
8 is when the light comes back between us
When there’s Hashems light is between us
It was to make us closer


12-07-21 Zos Chanuka