On Being an IN-fluencer
IN-FLUENCE: from Latin influere to flow in, from in- + fluere to flow
(Merriam Webster Dictionary)
INFLUENCE may seem like a ho-hum word, but its history is heavenly. The word first referred to a celestial fluid that was believed to flow from the stars. As this fluid reached the Earth, it supposedly affected the actions of the planet's inhabitants—especially the human ones.
(The word influenza has the same origin: the Medieval Latin word influentia. It was for a time believed that epidemics were caused by unusual conjunctions of the planets.)In modern use, the noun typically refers to the power to change or affect someone or something—especially the power to cause changes without directly forcing those changes to happen. Influence can also refer to a person that affects someone in an important way.
I see women on all ends of the “power spectrum”.
There are some that are at no risk of disempowerment (lol). There we need to carefully sus out what is holy power and what is tainted with feminism.
Today I want to speak about the other side.
The women who are wearing the ‘outfit’ that they perceive is theirs, but they have “mis-taken” it.
The women who have tried so hard to be ‘good, pleasing, and acceptable’, according to their understanding of what that means, but who have lost touch with their deepest voice in the process.
Parallel to the “power-continuum” runs the voice continuum. Where are you?
Speaking your truth doesn’t mean you have to be forceful. You just need to believe in it.
In order to speak your truth in a way that reality transforms around you, you have to first know what that is.
This may scare you. Coming into maturity is like that.
But when you come into truth, I guarantee that you will find you power.
That is because Hashem’s "seal is truth", and all His ways are true.
He is the bedrock of truth, and when we connect to Him, we are sourcing not from ourselves, but from Him.
That is why Hashem told Avraham to “listen to Sarah’s voice”. Because it was prophecy.
In the Sarah course, you will learn how to speak from your neshama
and that it has a soft and gentle, loving and compassionate ring to it. And it is received.
You are invited to come out of muteness, find your true voice, and Rise! As a mother in Israel!
You are an influencer! Learn How Here :
Enroll: https://thenexus.org/riseseries/sarah/
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On Being an “In-Fluencer”
I am imagining the prototype Instagram woman
...competing for the most followers.
...not being mindful or in the present
...Snapping her life away in virtual reality.
...entwined in the social media web of externals.
My brain had to do a double-take when I saw the word “influencer” connected to this course on Jewish femininity and finding your true voice. My first reaction was “what profanity! ” my brain couldn’t bridge the inner wisdom and beauty with the external connotation of the word influencer.
And then ... an inkling to go deeper stirred within me. Yes Sarah Imeinu was the quintessential influencer - and still is. We each have the rishimu / impression of her essence within our own femininity / our inner Shechina. Flowing in us… as “Influence” comes from the Latin word influere meaning to FLOW-in.
In her soft, beautiful, humble way, woman IS the influencer - as she receives and allows the white light from Above to flow through her like a prism... to recreate her marriage, and all her relationships. Yes, through elevation work etc. , it happens b’hesech hadaas / without noticing it at first...
It hit me, “YES, I AM AN INFLUENCER!” Little me. After years of conditioning how to diminish my voice - I have learned how to rediscover it.
B”H with the support of incredible mashpias / mentors in elevation, etc., I have found my voice... and now my family members are choosing to listen to me. No longer because I am the voice of the authoritarian mother figure, as they are all adults now. They choose to stop, listen, ask for advice with the desire to go deeper and engage with Daas… as we rebirth our relationships and connect on a soul level, we harmonize and attune to each other’s voices... reflecting the Shechina within.
We become influencers when we activate emunah - which means being present, consciously aware of Hashem, and being patient and non-judgemental - with our self and others - listening to the still soft voice within.
B”H we are now living in a time to be zoche / meriting to experience the malchut rising… within our selve... becoming a microcosmic influencer in our marriages and in the world.
Malchut, is the influencer of all the other sefirot which are cradled between it (below) and Keter (above). EnCircling and CORONAting Robono Shel Olam, the Master of the World.
Equipped with the software and tools of an influencer (pnimius Torah), we rise exponentially to that inner part of Keter ... to the place beyond knowing. Ayn od Milvado.
Nashim tzidkanios / righteous women... May we be aware and present in this momentous process. Patiently receiving and reflecting.... while embracing our position as influencers.