Spread around the world – as lights that ignite
… we find each other. Like a treasure hunt of unity and yearning. Called to action…
Connecting Nashim Tzidkaniot, Righteous Women, of the Jewish People.
KavConnect is dedicated to pnimius [inner] Torah education for women and experiential tools for personal and spiritual development. KavConnect’s mission is to facilitate each woman’s journey into true connection with her self, Hashem and others to reveal her inner G-dliness and to experience transformation and elevation of Geula [redemptive] consciousness by bringing Jewish women together, facilitating Retreats, Events & Seminars to learn and experience pnimius Torah, with the focus on Eretz Yisrael.
The sages state, “In merit of the righteous women who were in that generation, the Bnei Yisrael were redeemed from Mitzraim.” Similarly, “The generations are not redeemed except through the merit of righteous women in that generation.” The ability to leap into redemption is the power of Jewish women.
-Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh shlit”a Gal Einai
“The test of faith is whether I can make space for difference.
Can I recognize God’s image in someone who is not in my image, whose language, faith, ideal are different from mine?
If I cannot, then I have made G-d in my image instead of allowing Him to remake me in His.”
– Rabbi Jonathan Sacks z”l, The Dignity of Difference
Tranquil daughters rise; hear my voice, daughters who trust.”
נשים שאננות קמנה שמענה קולי בנות בטחות האזנה אמרתי
(Yeshayahu 32:9).
The Gemara (Berachos 17a) describes women in their traditional role — supporting the Torah of their husbands and sons — and declares them more reassured of Olam Haba than men are, applying the pasuk, “Tranquil daughters rise; hear my voice, daughters who trust.” (Yeshayahu 32:9). Jewish women in their traditional role are filled with tranquility and trust; we know the work we are doing is incredibly important and spiritually necessary. But the Zohar (brought down in Masok Midvash Vayikra) puts the nuance on a different word in this pasuk: the word קמנה kumnah, arise. Great and tranquil for thousands of years, we fulfilled our traditional roles in trust of the Ribbono shel Olam. But there comes a time when we must rise. Sarah Schenirer opened the gates, and we continue her work as we develop a more intimate connection to Torah.
As we get closer and closer to Mashiach, there’s something rising within women, a deep desire to grow, to learn, to connect to deep Torah and to connect deeply. It’s time for tranquil, trusting daughters to rise in preparation of Mashiach.
-Rebbetzin Tamar Taback More Info Full Article
Seeing the World Through Feminine Eyes
– Rabbi Shlomo Katz
A man can never truly see the world through a woman’s eyes. While, of course, each individual – man or woman – has a unique perspective, the Kli Yakar seems to think that women see the world in a more pure, refined way than men.
Perhaps Miriam was so devastated that Moshe left his wife, because she knew that if he still had the clarity of the feminine voice in his life, he would understand that he needed to summon the greatest twelve women from the nation to scout out the land. And if he had, perhaps everything would have been different.
When they gazed out at the gorgeous hills and valleys of Eretz Yisrael, they would have seen the depth and spiritual beauty of the holy land.
When they walked the dusty deserts and rocky landscapes, they would have felt their roots in the sacred soil between their toes.
When they breathed the air around them, they would have intuited their eternal connection to this otherworldly place.
When they tasted the fruits of the land, they would graciously internalize the gift that had been bestowed upon them.
When the women returned to the nation on a spiritual high, beaming with the glow of the Holy Land, the Children of Israel would have spent the night celebrating with gratitude to Hashem and excitement for their future.
Just like after they crossed the sea, Miriam would have led the people in joyous singing and dancing. They would not have had to wander in the desert for forty years, and they would not have invited the destructive forces of Tisha B’Av into our history.
When we look at the tumultuous past and painful present of the Jewish people and humanity at large from this perspective, imagine we could all see the truth, that the world around us is a blessing from above, despite the challenges that come our way.
This is just a small portion of perspective, through the eyes of our most precious, mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters of the Jewish People.
See full article:
Emerging Geula Consciousness.
We’ve become healers, artists of the soul, sparks of Miriam, reuniting and moving forward toward our next great gathering at the sea. Decorated tambourines tentatively in hand, well-worn emunah intact, unsung songs and unexpressed longing pouring forth from our hearts and souls in harmonized voices praising the One who has treasured us and supported us during these profound, turbulent times.
Becoming the Vessel.
Bring your song. Become the blessing. Share your prayers. We’re going to dance the dream and sing the vision that’s been planted within each of us, as we yearn and wail through the distractions. We will gather as many women as we can to become the vessel of our collective song and dance. We learn from Miriam must do what she did then, now! We are trying as we wait.
Uniting & Binding Our Collective Will.
We are seeking and finding each other and binding to our collective desire, will, yearning, doing, creating, and designing so we can recall that we’re all part of one organism, one being, with one heart, the One, Master of the Universe, doing His will, separately, together. That it’s not about my program or your classes or your mission or their vision. Not anymore.
Yearning & Gathering.
Together… to bring H-shem home. Let it be enough that we want You. Let it be enough that we yearn, gather, sing & pray. Together. Arms outstretched, eyes closed, swaying shoulder to shoulder, hearts open, tears flowing. Yearning. For You. AmeIn!